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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Too much estrogen ?  (Read 21932 times)


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Re: Too much estrogen ?
« Reply #30 on: August 07, 2015, 06:39:07 PM »

All pretty happy, but it's hard to compare as they were starting more from neutral whereas our systems are already demob happy! Sister in law loved the Mirena but it gave her terrible spots (more like boils) which has put me off this progesterone (already take antibiotics for my skin).  It's sometimes hard comparing pills as they have so many different names. This is from the NHS Scotland website which helped me identify which were the same:

 "Rigevidon®, Ovranette® and Microgynon 30® are interchangeable
Millinette® 30/75, Katya 30/75® and Femodene® are interchangeable
Gedarel® 30/150 and Marevelon® are interchangeable
Currently Rigevidon®, Millinette® 30/75 and Gedarel® 30/150 are cheaper".

Thought this thread might be of interest:,28783.0.html

I have decided I have nothing to lose from switching to a stronger pill. If my system objects, I know Qlaira is a relatively safe bet, and even with the blip I had during the low/no estrogen days, at least that's predictable. When I can predict or find a logical explanation for my symptoms, I immediately feel calmer, if that makes sense?
« Last Edit: August 07, 2015, 06:46:02 PM by Briony »


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Re: Too much estrogen ?
« Reply #31 on: August 08, 2015, 01:08:47 PM »

I think it's the more synthetic and androgenic progesterones that cause hair loss. In general, it's the lack of oestrogen and progesterone which cause hair loss (my mum lost loads after she gave birth). Utrogestan (which is bio identical) definitely made mine better - but it shed after stopping it! I have friends taking Levonorgestrel (via Microgynon or Mirena etc) who've had hair loss and acne as a side effect, which I presume is because they are very sensitive to its more androgynous properties.  Most hair loss organisations recommend opting for a more oestrogen dominant, anti androgenic pill, if you want to try the OC.

I think the pill might be out for me as I'm almost 49 (crikey that number is scary!) would love to say I don't feel it, well I don't I feel more like 69!

I have started having spots on my chin too, I never suffered from acne, I will investigate further re:utrogestan, thanks so much for your input , I really do appreciate it

Annie xx


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Re: Too much estrogen ?
« Reply #32 on: August 08, 2015, 04:17:52 PM »

No problem. Really hope you find something which helps. If you did want to go for the pill, someone on here recently posted that they were on it until they were 54. Guess it depends on your GP and your risk factors? The bio identical ones, like Qlaira and Zoely are not dissimilar to HRT (though not all GPs are awware of them or willing to prescribe, given the cost!). Good luck x


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Re: Too much estrogen ?
« Reply #33 on: August 08, 2015, 05:40:17 PM »

No problem. Really hope you find something which helps. If you did want to go for the pill, someone on here recently posted that they were on it until they were 54. Guess it depends on your GP and your risk factors? The bio identical ones, like Qlaira and Zoely are not dissimilar to HRT (though not all GPs are awware of them or willing to prescribe, given the cost!). Good luck x

Thanks Briony
Can I be cheeky and ask what your symptoms were before Qlaira, and what have not gone ? If you'd rather PM I'd understand or indeed if you'd prefer not to say at all I'd also understand

Can't believe I went for years absolutely fine and get hit a 2nd time with all this, life sucks at times

Annie xx


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Re: Too much estrogen ?
« Reply #34 on: August 08, 2015, 09:46:00 PM »

No problem. Really hope you find something which helps. If you did want to go for the pill, someone on here recently posted that they were on it until they were 54. Guess it depends on your GP and your risk factors? The bio identical ones, like Qlaira and Zoely are not dissimilar to HRT (though not all GPs are awware of them or willing to prescribe, given the cost!). Good luck x

Thanks Briony
Can I be cheeky and ask what your symptoms were before Qlaira, and what have not gone ? If you'd rather PM I'd understand or indeed if you'd prefer not to say at all I'd also understand

Can't believe I went for years absolutely fine and get hit a 2nd time with all this, life sucks at times

Annie xx

Of course. Following a miscarriage, I developed severe back pain, palpitations and then anxiety. The pain eased over months but I then got tingling and numbness. My periods became erratic. A few months after what I thought was a recovery, I developed recurring headaches, nausea and crushing fatigue. Would randomly feel dizzy and had blurred vision too. My anxiety reached a peak, especially as I did not know the cause. Began to lose confidence in myself. Would literally wake up and think 'and what weirdness will today bring?'. Horrible times. Became very lonely even with people around me.

A few months later, I realised things would get worse before I came on, but as my FSH was normal, doc refused to make a hormone link. Was another year of weird symptoms, including hair loss, random chills and 'feeling odd' before  I had my estrogen tested and found to be that of a post menopausal lady.

Was told to take HRT due to my age. No difference for a few months, then I suddenly started to feel normal ... Until I stopped the Utrogestan. Then I would hit the most horrible low for up to ten days. Still had random fatigue too. I have now learnt this was during phases of severe fluctuations.

Saw specialist doc who said being younger, I needed something to control my system rather than just top it up. Being high risk for the pill (migraines with aura and family history of stroke) I was advised to try Qlaira first as it's bio identical and a lower, four phase dose.

At first I felt nothing, then had random itching as a side effect. Nearly stopped it but persevered. Got very light spotting for first two months, plus continued fatigue, but psychologically suddenly felt more like old me again. Four months in and I felt fantastic. It wasn't until month six that I suffered bad moodiness and then headache and nausea during the blank pill days. GP reckons I should switch to a standard single phase pill so I can totally avoid fluctuations (if I take packs back to back). That's what I am currently considering - though part of me doesn't want to rock the boat. Maybe I am expecting too much?

Hair loss remained for first six weeks of Qlaira but has now improved massively. My nails have started growing again too! Do get the odd blip, but not days on end as I did before. Qlaira has increased the size of my boobs - something I have always wished for but now find very annoying!

Hope this gives you a better idea of the pros and cons, but feel free to pm if you want to know more.

Hang in there xxx


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Re: Too much estrogen ?
« Reply #35 on: August 09, 2015, 12:03:30 AM »

Thank you for telling.  I'm so glad you're feeling better

Back when I was 32 and post hysterectomy I quite suddenly felt very strange, terrible night sweats, dry skin, sadness, in fact before results of bloods doc gave me a menopause leaflet with 33 symptoms, and I had 32, only thing I didn't have was flushes.  Elleste solo 1mg brought me back to normal within days, then a few weeks later I slumped again so she topped up to 2mg, bloods revealed very low oestrogen, anyhow from 32 to 45 I never gave hormones a second thought, bags of energy, more confidence than I'd ever had, and a real zest for life.

At 45 suddenly felt very poorly, light headed, palpitations, low esteem, withdrawn, loss of libido, body pains and aches, lots.  Bloods revealed slight b12D and peri, was told nothing can be done as already on hrt and so the last 3 years have more or less been the same with a few good times in between.

Bloods continually show good oestrogen levels but prog continues to fall.

That's where my understanding comes from, initial loss of oestrogen but good levels of prog to now very low progesterone, hence my probable 2nd menopause ?

It's the only thing left to try, but I worry that if I introduce prog, it could increase my testosterone and I can't cope with any more hair loss, hospital gynae was no help and GPs at my surgery know even less

Annie xx


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Re: Too much estrogen ?
« Reply #36 on: August 09, 2015, 08:01:56 AM »

Morning Ladies :)

Would it be okay to join in. I joined the forum a while back but now I really do need some help.

Fed up x


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Re: Too much estrogen ?
« Reply #37 on: August 09, 2015, 09:51:37 AM »

Morning Ladies :)

Would it be okay to join in. I joined the forum a while back but now I really do need some help.

Fed up x

Please do  :) x


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Re: Too much estrogen ?
« Reply #38 on: August 09, 2015, 12:08:38 PM »

Morning Ladies :)

Would it be okay to join in. I joined the forum a while back but now I really do need some help.

Fed up x

Of course, we really do value how other people are coping on certain hrt (or without) plus one of us may be able to help you

Such a miserable time for some women struggling with it all

Annie xx


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Re: Too much estrogen ?
« Reply #39 on: August 09, 2015, 12:43:28 PM »

Briony, I completely understand your need to be able to predict your moods more accurately. I am exactly the same. If I knew categorically that I would have depression and anxiety for the same 5 days each month I would easily be able to deal with that. You'd be expecting it and could plan for it.

What is so, frankly, frightening about these peri mood swings is that there's no rhyme nor reason to them. They can come at anytime and last for days or just 24 hours.

It's soul destroying as you can't look forward to anything as you have no idea how you will feel on the day. And it's hard to enjoy anything as you're always braced for the next mood dip.

And when I say mood dip I mean something far worse and more intense than just feeling fed up.

I have just taken my 2nd BCP and am really, really hoping that it stops these mood swings. 2 days of my holiday were lost to depression/anxiety last week and I'm utterly sick of it.

The fact I still had  bleed this month without even taking any Utrogestan proves to me that my own hormones are still pretty strong and feisty.

Interesting what your GP said about running packs together. This is what I intend to do. I just want some emotional stability please.
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