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Author Topic: Increase HRT dose or try the Pill? Moods still chaotic!  (Read 4272 times)


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Increase HRT dose or try the Pill? Moods still chaotic!
« on: July 23, 2015, 06:43:09 PM »

Well I have been on 50mg Estradot and separate Utro now for 3 months. I think I've given it a fair crack of the whip. But I'm still having totally unpredictable mood swings which are so devastating.

These last 5 weeks I felt I'd turned a corner. Mood much improved, sleeping really well again. I felt really great in fact. But checking my mood diary I see I still had a real mood dip for 3 days a couple of weeks ago then completely recovered and felt great again.

Then on Sunday night my mood really dipped again. Feel very flat and low. Had 2 nights of insomnia. Anxiety is taking all the pleasure out of life.

But these mood dips don't seem to be connected to my cycle. They're random. Right now I 'should' be feeling great as it's been 8 days since my last Utro and my withdrawal bleed finished 4 days ago. But I'm feeling like crap.

Yet at this exact same time in my cycle last month I was feeling great, and writing how happy I am in my mood diary! So there's no pattern to these mood swings.

I don't know whether to ask to increase to 75mg patch or switch to the Pill to kill my own hormonal cycle dead.


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Re: Increase HRT dose or try the Pill? Moods still chaotic!
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2015, 08:24:08 PM »

GRL - If you are feeling generally better then the HRT is doing it's work. I really do think it's a mistake to expect HRt to sort everything.  Mood is a difficult thing to control at the best of times but I've read so many posts on MM where ladies think everything will be better or more consistent if they have more oestrogen or change their HRT. If you are still peri meno then your own hormones will be fluctuating in the background and this could be affecting things.   I assume you do some CBT or Mindful Meditation to help you through your low moods? I've been back on HRT for 8 months now and I can honestly say it took at least 6 months before I was feeling the full benefit. BE patient, don't expect to feel good all the time but celebrate the fact you feel good most of the time.  DG x


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Re: Increase HRT dose or try the Pill? Moods still chaotic!
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2015, 08:48:14 PM »

But I'm not expecting HRT to cure everything. All I'm asking is for it to cure or control my mood swings.

It seems to enhance my good days so that I feel great. But doesn't stop me having bad days/weeks and hasn't improved how low my mood is during these bad times.

I really am not expecting to feel good all the time. But I was hoping to feel good some of the time, and just normal the rest of the time. I could even accept having a few days where I feel a bit low or fed up. But what I experience is so much worse than 'a bit low'.

I knowy own hormones are still buggering about which is why my moods are still so volatile.


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Re: Increase HRT dose or try the Pill? Moods still chaotic!
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2015, 10:18:48 PM »

I feel for you as this is what I was like too. I got frustrated/upset as there was no 'pattern' to my mood swings, so I therefore lived in fear of the next low - to the extent I forgot to enjoy the good days!  Moving to Qlaira has definitely calmed the swings - I get the occasionally, but without the anxiety and 'doom' that enveloped me previously. Even the Qlaira took its time to work - at least four months of side effects at various stages of the cycle. Now I am in month six and I feel more normal than I have in ages - years. Would still like a normal dose pill (Q is v low for a pill) but won't be prescribed it due to my risk factor.

Why not give yourself one more month - say - and then ask to switch if you're still not happy? What have you to lose ? X


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Re: Increase HRT dose or try the Pill? Moods still chaotic!
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2015, 09:23:57 AM »

I think I will follow your advice Briony. One more month won't hurt I guess?

It's great that HRT can often make me feel really good again but it's hard to enjoy feeling good when you're still braced for the next mood dip. Although the word 'dip' makes it seems quite inconsequential when the reality is that you feel absolutely awful. We go on holiday next week and it's impossible to look forward to it when I am in a mood dip, and also I have no idea how I will feel while we're away either. So another reason why it's impossible to look forward to it.

Did you just swap straight to Qlaria or did you have to phase out your HRT? Also what side effects did you have when you first went on it?

I took the Pill for over 15 years but know little about it. I know I still used to get some PMS each month but nothing like the low mood and anxiety I have been getting since going into peri. Plus the PMS disappeared as soon as my period arrived.

Do you still get PMS on Qlaria? With a regular BCP I don't even know if you are taking both oestrogen and progesterone each day?


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Re: Increase HRT dose or try the Pill? Moods still chaotic!
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2015, 11:50:55 AM »

GRL have you got any diazepam to take with you incase you need it ? If not might be good idea to get gp to give you some  ;)


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Re: Increase HRT dose or try the Pill? Moods still chaotic!
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2015, 05:51:12 PM »

Did you just swap straight to Qlaria or did you have to phase out your HRT? Also what side effects did you have when you first went on it?

I took the Pill for over 15 years but know little about it. I know I still used to get some PMS each month but nothing like the low mood and anxiety I have been getting since going into peri. Plus the PMS disappeared as soon as my period arrived.

Do you still get PMS on Qlaria? With a regular BCP I don't even know if you are taking both oestrogen and progesterone each day?

I literally went from day 28 of HRT to day 1 of Qlaira. I took the first pill on the first day of my bleed as I knew this was roughly in line with my old cycle, but for many people in peri, that's not possible to know.

Initially I felt nothing at all - as in normal rather than numb. Then a few days later I had a dull headache which lasted for a week. Nothing major at all.  Around day eight, I developed crazy itching which lasted for 24 hours then disappeared. It recurred again a month later on day eight, but nothing as bad as month one when I nearly gave up (and convinced myself I had some terrible disease never before encountered  ::)). . By month three I hardly noticed the itching. I now realise that day eight is the day the progesterone starts, which I think explains a lot.

For the first three months, I had spotting throughout the month, often combined with sudden fatigue.  This was my first proper blip with it. I called doc and she said it was because the estrogen dose was lower than regular pills. By month five, this spotting/fatigue had disappeared. I also had initial hair shredding (had this already but it got worse). However, again, this stopped within a few months.

PMS is minimal with this pill, as, unlike with traditional ones, there is no seven day break. There are four phases to the pill, with all but two days having estrogen and the majority of days having both estrogen and progesterone (more combined days than with sequential HRT). At first I thought it was complicated, but to be honest, if you stick to the day on the packet, you cant go wrong.  I think it's designed this way to mimic your own hormones and therefore be more 'natural'.

I do get the odd day when I find myself snapping at others - which is generally out of character - but it really is an 'odd' day and no more than what I was like the day before I came on in the past. In terms of anxiety/mood swings, I now feel like I am in control of them rather than them controlling me ... if that makes any sense at all?

The only longer time effect which has remained throughout is inflated boobs. However, they were on the up from the moment I became peri menopausal - I just think Qlaira has sped up the process!

Really hope this helps. I am painfully aware that I am only one person - what works for one may be dire for another. Sadly, due to cost adn the fact it's so new, not many people know about Qlaira (my GP only found out as she had just attended a Gyne course where they were very hopeful it could help people in our situation).  It could be worth you doing what I did and reading other forums. Mumsnet was quite useful (though remember people report negatively rather than positively, in general!).

B x


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Re: Increase HRT dose or try the Pill? Moods still chaotic!
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2015, 05:59:09 PM »

I can't thank you enough Briony, that's really helpful. I really appreciate you taking the time to post all of that.

I have been looking back in my mood diary since I started HRT and there seems to be a pattern of feeling good for about 2 weeks followed by feeling bad (e.g. depressed, anxious and insomnia) for a few days, or even as long as 10 days. But these don't correlate to my withdrawal bleed or anything. I can only think they might be correlating to my own natural menstrual cycle which is over riding the HRT.

Before I started HRT my moods were pretty much the same. A couple of weeks feeling good followed by a week to 10 days of feeling really bad interspersed with a few days of feeling sort of okay but on edge/bit low.

I'm wondering whether any birth control Pill would be effective for me? Or whether it could only be Qlaria?

Your physical symptoms on Qlaria sound bizarre! But I am happy to deal with any weird physical issues so long as I'm not suffering with this nasty depression and anxiety which just saps your will to live.

Did you notice any changes, early on, to how Qlaria affected your mood swings?



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Re: Increase HRT dose or try the Pill? Moods still chaotic!
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2015, 01:21:30 PM »

I think the most popular s/e of Qlaira are spotting and boob issues. The hair shedding and knackeredness could as much have been down to my initial low estrogen as I did have both before I started on the Qlaira. By month five, no symptom was enough to make me want to stop (which I wanted to  a few months in).

In terms of emotions, I noticed a difference fairly early on. My bad days were never any worse than on the patches, and didn't seem to last as long. I think this is because there are more days with progesterone in the pill than there are on the cycle of HRT you and I take/took. (Still makes me laugh that I was dreading taking the Utro when in fact, it was stopping it that made me feel so bad - I ended up getting  what felt like 'post menstrual syndrome' which lasted well beyond the end of my bleed  :( ).

With regard to whether you went for Qlaira or a regular pill, the appeal for me was that Qlaira was bio identical (estogen) and a low dose, which made me think side effects would be less likely (don't know if that's true or not). I also knew I could then always move to a stronger one if necessary. Qlaira doesn't have the seven day gap that many pills have (leading to PMS style symptoms) which was another appeal for me. I suspect that any combined contraceptive would help - Qlaira or otherwise. It's just a matter of personal preference.  For me, my age and the fact I am 'high risk' for the pill, were both considerations too.

You could always book an appointment with your local FPC if you wanted specific advice re which pills are most likely to help with the emotional systems you get. When I went a while back, they were more tuned in than my old GP was (he'd never heard of Qlaira).