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Author Topic: New to all this  (Read 2732 times)


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New to all this
« on: August 04, 2015, 12:20:15 PM »

Hi,  i saw my doctor yesterday as iv been having some pretty unpleasant symptoms for about four months,  i know long feel like me and was starting to fear i was losing my mind. Shes pretty sure it s the start of menopause.  Im finding this a hard thing to get my head around as iv only just turned 41!!!!!!!!

She was very helpful and recommended i visit here to get support and info so here i am,   :)


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Re: New to all this
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2015, 12:36:01 PM »


I'm fairly new here to and have found the support helpful. I am 45 and found from suddenly being ok and everything going on as usual I have all the symptoms that make me feel off it, anxious jittery and on edge, hope you get the support you need and or helps



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Re: New to all this
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2015, 12:52:18 PM »

Hello Cm1 and welcome to the forum.

I sympathise with you and know how you feel. I also wondered if I was losing my mind or having some sort of breakdown when this meno merry- go- round started.
Your GP sounds well informed and if she knows of this site she is probably aware of all the problems we face and how to help us deal with them.

I hope you find a regime that works for you. Take care and keep posting.



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Re: New to all this
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2015, 01:03:23 PM »

Hello CM1, I am new too - only arrived yesterday.  You have more sense than I having gone for help sooner, I have been like this for 3 years and well on the way to total nutjobdom.  Only just made an appointment to see the nurse today, after some fantastic advice and support here.

The best bit is, we are no longer alone :)


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Re: New to all this
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2015, 01:32:04 PM »

Hi and  :welcomemm:

Great that she knows about this site ! But what else has she given you to help with your symptoms !? Or did she suggest going back after you had read up about it all ? Have a good look around and feel free to ask questions we are a friendly bunch and even sometimes quite knowledgeable  ;D
« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 05:03:22 PM by dazned »


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Re: New to all this
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2015, 04:05:26 PM »

Thanks for such a warm welcome,  i only went to the doc so soon because my friend was worried about how spaced i seemed and stressed,  im never anxious or nervous but seem to be most of the time now,  and cry!!! I never used to cry,  my kids joke im chuck noris,  not any more.

I have to have a blood test next week then go back to the doc to decide on what to do,  she suggested hrt and an anit depressant,  im worried as i react badly to most meds and when i tried going on the pill many years ago was most angery all of the time!!!!

This place is making me feel far less stressed as i can see most of my symptoms are the norm,  many thanks


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Re: New to all this
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2015, 04:16:06 PM »

CM1, I hate the crying - makes me feel such a girl :'(

never been like this in my life and I dont like it.

There are lots of different HRT treatments, and many AD's too - should be able to find something to help you I'm sure.


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Re: New to all this
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2015, 05:06:00 PM »

Just wanted to say hi and welcome. My symptoms started at 39/40 so I know how you feel (I'm now 43). Came as a bit of a shock as most of my mates are still talking babies and trying to conceive (I left it too late  :( ). Felt so isolated til I joined MM. Like others have said, read through the site, ask questions and keep a diary. There are lots of options open to you, especially being so young, so decide which might be best for you. I chose HRT and then the pill (which has helped a lot) but it's all down to personal choice.  There are lots of therapies, supplements etc that can help too.
Remember - you're not alone x


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Re: New to all this
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2015, 10:07:52 PM »

 :welcomemm:  reading the pull down menus top of screen might be helpful, make notes  ;)

Have a read of the daisy network too.  Ask questions! 

Blood tests are reliably un-reliable  ::)


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Re: New to all this
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2015, 12:58:07 PM »

Thanks guys im feeling much more reassured after spending time reading through others story'.
Im finding the tiredness the hardest thing, im normaly very active and just hooving is hard work now, im coming back as a man next time!!! Lol


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Re: New to all this
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2015, 07:38:18 PM »

Hello and welcome

I completely sympathise with how you feel. 3 years ago I noticed my periods were getting much lighter but my PMS was getting much worse.

Then 2 years ago I noticed my PMS seemed a permanent fixture. Then not longer after my 43rd birthday I suddenly started suffering with inexplicable anxiety, feelings of panic and awful insomnia.

Just like you, I thought I was having some sort of breakdown. I saw 2 GPs who were useless. But a third GP was more clued up about peri menopause and referred me to a meno clinic. The consultant there immediately diagnosed me with premature ovarian failure which was causing the anxiety, random depression and insomnia.

I was so relieved that I wasn't losing my mind. I tried HRT for a few months but have just swapped to the BCP as I need my ovaries shutting down completely, I think.

People here really understand what it is like and are so supportive. Keep posting.


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Re: New to all this
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2015, 07:09:30 AM »

Thanks for the support, its really helped to read other peoples story's and know its "normal" to feel so abnormal lol iv always prided myself on being very in control of my emotions so this makes me feel totally helpless, but after joining here iv relaxed abit as im not fighting alone.

Hope your new meds work out it seems its abit of trying new things until we hit the right one!