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Author Topic: More PMS in perimenopause - your experiences?  (Read 11159 times)


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More PMS in perimenopause - your experiences?
« on: July 26, 2015, 12:53:57 PM »

I've googled and read some about it now, that PMS can increase in peri. Has anyone here experienced it? If so, what were the symptoms that increased for you?

I ovulated sometime during the last couple of days, and now I feel like a BLIMP... I don't remember bloating right after ovulation before, but rather closer to my period. I also don't remember having oily skin and greasy hair mid-cycle, but I do now. Skin break outs too.

I note symptoms in a period app, and I noted patterns over the last 3 months. Last month, for instance, my skin was also oily during ovulation. Same thing with being gassy. I seem to remember that happening in the days just prior to my period, but now I have a serious problem around ovulation of that too. I wonder which hormone is mostly responsible for all this, and if it's surging or dipping?

However, I have LESS of headaches now than I used to, so there is ONE positive change... ;)

Would love to hear what other women have noted with regards to PMS and peri :)!


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Re: More PMS in perimenopause - your experiences?
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2015, 01:59:09 PM »

When I had 'true' PMS i.e. symptoms in the 10-14 days prior to a bleed, I was advised to eat every 3 hours, 24/7.  Lots of carbohydrates to keep blood sugar levels even.

Hormones can disrupt the bodies coping mechanisms can't it! Bugga.  I'm watching the Tour de France and often wonder how they cope with those feelings, but note that they take on those gels and lots of snacks even when racing, plus bananas.

How is your diet in general?  I found recently that using those energy bars helped, stopped that nausea feeling.  Eating before feeling hungry worked for me years ago too.  Again to stop that lurch = anxiety surges.  Like we need anything else to have to think about at this time of Life  :bang:  Whilst I don't think my feelings are related to hormones in general, I do have a bad relationship with food/exercise so soon get very low, queasy and stop eating.  I went off bananas  :-\

My feelings are around and below the belly button region plus the body is probably hungry below my rib cage …….


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Re: More PMS in perimenopause - your experiences?
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2015, 04:37:35 AM »

The only thing that has actually IMPROVED for me are headaches. I used to get them at least a couple of times a month, and had to take painkillers, but now they are mysteriously gone. Digestive problems have increased, yes. Not to speak about the worrying about the digestive problems. And so has anxiety/depression, for sure! A lot of things that I got excited about before are Odd muscle aches have increased. Luckily, for the moment my left side neck/throat/shoulder area is okay again.

And all this is SO unpredictable. It's not just in the week before my period anymore - it could pop up, and subside, at any random time! Like my oily skin and greasy hair. That stayed around for a couple of days around when I ovulated, but now it's gone again. I used to get that in the days before my period, it would go away with the start of the period, and not be seen until the days before the next period.

Gill Mojo

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Re: More PMS in perimenopause - your experiences?
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2015, 06:27:12 AM »

I can now pinpoint the exact day I am going to start a period. Previous to peri I had very little in the way of pms; now it is horrendous. The day before I am due to start a period I cry almost constantly and, much more worrying, I get extremely angry. I am talking screaming, throwing things, irrational, volcanic anger... over very little. Especially difficult for me to deal with as it takes me back to when my mental issues were out of control in my teens and I tried to put my sister's head through a wall over who should take dad's cup of tea up to him one morning.

In the build-up my depression symptoms deepen steadily, my heart palpitations and anxieties hit epic levels and I feel like a beached whale, alongside sluggishness, barely able to keep my eyes open tiredness and mood swings which make me feel like the swing went up, didn't bother to stop, went over the bar and shot back down the other side! I have constant headaches, and these get worse too.

I already just want it all to stop so facing years of this is hideously depressing.


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Re: More PMS in perimenopause - your experiences?
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2015, 07:01:59 AM »

I would say that yes PMS has been worse in late peri because there is no relief with periods like before. You get the build up but sometimes it subsides without a bleed. I had that in March and was sure I was going to start any minute for days, then it faded and nothing. Building again now so maybe this time one will happen. Earlier in peri when periods were closer together for a while I didn't get it as it started without warning which was lovely!

I would say if you are someone who has suffered with PMT all your life like me you will have a worse time of it. If you are not really a sufferer then you may be ok.I have read on Professor Studd's website that women with a history of PMT or post natal illness may need help in the last couple of years before menopause.


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Re: More PMS in perimenopause - your experiences?
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2015, 04:16:58 PM »

I have suffered with PMS since my very first period. Then I went on to suffer with PND after my first baby was born. I think there's a strong genetic predisposition towards PMS and PND in the women in my family.

Growing up my Mum can remember my Grandmother threatening to throw herself in the local canal once a month  :o My Auntie would throw huge temper tantrums once a month. My cousin would regularly lock herself away for a week every month and refuse to answer the phone or door.

My own Mum doesn't believe she suffered with PMS. But looking back she certainly did. Once a month she would spend a couple of days in constant tears. Or would physically throw things in temper.

When I started perimenopause one if the first things I noticed was that although my periods had suddenly got much lighter and shorter, my PMS was getting much worse and lasting much longer. Lasting from just a few days after ovulation to a day or so after my period finished.

So I was only getting about 10 'good' days a month. My PMS symptoms changed too. I no longer felt irritable and bitchy. Instead I felt extremely depressed and numb. Then I'd get a sudden flash of rage about something utterly trivial. I couldn't bear to be near my lovely DH and convinced myself each month that I must divorce him. And my sugar cravings were sky high. Just disgusting levels of chocolate.

Then one month the PMS just didn't lift after my period ended. It stayed for the rest of the month and within a week I was suddenly crippled with random anxiety.from out of the blue.

I thought I was having a nervous breakdown. The extreme PMS and anxiety lasted a straight 6 weeks and ruined Xmas and New Year. Then suddenly disappeared for a weekend. It was so wonderful to feel normal again.

But within a few days the weapons grade PMS and anxiety were back. I was in Hell again for a few weeks, then overnight they disappeared again.

This became the  pattern. 2-3 weeks of depression and anxiety and insomnia followed by a respite for a week or so.

18 months later and 4 months on HRT and I'm still trapped in the same pattern. When I am 'good' I feel happy and optimistic and love my life. When I am 'bad' I feel despair, can take no pleasure in anything at all and suffer terribly with anxiety.

I am Mrs Jekyll and Miss Hyde.


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Re: More PMS in perimenopause - your experiences?
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2015, 05:07:48 PM »

Oh, GypsyRoseLee, that sounds just like me... :( It sounds like the instensity is worse for you, but I can recognize myself completely in your description of symptoms and experiences!


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Re: More PMS in perimenopause - your experiences?
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2015, 08:35:22 PM »

Mines 10 times worse than when I was in 20's / 30's. The pms swollen boobs, swollen stomach from belly button down, constipation , water retention once they start building up can last a month don't always have a period that's why I  can put 1/2 stone on in a week. Nightmare. That's why I thought seeing if hrt would help. Then there's the temper wanting to throw tin of peas at hubby in tesco cos he was annoying me faffing about with the bag. :)


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Re: More PMS in perimenopause - your experiences?
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2015, 10:47:02 AM »

Today I have one of those days I don't know what to make of... Hot and cold alternating, need to go to the toilet all the time (both types), a red (dry?) eye, sligthly stuffy nose (probably also dry)... Very annoying. I'm about 8-10 days away from my period - I think.

I'm actually now thinking that this recurring red (always the same) eye is also hormonally related. It has happened about 3 times since sometime during the winter. Red and with a slightly scratchy feeling.


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Re: More PMS in perimenopause - your experiences?
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2015, 11:02:48 AM »

My husband always have eye drops on hand so I borrow if I need... :)


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Re: More PMS in perimenopause - your experiences?
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2015, 11:30:54 AM »

My PMS was always horrible but definitely go much worse during my late thirties early forties. I didn't realise at the time that it was all down to the approach of menopause of course but my mum did. That was the one good thing about the hormones beginning to even out - I no longer had PMT before a period. Of course once I started HRT it all came back!

Taz x


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Re: More PMS in perimenopause - your experiences?
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2015, 01:26:57 PM »

Today I have one of those days I don't know what to make of... Hot and cold alternating, need to go to the toilet all the time (both types), a red (dry?) eye, sligthly stuffy nose (probably also dry)... Very annoying. I'm about 8 days away from my period - I think.

I'm actually now thinking that this recurring red (always the same) eye is also hormonally related. It has happened about 3 times since sometime during the winter. Red and with a slightly scratchy feeling.

And, now we can add fatigue, TEARS and depressed mood to the soup... :(


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Re: More PMS in perimenopause - your experiences?
« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2015, 03:19:17 PM »

I'm 53 and a half not that it matters but I thought I might be through it all by now but no. I had a period 3 weeks ago after a 4 month break. My moods are shocking I was so lucky with periods and my PMS was big sore boobs and bloating a couple of days before. But now I am crying every single day, never cried so much in my life, actually not quite every day. My language is disgraceful, I'm so ashamed. I am so unbelievably tired too. I just want it all to be over now.