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Author Topic: Can't cope  (Read 15124 times)


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Re: Can't cope
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2015, 03:36:06 PM »

Hi Cthrnstowe,

With regards to the pains in your stomach, are the upper abdomen or lower? The reason I ask that since 2012 I have had either pains or discomfort in my upper abdomen 24 hours a day, every single day. The lump in my throat, like yours, is caused by reflux. It's a long long story but after several scans, two endoscopies and a 24hr tube-down-throat into stomach reflux test at Barts, I have hiatus hernia and GERD/GORD.

I have been waiting for a Nissen Fundoplication (anti-reflux surgery and hernia repair), but after discussion it's not going ahead because even if they stop the reflux it doesn't stop the pains in the stomach. The only time it lessens is if I do the Cambridge Diet (liquid only) for two weeks, then it just about disappears. Losing weight helps - that's no help to you if you've none to lose though!

PPIs stop the reflux as they completely block the acid receptors in the stomach, but the side effects for me were horrendous and the long term effects are unknown (yet still they dish them out like smarties). This all happened at the same time as the menopause - which is known for causing stomach/digestive problems.

I'm only telling you all this so you know that you're not alone and sometimes the feeling that you're sure that there is something serious wrong turns out to be not true, although you certainly feel like it at the time! It's been 3 years I've suffered with my stomach, all the tests I've had done, and I don't have anything 'major' although I concede that it is a hindrance to my life! I've recently had a CT scan on my stomach and although it has shown up a mass on my adrenal gland, that isn't the cause of my stomach pains and my stomach is clear other than the hernia!

I am hoping that when/if all this menopause madness ends, some of the other ailments will go too - the hormonal anxiety being one of the worst ones!

But you are not going mad, I thought I was too, it just feels like you are! Ask for all the tests you want done, don't hold back, push and pester, if only to set your mind at rest x


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Re: Can't cope
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2015, 03:53:21 PM »

The pains are in my upper abdomen, I have the scan in 2 week, the tablets they have put me on are esomeprazole for the acid reflux, think the doctors are getting fed up of me now, I've started to make a appointment a month in advance just in case anything is wrong, that's how bad it's got me xx


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Re: Can't cope
« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2015, 04:04:06 PM »

Yes upper abdomen is where mine are, I have Omeprazole (same as yours just sight difference in name) but the side effects were too bad for me; blurred vision, panic attacks and anxiety, generally feeling unwell.

Don't worry about docs getting fed up with you - it's their paid job to listen to you and look after you, I think they forget that sometimes, I even had a barney with one of mine, tried to tell me I had IBS at first just to fob me off having any in-depth tests done.

Yes I do understand how you're feeling, that's what I felt like, it's only when I sort of 'gave-up' on the NHS and just accepted that I just had to put up with it for a while, well it was sort of a relief, and the health anxiety stopped.

See what happens after your scan and let us know xx


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Re: Can't cope
« Reply #18 on: August 11, 2015, 04:12:44 PM »

My GP suggested Colpermin tablets - to swallow within the hour prior to eating my main meals.  After 2/3 weeks my poo smelt of peppermint  :D but symptoms eased.


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Re: Can't cope
« Reply #19 on: August 11, 2015, 05:39:14 PM »

Thanks ladies for all your info, will deffo be staying on the forum xxx


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Re: Can't cope
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2015, 07:07:49 PM »

Sparkle, I just bought some probiotics, never had them before so I'm glad you said that!

I've tried Lansoparazole, didn't work as well as Omeprazole but less of the bad side effects. I really think it was hormones that have caused all my stomach issues, I used to have a stomach of iron - could drink and eat anything, never a murmur1

Because of the effects, I'm only using Ranitidine, Gaviscon, Tums etc and with Omeprazole as emergency - the side effects don't come unless I take them 3 days in a row.

What a nightmare - oops I'm going back to read our 'thinking positive' thread! x


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Re: Can't cope
« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2015, 05:28:19 PM »

Hi everyone

I too feel as if I am going mad, I seem to spend my whole life self diagnosing just lately. I had an upset tummy two nights ago, some kind of IBS or similar thing - I've had it before a million times but this time it was such a big deal, I am waiting for it to come back again as if that will prove I am really ill. I keep feeling fuller than normal, quicker - I've just been checked out thoroughly by a gynecologist/blood tests/scan - but since that all came back ok I've now moved my "terminal illness" to my stomach. Started very recently with hot sweats and pretty severe (I think) night sweats. Can't sleep - and I need my sleep - and just wish I never had to work again, not because I am lazy but because it's making me feel so anxious. If I am honest I just want to stay at home where I feel safe. Confidence at an all time low. Thank goodness I found this forum!


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Re: Can't cope
« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2015, 06:00:28 PM »



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Re: Can't cope
« Reply #23 on: August 12, 2015, 06:28:49 PM »

I will do it for her shall I  :poke2:



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Re: Can't cope
« Reply #24 on: August 12, 2015, 06:59:01 PM »



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Re: Can't cope
« Reply #25 on: August 12, 2015, 06:59:11 PM »

Hi Sparkle,

That's quite a low dose of Lansoprazole, so you're definitely not overdoing the meds which is good, I really think PPIs are quite evil though if you can take them without side-effects, well I'd be on them regularly too! They do work well don't they.

Yes the cough, it is a flipping nightmare, real lack of sleep last night, was coughing so much I thought my eyeballs were going to pop out. Silent reflux they say, really? - certainly weren't silent in my house! A couple of weeks ago my throat was so sore that I could only croak at people, so I understand what you feel like. Took me a good few days and loads of sore throat meds to ease it where I'd coughed myself raw.

What sort of problems did your gallbladder cause?


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Re: Can't cope
« Reply #26 on: August 12, 2015, 07:01:29 PM »

Why not Milk of Magnesia or Rennies  :-\


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Re: Can't cope
« Reply #27 on: August 12, 2015, 07:04:20 PM »

Hi CLKD, don't know about sparkle, but for me Rennies & MoM aren't strong enough most of the time, I suppose it depends just how bad your reflux is.


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Re: Can't cope
« Reply #28 on: August 12, 2015, 07:06:45 PM »

Yep.  I try not to eat or take medication within an hour of laying down to sleep.  I find that heartburn begins as soon as I lay down ………. or when I eat too fast. 


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Re: Can't cope
« Reply #29 on: August 12, 2015, 07:12:47 PM »

Yes, no way could eat before bedtime, or anything with tomatoes, chocolate, wine, butter, milk, white bread .... endless list, and sometimes I get it just for nothing, I can even get up in the morning with it. The only time it's ok is on a two-week no solids diet - but I can't do that forever. Sometimes the only partial relief is to throw-up, sorry if that's TMI!!
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