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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Has Black Cohosh or Red Clover helped sweats?  (Read 22501 times)

Jaki T

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Has Black Cohosh or Red Clover helped sweats?
« on: October 03, 2015, 02:33:00 PM »

Hi there

I'm new to this forum but I have tried so much for my sweats with little success  :(

I don't want to take HRT, although I have tried progesterone cream to little avail and also see there are scare stories for this also.  I want to try and take something natural but I am afraid to take Black Cohosh because of the rare reports of liver toxicity.  I have now bought a product containing red clover which was recommended to me, though not started taking it yet. 

I sweat and need to change clothes several times a day.  It is really debilitating. It's not a hot sweat - just sweating so that my clothes are wringing.  :(

Other members experiences welcome  :)


Mary G

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Re: Has Black Cohosh or Red Clover helped sweats?
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2015, 03:03:26 PM »

Welcome Jaki T!  Sorry to hear about your sweating problem but that is exactly what I had when my oestrogen levels became too low.  I never had hot flushes but used to sweat more and in lower temperatures than before, it was like my internal thermostat was not working.  If I became hot and then moved to an air conditioned room, I would sweat badly. 

Can't help you with the natural remedies but I can tell you that oestrogen gel completely cured the sweating problem almost overnight.  Prior to the gel, I spent a short spell on Angeliq which was not strong enough and made no difference to the sweating at all - it contained too much progesterone that was suppressing the oestrogen.  I then had a blood test to check my oestrogen levels, it became apparent that they were still far too low so no wonder the Angeliq was not working.

Now I am on the oestrogen gel I feel the same as I did at 30 (I'm 54) so in other words, back to normal.  If the natural remedies do not work out, give the gel a try, it changed my life!


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Re: Has Black Cohosh or Red Clover helped sweats?
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2015, 05:04:30 PM »

Hi and welcome to Jaki T
Sorry to hear you are struggling with meno symptoms - many of us on MM will sympathise.
Some find Red Clover can help if symptoms are mild so it is worth trying.
Sadly I can't recommend any of the 'so called' remedies as I have tried just about everything with no benefit.
I'm afraid HRT is the only 'natural' way to control the flushes and sweats - most HRTs now contain bio identical oestrogen so this is simply replacing what your body would produce naturally. The progesterone cream is expensive and is not deemed strong enough to really do that much.  As Mary has suggested it is actually oestrogen that will help the flushes and if you have a uterus (womb) then you need to have opposing progesterone to keep the womb lining from building up - there are different types and ways of using HRT so it's worth finding out more to see if it might be an option for you. Sadly nobody can tell you how long the flushes etc will last and quality of life is important.
Do tell us more about yourself - your age and where you are in the your menopause journey?  Why are you so against HRT?
Do read up all the info on this site to get really clued up and get back to us with questions.  DG x

Jaki T

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Re: Has Black Cohosh or Red Clover helped sweats?
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2015, 09:37:48 PM »

Hi Mary

Many thanks. Yes that's what I'm always saying my body thermostat is broken too! Thanks for recommending the oestrogen gel.  Do I get it online or from my GP?  As I say I have been nervous about oestrogen replacements because of bad reactions in the past.

« Last Edit: October 03, 2015, 09:39:32 PM by Jaki T »

Jaki T

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Re: Has Black Cohosh or Red Clover helped sweats?
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2015, 09:49:35 PM »

Many thanks, DG.

I am in my mid-50s and my periods have become more erratic but have not finished yet. I have fibromyalgia which makes it difficult to disentangle what it menopausal and what it FM.  I am averse to HRT because although I know they are known as bio identical they are still made in the lab with certain risks. I know they're not as extreme as the contraceptive pill but I had such an awful reaction to this and very high blood pressure, I don't want to risk anything approximating it, especially as my blood pressure was a bit elevated last time it was measured.:(

But it maybe I will try the gel as Mary suggested if I don't have any joy with other methods. The compound that I have bought does mention oestrogen like ingredients.


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Re: Has Black Cohosh or Red Clover helped sweats?
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2015, 09:50:29 PM »

You have to go to your GP for HRT. You can't use oestrogen without progesterone unless you have had a hysterectomy.
If you have a look and read on the various options at the top of the page then that will help you get to grips on what's on offer. It's best to be clued up before you visit your GP.



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Re: Has Black Cohosh or Red Clover helped sweats?
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2015, 01:11:58 AM »

Many thanks, DG.

I am in my mid-50s and my periods have become more erratic but have not finished yet. I have fibromyalgia which makes it difficult to disentangle what it menopausal and what it FM.  I am averse to HRT because although I know they are known as bio identical they are still made in the lab with certain risks. I know they're not as extreme as the contraceptive pill but I had such an awful reaction to this and very high blood pressure, I don't want to risk anything approximating it, especially as my blood pressure was a bit elevated last time it was measured.:(

But it maybe I will try the gel as Mary suggested if I don't have any joy with other methods. The compound that I have bought does mention oestrogen like ingredients.

The thing that you need to consider is that ALL meds (including the so-called "natural" ones") are all made in a lab. The only difference is that the regulated HRT that you get from a doctor has been thoroughly tested and approved for a specific use. All those other "natural" and alternative remedies have not had the same amount of testing, and could have all sorts of unknown additives. Also, just because something is grown in nature, idoesn't make it will be completely safe for us to consume. Some of these alternate remedies can have serious side effects.

In all honesty, the only "natural" way to treat menopause symptoms is with the approved HRT that you get from your doctor.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2015, 06:00:23 AM by Dana »


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Re: Has Black Cohosh or Red Clover helped sweats?
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2015, 09:24:37 AM »

Jaki T - Dana is absolutely right. It is precisely because the HRT preparations, available here in the UK, are produced in the lab and only available with prescription, that they are safer than the compounded hormones that are available in the USA. Compounded hormones are not usually regulated so the risks are greater.
It is well worth reading up all the info on this site to get really clued up. There are many misconceptions about remedies as opposed to prescribed HRT - after all something that is prescribed has been extensively tested so risks and benefits are well known.  Yes, there can be some side effects with HRT and if you have suffered badly with BCP (birth control pills) in the past I can understand your anxiety.  How you approach coping with the menopause I think depends on 'quality of life' - if your meno symptoms are limiting you life and if appropriate diet, exercise and sensible vitamin supplements are not truly helping, then HRT is an option worth trying.

I would suggest you print off some info from this site, try to find out which GP at your practise is clued up about the meno and make an appointment to discuss things.  If there is a meno clinic in your area ask to referral for advice.

We really understand about the anxieties that many women have regarding HRT with so many scares stories in the press but do bare in mind that apparently 5 years of HRT in our 50s can protect against osteoporosis, heart disease, and even reduce our risk of bowel cancer in the long term.  Using HRT is very much a personal choice but this site is here to educated and support women through this often very challenging time in our lives. Taboo and misinformation can get in the way of a positive way forward.   Keep posting DG x

Jaki T

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Re: Has Black Cohosh or Red Clover helped sweats?
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2015, 12:49:38 PM »

Hi - thanks for all your replies.  Yes, I am aware about the testing and the risk of taking those remedies that are 'natural'.  DG you hit the nail on the head here: There are many misconceptions about remedies as opposed to prescribed HRT - after all something that is prescribed has been extensively tested so risks and benefits are well known.  Yes, there can be some side effects with HRT and if you have suffered badly with BCP (birth control pills) in the past I can understand your anxiety.   And that is the issue. For me it's not so much misinformation or scare stories, it's past experience. No matter how great or little the risks there is nothing so reliable as one's previous experience and when I was on the contraceptive pill my blood pressure went through the roof and I really felt if I continued I would have a blood clot. I felt I had a lucky escape.  My BP took a long time to go down too, even after I stopped taking it.  It was top end of normal before I took it.  So although it may prevent some against heart disease I have been burnt I'm afraid. However a gel might be very much diluted so I won't rule that out.  I am seeing my GP tomorrow so can mention it again.  Or maybe she has some other suggestions.  The 'natural' oestrogen I was referring to contains red clover and phyto oestrogens. I've not heard any adverse affects to Red Clover (unlike Black Cohosh where there has been some research and rare negative reporting) but that's not to say there are none. x


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Re: Has Black Cohosh or Red Clover helped sweats?
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2015, 01:26:38 PM »

Thanks Dana  :foryou:

Foxgloves are natural ……….. (digitalis)  ;)

Some people find that 'herbal/alternative' remedies help but when their hormones overwhelm them the effect is lost.

"progesterone cream ….. "  via your GP?  some HRT has to be used on a regular basis to gain good effect.  I certainly know if I don't use my VA treatment often enough  ::)

Scare stories in the Press are often that: scaring.  Because the Press pull out what they want to sell papers with and the research can be years old!  >:(  Also: there's that proverbial bus round the corner  ;)


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Re: Has Black Cohosh or Red Clover helped sweats?
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2015, 01:38:48 PM »

Hi jaki

The thing to bear in mind is not whether the oestrogen is 'natural' to plants or horses or whatever, but whether the molecule shape and structure is exactly identical to that which is made in the human body.

Also the BCP delivers far higher levels of hormones and often a different type of hormone than most HRT - why don't you look up the ingredients of the BCP that you took and then compare them with say a low dose HRT patch ....  Use the tabs at the top of the page for examples and then Google them for exact contents. Ask your doctor which bit of the pill raised your blood pressure..

There is research to prove that Japanese ladies who have a diet high in soy do not report many menopause symptoms - however they are now dealing with an epidemic of osteoporosis.

Speak to your doctor and then do lots more research !





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Re: Has Black Cohosh or Red Clover helped sweats?
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2015, 01:41:13 PM »

Thanks Pollie!  It's true too that the Asians are eating far more Macs and KFC  :o which has altered the whole way menopause in particular is affecting ladies  :(

Jaki T

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Re: Has Black Cohosh or Red Clover helped sweats?
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2015, 01:48:14 PM »


No it's not scare stories from the press, it's from my own experience - see above post of mine.

I did get unlicensed projuven cream from my GP for a while on prescription but as soon as they started to charge for it I ordered Serenity Cream online. Not sure it's doing that much really.


Jaki T

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Re: Has Black Cohosh or Red Clover helped sweats?
« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2015, 01:51:52 PM »

Hi Pollie

It's so many years ago since I was on the pill I have no idea what levels were in it, it wasn't this GP or even the area I'm now in. I think it was microgynal I was taking (?), something like that, and a pretty low dose at the time. I suppose it may be on my records somewhere but don't think my GP will have time to go back nearly 40 years ago especially with the pressure on time and I have other things I need to discuss with her.


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Re: Has Black Cohosh or Red Clover helped sweats?
« Reply #14 on: October 04, 2015, 02:07:53 PM »

Jaki T
You really need to try to put your past experiences behind you. Even the new BCPs are different these days and may not give as many problems as the older types that our generation took.
I am wondering why you have an issue with blood pressure?? If you do try HRt they will test your blood pressure beforehand and if it is high this needs to be treated anyway.
Do you exercise at all? Are you carrying a bit too much weight? For many women a good diet and exercise regime is vital in coping with the meno and if you do have problems with your blood pressure then this can be controlled with Beta blockers alongside HRT.  Your GP may suggest an SRRI/AD to help control the meno symptoms but many of us on MM feel this should not be the first line of treatment for meno symptoms - they also bring their side effects and problems and HRT does bring other benefits which an SRRI can't e.g HRT can help prevent vaginal atrophy and bladder problems. 
Just to clarify - you will not be allowed to use Oestrogel even in a low dose without some form of progesterone but there is also the bio identical progesterone you can try - this is called Utrogestan. DG x

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