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Author Topic: Hello - 25 Years on HRT and want to come off...  (Read 3557 times)


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Hello - 25 Years on HRT and want to come off...
« on: August 17, 2015, 04:10:57 PM »

Hi   My name is Janet and I was diagnosed with POF when I was 23 - think it happened in my teens - and have been on HRT since then..    Over that time my breasts have grown (now enormous) and I have steadily put on weight, which I can't shift no matter what I do.   I suffer with autoimmune issues - and my doctor thinks that I have Sjogren's syndrome - I have times when my health suffers - breathing issues, strange skin rashes, fatigue, receding gums and general dental issues... 

So I have had enough, and with some research and the more I read, it really sounds like HRT for long periods of time is not good for you and causes all sorts of issues.

At the moment, my doctor says that I cannot stop HRT until I am 50 (I am 49 ???) - I have recently changed from femoston 2/10 - which I took for a long time, but suffered with really bad PMT and cramps as well as heavy bleeding, quite debilitating.   Now I am on femoston conti (Estrogen) for two months now, but still have break through bleeding every 2 weeks....

I am thinking of coming of HRT with homeopathy support and I was wondering if anyone else has found it useful.

Thank you for your feedback and support

Janet  :D 


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Re: Hello - 25 Years on HRT and want to come off...
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2015, 04:36:15 PM »

Hi Janet jcg131 !!


Sorry to hear about your problems and early menopause.

Maybe you could thinkg about changing to a transdermal HRT (patch or gel) rather than tablet HRT and see if it makes a difference to you.  What have you read re HRT and length of time on it? Your body has been deprived of it naturally if you suffered POF when you were that young so you are only replacing what you should have had. The risks (such that they are - and there is controversy about these) only really start to kick in once you reach the natural avergae age of menopause of 51-52 so you can safely stay on it for quite a few years more.  I presume your thyroid is checked regualry re weight issues?

Unofrtunately homeopathy won't do anything to help the physical symptoms of menopause - its only effect is placebo which can work to a limited degree on psychological symptoms and the perception of some mild physical symptoms - but it won't replace oestrogen!

If you want to have a look at the different types of HRT then they are listed here: (look at the sub tabs)

Do hope you manage to sort out something that can alleviate your troublesome symptoms and make you feel better.

Hurdity x


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Re: Hello - 25 Years on HRT and want to come off...
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2015, 05:39:13 PM »

Hi and welcome jcg131
Hurdity is right - she is very knowledgeable.  I had a premature meno which started in my mid 30s - I'm 59 now and still using HRT. The negative effects of oestrogen deficiency in the long term can have quite serious consequences - nobody warns you about the vaginal atrophy and bladder problems!!!!
Do try some alternative HRT methods - if your doctors are keen to keep you on HRT then I would take their advice.  You don't want to add flushes, night sweats etc to your problems.  Have you considered a Mirena?  This usually results in no bleeding at all after the first few weeks and you then use oestrogen as a gel or patch.
do read up all the info on this site to get really clued up.
DG x


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Re: Hello - 25 Years on HRT and want to come off...
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2015, 05:55:08 PM »

Hi  :welcomemm:

Is it possible for you to get a referral to a gynecologist through your gp ? He might be able to discuss your options with you more in depth. If you want to take a break from hrt he might have some input to help you. Failing that given you other issues i.e. auto immune I personally would see an endocrinologist he deals with all your hormones that way you can get help for all of your problems ,it's very tricky to balance them all.


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Re: Hello - 25 Years on HRT and want to come off...
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2015, 07:07:51 AM »

Thank you for your responses - I am currently seeing an gynaecologist and she is keen for me to stay on the HRT for a little longer.   I am concerned about trying a different HRT and even gels or patches, which would be easier on my liver, but in the past when I try a different one it sends my system into a series of bad reactions as I am sensitive to certain types of oestrogen and with patches I had skin reactions....   It certainly, at times, is not easy being a woman.   I spoke with a reputable and certified homeopath who is concerned about the mineral and vitamin deficiencies my body is suffering as well as toxicity with heavy metals, particularly copper, with the long term effect of oestrogen on my body - particularly my liver...
I may choose to stay with the HRT a little longer, but start making sure that my body's minerals/vitamins etc are sorted out with homeopathy.    I will keep you posted.
Janet  :)


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Re: Hello - 25 Years on HRT and want to come off...
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2015, 09:11:15 AM »

jcg131 - I'm sorry to say this but the homeopath you saw is frankly talking rubbish if he/she is implying that HRT will be causing you problems.  How can HRT bring copper to the body??? This simply does not make sense.  Do take some vitamin supplements if appropriate but discuss all this with your gynae before making a decision. The long term effect of a lack of oestrogen is more damaging to you in the long term.  Do listen to your gynae and do consider trying the oestrogen gel with a separate progesterone like Utrogestan as I think it is worth trying. The oestrogen in Oestrogel is bio or body identical so is the same as your body should be producing naturally - so you are simply replacing what should be in the body if you hadn't had an early menopause.  This is why the HRT is important.
Perhaps read some of the posts about Vaginal atrophy and bladder problems that many of us suffer from as a result of oestrogen deficiency? By the way, the break through bleeding on conti Femoston is quite normal for the first few weeks or even months but when this settles you shouldn't get any bleeding after that. If I were you I would be sticking with HRT until you are at least 53-55 to protect you in the long term - it may also be helping with your auto immune issues - some women who have Crohns find that HRT improves things!!! DG x


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Re: Hello - 25 Years on HRT and want to come off...
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2015, 07:43:24 PM »

Hi again jcg131

Sorry to hear you are vitamin deficient - which ones are you lacking and I presume you've had the relevant blood tests? It's usually recommended to get most vitamins from a good healthy diet with plenty of fresh ingredients (perhaps look at improving this first if you've become deficient in some way?) - but if you've been tested for a deficiency I can see you would want to take supplements in the short-term - but you can get these without needing to go to homeopath or doc - except I presume you will need your levels tested again by the doc just to check. Is it one of the B vits or Vit D?

I haven't heard of copper toxicity - but sounds serious. Have you got a problem with excess copper in your drinking water where you live eg from pipes? I found this information although from a US site:

In terms of your liver and HRT - tablet HRT such as you take does go through the liver to be metabolised, and as Dancinggirl recommended, a transdermal oestrogen ie patch or gel would be preferable in the long term, and also if you used a transdermal oestrogen with separate progesterone ( eg utrogestan) then you could hopefully adjust the progesterone so that you didn't get breakthrough bleeding.

Alternatively there are patches such as Evorel or Femseven which may do the trick - and are available as continuous combined ( no bleed) HRT. Sometimes it does take a while for the initial bleeding to settle when women change to conti HRT so hopefully if you decide to continue with this one, it will do so for you!

I sympathise with the weight - unfortunately this is a problem for many of us - and we have to eat less, (and what we do eat should be less calorie dense), and exercise more just to stay the same ( I know I do!). I presume you've had your thyroid checked because this can be a cause of weight problems too?

Hope this helps

Hurdity x


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Re: Hello - 25 Years on HRT and want to come off...
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2015, 09:12:08 PM »

I can't stress strongly enough that homeopathy has zero effect on your physiology. It really, really doesn't. I am married to a scientist and many our friends are medically trained or research scientists.

Homeopathy can be an expensive journey that ultimately leads you to nowhere.


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Re: Hello - 25 Years on HRT and want to come off...
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2015, 02:17:17 PM »

Thank you everyone for your feedback -  I am re-thinking the Homeopathy approach and will arrange an appointment with another Gynaecologist for a 2nd option, and talk about my symptoms and concerns, and find out if gel might be an option.