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Author Topic: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?  (Read 122344 times)


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #165 on: October 21, 2016, 04:31:57 PM »

I have that armpit pain to least now I know I'm not alone


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #166 on: October 21, 2016, 05:19:12 PM »

Hi ladies, I have had the arm pit pain from time to time too. It does feel like a sore hair folical.

Sparkle, my throat is terrible down one side so I am dreading going to bed tonight because if I get the reflux again it will be raw. I have been careful what I have ate all day and had some ginger tea after dinner just now. But yes, one side of my throat has been sore all day. What is the pepsin? I am not familiar with that term. I have thought about trying some gavisgon tbh. I had some almond milk this afternoon and it did soothe it. But it seems everything we read, even with natural products, we are told not to use too much. The problem is we want to feel instantly better and it doesn't happen like that. My throat has not been this sore for some time so it is worrying me now.
I have not tried alkaline water - not exactly heard of that either. I am drinking bottled natural spring water at the moment. It doesn't matter where you look there's a negative.


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #167 on: October 21, 2016, 09:47:46 PM »

I am exactly the same regarding bed Sparkle, hence my turning my lappy back on and looking in here. I am normally in bed well before 10pm. When I saw my doctor around four weeks ago she told me to increase the 20mg Omez to 40mg to take at night altogether. As I don't like taking even 20mg I have not done this. I had some 10mg so used them to make it up to 30mg - not quite so bad but I ran out of those and as I wasn't doing it for long enough I don't know if they would have worked. I am so frightened of going to bed and getting more reflux over where it is already sore. I keep sliding down the bed with the wedge pillow or whatever I use. I keep burping too. I have got rid of it before when it has been like this but I am worried more this time as I normally get it under control myself within a few weeks to start seeing a difference. I have to say I am all over the place and keep slipping up, but it is so difficult to know what to eat and drink. I am trying to cut out grains, but it is in so many foods. Even the gluten free doesn't seem to be suiting me  now and I am not having much of it. Yesterday I ate chocolate and hubby did some banana and custard. He put loads of sugar in the custard so I know that hasn't helped. So maybe that is why I was so bad last night.
I just don't know what to eat anymore. Even potatoes aren't supposed to be good for it. What are we supposed to do :(
I daren't even read about the pepsin at the moment. I just want to have a healthy stomach and throat. It's so depressing Sparkle. Sorry I am not of any help - I feel like you do and am terrified of medications so it's a vicious circle for me. I am sick of spending hours on the net looking for some miracle cure. This is such a horrible condition. People don't know how lucky they are to be able to just eat what they want and enjoy a nice cup of tea or coffee. I used to take it all for granted. I will have to look at foods with above ph 8 now. Even my spring water is below that - 7.4ph. I will have to see what else I can find. I have taken the 40mg tonight as I feel I have no other option. I just hope it works.  Oh to relax and have a restful nights sleep in a comfortable position. I hope you manage to get a decent night's sleep Sparkle. It makes all the difference to get through a night without the refluxing. At least we know we aren't alone. If only we could both do this and say, 'sod it!' :drunk: lols. 

Take care xx


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #168 on: October 21, 2016, 09:53:01 PM »

I meant to add that my doctor said to go back to her if there wasn't a difference in two weeks time and she would look at some other options to try. I might have to do that.   

Let me know how you go on x


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #169 on: October 22, 2016, 10:35:41 AM »

Aww, it is good we have found each other in here suffering the same horrid symptoms, Sparkle. Last night I put two pillows in an upside down V on my wedge pillow and then put my 'head' pillow on top. It's a wonder my head wasn't touching the ceiling lols! It was quite comfy though and I wasn't aware I had the reflux during the night apart from around 6 this morning when I changed position and nodded off again. One side of my throat is still sore today. I am hoping it is from the other days still recovering and not from reflux last night. I am mostly like you in that I can wake up symptomless and then the soreness comes on shortly after something I have ate.
Now here is something for you to mull over - Alpen cripples me! I love it but have had to cut it out. I have not tried it for a long time.  In all cereal, including oats doesn't suit me. The only thing I do have is gluten free rice crispies but even they affect me sometimes. Though it is mostly when I have used cows milk. I am using the unsweetened almond milk at the moment. 
I have been to the shops this morning wondering what I can have to eat! I ended up buying a small gluten free loaf and have just had a slice. I have some ginger tea at my side which I will have when it's cooled down a bit. See how that goes ::) But still got that sore left tonsil! I am praying it goes soon.

From what I have read combining - do you mean a meat with carbs? If so it isn't the way to go. Sorry if I am misunderstanding, but my research says eat carbs with veg or eat meat and fish with veg. Do not eat potatoes with meat or fish. It's a pain in the backside to not be able to enjoy those foods together but I am going to have to abide with it at the moment. The books I have are not combination diet. They are called something like, 'The No Pain Diet' and are by Sherry Brescia. If you look her up you'll find the info. I stuck to this a long time years ago and it definitely helped and I lost weight over time too. Problem is I slowly got back to my old ways, as per usual. Hope I can get myself sorted this time :-\

I worry about taking more of the omez type meds too as when you look info up it tells us that because we have the stomach acid lowered some of our foods aren't digested efficiently and sit there, thus causing heartburn as we can't digest properly. I actually said this to my dr on my last visit and she said, 'No, it takes your acid back to a normal level.' She is lovely but afraid I am far from convinced, and like you I have heard we get the heartburn because the acid is low, not too much. What the hell do we do? I have so lost trust in the powers that be but if they won't help us, who will :o

Anyway, I am glad your throat felt easier and hope it continues to improve :)


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #170 on: October 22, 2016, 10:44:00 AM »

Sorry Sparkle, I just read back and forgot to add that I think it is all the ingredients in the Alpen. Maybe that wouldn't be for everyone, I think I have a bit of a wheat/gluten allergy. My son has had similar symptoms and he was tested but it came back negative. However I think it can still be an allergy for some people even when the results are clear.  I do find sugar to be a real no, no. Just about everything really ;D Got to laugh or I'll do the opposite!



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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #171 on: October 23, 2016, 02:09:38 PM »

Hi Sparkle, I reckon we are mirror images lols. Today I had almost the same dinner as you! Carrots, broccoli and cauliflower with smoked river trout! For breakfast I had rice krispies with almond milk. I have also had two small cups of ginger tea after the meals. It's said to be very anti inflammatory. My tonsil's not sore today. I felt some acid squirts overnight but so far so good with the throat. I have felt some indigestion twinges after the fish and veg meal - which is odd. It makes me wonder if it is the double dose of omez causing that. Not sure whether to  have a double dose tonight or not. I did try another acid suppressant early on and it worked well but gave me terrible palpitations day and night. Doctor said this was because it worked through the heart. The omez works through the kidney. I am not sure if it was lansoprazole or something else. My husband is on lansoprazole without problem. I will have to ask the doc about this. I do think I have been on omez too long and maybe my body has got used to it.
Talking of the tonsil side - initially it was my right one  inflamed. Now it is my left side. But I have to sleep on my left side as when I do on my right the reflux is worse. Something else the same for us lols. It is a pain though. I managed to go out last night for the planned meal and I had chicken tikka masala and chips. I didn't eat the bread nor poppodum which came with it. I then had a gluten free cheese cake and it appears to have been ok.
I have had my wedge pillow a year and it is probably not as firm as it was. That's why I lay the other three pillows in the way I did. Try that, Sparkle and see if it gives extra support. You may get away without buying another for a while. I just wish the night reflux would stop as it's awful when it wakes you up. It was short spurts last night. Sometimes it wakes me up and I can't swallow for a few seconds. That panics me. If I sleep on my back if mostly happens so I avoid that.

Here's to a good night for us both  :drunk: Oh for some miracle cure for us all :)


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #172 on: October 23, 2016, 04:31:21 PM »

I never thought of putting the wedge pillow under the mattress, Sparkle! My poor hubby is putting up with me on my high pillows. We are a right pair because I have to sleep on my left and he has to sleep on his right due to an old work injury on his left shoulder. What we come to lols!!

Strangely last night I kept having that squirt of reflux on my left and then feel to sleep on my right and didn't get it!  I reckon I am going through another change, never mind the menopause! I am hoping and praying I don't get any reflux tonight. Incidently, when do you take your medication? I take mine at night time and around two to three hours after food. It is odd because sometimes when I take it hours after an  empty stomach I have had the reflux and sometimes when I have had a substantial meal and wait just the two hours after I have a reflux night. Other times it can go either way. At the moment I am not finding a right one.  But at least tonsil irritation/soreness has abaited for now.   I do think it is food combinations and it is difficult, not to mention boring to stick to it. I am trying very hard at the moment.

Another thing, I do think suddenly changing how and what we eat can make us feel wobbly, out of sorts or headachey. I have felt quite weak at times, especially during the first weeks when I have changed eating habits, even though it is much healthier and I make sure I have proper meals. I even wonder if that is what brought about that aura migraine. It could well be to do with the sugar levels changing. I have cut most of mine out but have to have a treat at least once a week or I'd go crazy.  Speaking of which, the mini rice cakes with chocolate and coconut topping sound yummy! 

Some days I feel odd, like I am not quite 'here', fuzzy headed, ears rumbling, off balance feelings. I do wonder if some of it is nerves as I tend to be worse on Sundays - and I have never liked Sundays. I sometimes think I subconsciously breathe differently and bring some of those feelings on because they can go as quickly as they come, and if I find something unintentionally to take my mind from how I feel.

I hope your scan is clear - could well be IBS. I have had that pain before and it has cleared when I have been to the loo properly. It can take time to settle.  xx


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #173 on: October 24, 2016, 06:25:29 AM »

I get all these symptoms, luckily not all together! I find some are there all the time and some come and go with my cycle. E.g. Sleep patterns change through out my cycle, as do my obsessive thoughts. My bowels habits change too but I'm constantly having a blocked nose. My headaches have got worse too. I also keep getting a short sharp stabbing pain in my nipple, anyone else get this?


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #174 on: October 24, 2016, 01:23:36 PM »

Hi Sparkle, Shellb and anyone looking in - hope you are having a good day today!

When I renew my wedge pillow I will try that out Sparkle. It may be better than how I am using it now so it's worth a try, thanks for that. I am glad your headache wore off, it must be a relief to be rid of it. We can't even concentrate on one ailment at a time, can we! Yes, some days I do feel I need to eat every few hours but I try not to do. I am getting to the point of thinking it would be a better idea to keep eating small amounts instead of waiting maybe four hours between - which thinking about it can't be the best thing to do. I was aware of one squirt of reflux around 5am thins morning but was not aware of more. Throat is not sore but it feels fragile. The only way I can describe it.  I have had a handful of blueberries for breakfast and some water, then an hour later I had a small bowl of rice krispies and almond milk followed by a cup of ginger tea.

A word of warning about bought ginger tea in tea bags - I bought some and drank it for around 4 months. When I had my BP checked it was quite high and something made me do some research. I found out there was liquorice in the ginger tea and apparently liquorice can push up BP. There was a warning on the packet but so small it wasn't noticed. So always check for liquorice in herbal drinks!  But back to my food intake for today - I just had some buttered wholemeal glutenfree bread with some green salad ::) So appetising -  not lols! I am having bubble and squeak tonight with stuffed mushrooms and maybe an egg if the throat is settled.

Sparkle, I just don't know what to do for the best tbh. I am wondering if it is the Jacket potato that has caused the reflux as I have had this happen many a time and my throat has become sore after one. Then other times I can get away with it. I am hoping my potato dish won't start it off tonight.  I only take my omez at night time around half an hour before bed and on an empty stomach. I am wondering to try to have a small amount of food afterwards, but not sure what as it will be a snack. Maybe I will try to find plain unsugared biscuit. I'll probably need to make my own as everything is so full of sugar and sweetners. I don't get how Drs rarely agree on the right way to take them.  I have bought some of the Gaviscon this morning so may have some later if my throat feels the same.
I am the same with many symptoms like the one in your side, Sparkle. I can have a pain which niggles for weeks or months and then it disappears but can reappear moths or even years later. It does sound like irritable bowl symptoms. It's about the only thing I haven't had up to now. Hope I haven't opened my mouth for an invitation! But my friend has the condition and gets pain in that area with flare ups.

Shellb, the obsessive thoughts I can relate to remembering back when I had cycles. I don't have cycles now but unfortunately do have those thoughts from time to time, though I think for different reasons. I have had the stabbing pain in my nipple, but few and far between. Just make sure it's not anything to do with the fit or style of your bra.



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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #175 on: October 25, 2016, 05:51:56 PM »

Hi Sparkle and everyone!

I stayed over at my daughter's last night so this is the first chance I have had to come in. I am glad to hear you are feeling better than you did and hope the queasy feeling and horrible taste at the back of your throat has gone. I have had a little of that appear during the day with the taste. Oh to be symptom free for more than a day or two. It really does put a dampener on mood.
I have felt so miserable today and everything has been a struggle, yet I should have enjoyed the day as it was a nice one. I just can't stop worrying about my health. I had my bubble and squeak meal, but with chicken instead of egg. The stuffed mushroom should have been a no, no and I did not finish that. It was very rich. I don't know whether it was that or the mash potato - or even the chicken ::) I waited 2 and a half hours after the meal and had my Omez. It was an hour and a half later that I went to bed yet I had the dreaded refluxing. Everytime I dropped to sleep I was woken with the feeling of liquid in my throat. In the end I was afraid to sleep but did eventually drop off for some considerable sleep as I woke feeling I had. My throat has been pretty ok though but I am just feeling so down about it and am dreading going to bed. I don't get that I am having 40mg and it has still happened. But I have only done that dose for four days so maybe it will kick in soon. I hate taking that amount and don't want to take it permanently.

I have wondered about taking one morning and night instead of both together. I definitely need one at night as it is when I lie down it is worst. I have taken the gaviscon after breakfast and lunch today. Not sure whether to take it tonight due to the two hour gap. Do you know if it is safe to take two hours after the omez tonight? Actually I have done that before, some years ago.

You must be right about the IBS connection Sparkle, with it being all attached. Makes sense really.

Oh well, back to my boring ginger drink to see if it helps ;D


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #176 on: October 26, 2016, 02:54:10 PM »

Thanks Sparkle,  It is the haitus hernia the problem for me too with the reflux. I will certainly ask the doctor of any other meds to try though. I had a better night last night, stacked up with pillows lols. I had one 20mg two hours before bed and then some of the Gaviscon. Fingers crossed that is helping. Not entirely symptom free today though. My throat rarely feels perfect nowadays. Funny taste has gone for now.  I totally agree with you about the digestive problem with increasing the meds and I bet diamonds the food does sit there and ages to digest. It makes sense that is what happens but doctors don't appear to be acknowledging that, which is worrying. When I took the 40mg I was having twinges of indigestions pain in areas  I mostly don't get it, sudden sharp pain.

Thanks for telling me about the Burning Sensations thread - I will look to carry on the subject in there now - see you there! :)


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #177 on: October 28, 2016, 12:27:30 PM »

Hi ladies, so sorry for late responses, away at the moment and not up to date with all threads!

Autumnlady, I am so sorry to hear of your recent losses, it's hard enough to cope with one but a succession can push us too hard. Grief and stress can most definitely affect us in a number of ways both physically and mentally. I have two friends whose periods stopped very suddenly, one as a result of the sudden devastating loss of a child and the other the very sudden loss of her husband. I have no doubt that the enormous stress you've experienced could have triggered your migraine and certainly the anxiety you are now experiencing. Did you ever receive grief counselling?

Bright sunny days are my nightmare and I have to wear sunspecs constantly. The flickering light driving between buildings in a cityscape will trigger a mig as will low sun when driving. I have my back to the sun as much as possible (bit tricky when out walking!).

Menomale, I'm sorry to read about your migraine experience too: I too am completely unaffected by foods though now totally avoid alcohol since a nightmare migraine from hell after a couple of glasses of champagne many years ago. Sudden weather pressure changes most certainly affect me and as mentioned above, bright sunshine is a terribly inconvenient trigger. I can't ski anymore because the landscape is too bright. However, hormone change is my overriding trigger. I'm so sorry too to read of your recent losses and struggles. Life is certainly testing at times.

Sparkle, we've talked about your sister and how her loss affected you, how can pain like that not affect us both physically and mentally? It's devastating.

MaryG, I send you my condolences too, so sorry to read about the loss of your brother.

Love to you all and all the other lovely ladies contributing here x  :hug:
« Last Edit: October 28, 2016, 12:52:56 PM by Elizabethrose »


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #178 on: October 28, 2016, 01:52:55 PM »

Great topic....

Mines are similar
Sore joints, weak, flu feeling, memory loss, dry peeling skin, vaginal dryness, fibroids, thickening of the womb, anxiety, insomnia, blurred vision, hot eyes, irritability, hair loss, anaemia,feel stressed, out of sorts, spaced out, bloating, low libido, ringing in ears, glut in throat, feeling of being overwhelmed with any activity etc within home or out, tearfulness....feeling totally disjointed from the person I was. X
« Last Edit: October 28, 2016, 01:54:45 PM by renee »


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #179 on: October 28, 2016, 02:36:33 PM »

Thank you so much for your kind words Elizabethrose. I hope you are enjoying your holiday and it's lovely of you to pop in on your break. I can see what you mean about the sun and flashes of it between buildings. I have been very aware of bright lights and sunlight since my migraines as it feels like I have looked at the sun too long and that's when it starts. Oddly some of the worst times have been when it's dull and overcast with a bad light and then a bit of sun peeps through. I haven't been to grief counselling but really think I might have too as I am having terrible sad thoughts which are really affecting me. I am trying so hard to fight it and even feel bad for coming in and moaning. I am normally the one who helps others and tries to put their minds at rest. I haven't the energy right now to keep doing it, so apologies if I am appearing so wrapped up in myself. Sparkle, bless her has been helping me, as have some other lovely ladies. Thank you all.
Renee, sorry to see you are feeling so bad too. I certainly understand when you say you feel totally disjointed from the person you was  :hug:
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