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Author Topic: Help needed - coming off femoston 2/10  (Read 10733 times)


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Help needed - coming off femoston 2/10
« on: July 23, 2015, 03:37:38 PM »

Hello - as I was having 3 periods in 28 days on femoston 1/10, my GP increased by dose to 2/10. I have taken this for nearly 2 months. As some blood tests came back at me being very anaemic, I've got to stop taking mid packet. I think I was a few days into the progesterone side. After a week, I've had a small withdrawal bleed but think I'm having withdrawal symptoms. Headaches, nervousness, insomnia and sweats. I'm thinking of restarting 2/10 just so I can taper but how do you actually do it? Take on every other day or cut in half? Any advice would be much appreciated.


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Re: Help needed - coming off femoston 2/10
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2015, 05:03:30 PM »

Hi Mis71mum - This is one of the problems with using HRT in pill form - there is no easy way to come off them.  I think you could try taking them every other day but this won't necessarily make the symptoms any less and you still need to make sure you have a withdrawal bleed to keep your womb lining thin. To be honest I think you are best to simply stop them at this stage. The body can take years to adjust to having less hormones. I assume you must be still in your peri meno stage and, while taking HRT, perhaps your own hormones were fluctuating in the background causing this erratic breakthrough bleeding. Increasing the dose may actually have made things worse.  You could ask for a scan to check if you have fibroids that could be causing the bleeding - this is quite common I believe.
I am just wondering if you need to simply try a different regime having had a few weeks break.
I am certainly no expert but if you can bare to stay off HRT for about 4-6 weeks to see if you still get a natural period/bleed (this would show whether you are still producing some hormones) you could then start fresh on something different.  When I was in the peri stage and struggling with higher dose HRT pills and patches, I was put on one pump of Oestrogel each day (this is a very low dose) with a separate progesterone that I took for 10 days each month to induce a withdrawal bleed. The alternative, which is very popular these days, is to have a Mirena fitted which would result in virtually no bleeding at all and then add oestrogen in patch or gel form. 
DG x


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Re: Help needed - coming off femoston 2/10
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2015, 07:45:52 PM »

Hi Dancing Girl - thanks for your reply. You're right, I do feel like my 2/10 made me worse. Thanks for suggesting the break too, sometimes I'm that wrapped up in what's happening, I can't think straight, so yes am going to attempt a 4 to 6 week break. The Femostan 1/10 did enable me to concentrate on work and got me motivated again so was worried about slumping back to pre hrt mode. I'm one of the most sensitive to side effects person you can get and hardly any side effects with Femostan so have nothing to loose by finding a preparation that suits me best.

I have to report back to my GP in a month to see if we investigate the heavy bleeding. I do have a small 2 cm fibroid / was told this 18 months ago when I had a pelvic scan.

Thanks again for giving me ideas to mull over 😀


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Re: Help needed - coming off femoston 2/10
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2015, 07:55:18 PM »

Hi Mis71Mum

Sorry to hear about the bleeding and problems.

I'm not clear why you have to stop HRT because you are anaemic? Surely the answer is to take iron in some form, if the HRT is benefiting you in other ways?

You haven't said how old you are but another option might be to go on a combined contraceptive pill - there is one suitable for women in peri-menopause called Qlaira - which has estrogen in it - the same type as in our bodies, rather than the strong synthetic ones in some of the pills. This will override your own homrones and should stabilise your moods as well as give you less of a bleed. It does have a synthetic progestogen in it but is does seem to suit some women at this particular time. I can see the logic behind seeing where you are in menopause but if you know you are still peri-menopausal then Qlaira might be the answer?

Hurdity x


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Re: Help needed - coming off femoston 2/10
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2015, 11:47:12 AM »


in agreement with Hurdity.

"as I was having 3 periods in 28 days on femoston 1/10"

This is abnormal bleeding and should be investigated further. Don't panic but your doc should get this looked into.
To dump you into medium dose option without much more checks is not good.

This amount of bleeding is the cause of your anemia.
To not have iron tablets at the moment would be remiss.
Anemia has all sorts of knock on effects that you really dont want.

"i'm having withdrawal symptoms. Headaches, nervousness, insomnia and sweats"

This is just menopause symptoms and the hrt will take those away. Until you get further progress with your doc then keep with them to keep you more comfortable and rested.
Until you get doc you could go out and buy a multivit with iron in it just to try and help you build yourself back again.



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Re: Help needed - coming off femoston 2/10
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2015, 08:51:30 PM »

Hello - thank you all for your replies. I've been away for a couple of weeks and had no signal...didn't want you to think I was being ignorant! Anyway I've been off the hrt for just over 3 weeks and I have to say coming off has been more difficult than getting on them.
Since my last post the headaches have stopped but my anxiety and hot sweats have gone through the roof.  My get up and go has gone! And today someone asked me a question about what I was doing next week and my mind was blank...almost like there really was nothing but cotton wool in my head.
I plan on continuing with the break from the hrt for another few weeks just to see what my own hormones are doing. But I need advice with the next step. If my periods return to normal then I know I have some hormone function and if they don't, then I know I don't have much hormonal activity. But if I return to my GP, what would I ask for hrt wise? Previously I had to ask for Femoston 1/10 as they wanted to give me Sertraline. So basically if I want a medication I think I need to be in a position to tell what it is and why.
Just wondered if anyone thought the Sertraline may help? Or is there any herbal remedies to get me through the next couple of weeks. The anxiety and brain clouds are hard to deal with when I'm working and have a young family. Please give me some inspiration ☺️


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Re: Help needed - coming off femoston 2/10
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2015, 11:43:25 AM »

Hi Mis71Mum
I assume you are in your 50s? So possibly still peri meno? You say you have a young family so you need to be 'on your game'. Taking a break from HRT to see where you are in your meno is probably a good idea but you are clearly suffering quite bad meno symptoms so more HRT might well be appropriate.  If you are still in your 40s then HRT is a good idea to protect your bones and heart in the long term.
As others have said, the bleeding should have been investigated to check your lining and ensure there is nothing untoward going on - so I would definitely ask your GP for a referral on this even if the bleeding has stopped. Perhaps ask to see a gynae or better still a meno clinic if there is one in your local area.
I can't recommend any remedies - I've tried everything and nothing worked for me.
If on investigation you have fibroids which can cause heavy bleeding, then they may offer you a Mirena which can be a good option as this usually results in no bleeds at all after the first few weeks. Many women are reluctant to have a device inside them but it is the preferred option of many specialist gynaes as less progesterone is absorbed around the body and it will usually shrink fibroids and solve problematic bleeding. If you did have a Mirena you can then use as little or as much oestrogen as you need to keep the meno symptoms under control and you can choose either pills, Oestrogel or patches. I had a Mirena for 4 years and got on with it quite well - I used 2 pumps of Oestrogel applied to my thighs everyday alongside.
Sertraline is an Anti depressant which can bring side effects and doesn't always work - I would try this as a last resort.  My gynae prefers the SRRI Citalopram for those ladies who can't use HRT.
Keep us posted.  DG x


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Re: Help needed - coming off femoston 2/10
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2015, 09:21:08 PM »

Hi DG - many thanks again for replying, it's much appreciated. I'm 44! And have been peri menopausal for at least 2 years. I'm desperate for the next few weeks to fly by just so I know where I am with things. Depending what happens with my next bleed, it's probable at this stage that I'll be referred for investigations.  The worst of my problems are brain fogs, tonight I spoke to my neighbour and for the life of me, I couldn't remember the name of her children....I wouldn't mind but I lived next door to them for 10 years!  I have a pack or Sertraline and Citalipram but for now plan to keep them to start, (not together), if things get unbearable. Will see my GP soon and ask for a gel I think but need to get over the next week or two first. Thanks again 😃


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Re: Help needed - coming off femoston 2/10
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2015, 09:03:14 AM »

If you use the gel you will need either a Mirena fitted - which could be a good option for you - or separate progesterone to induce a withdrawal bleed.  I'd ask for a referral to a gynae or Meno Clinic if I were you.  At your age oestrogen deficiency could cause long term health problems. ADs/SRRIs will not give you protection for your heart and bones.   DG x


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Re: Help needed - coming off femoston 2/10
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2015, 07:48:30 PM »

As if things couldn't get any worse! I've spent the entire morning work. Here's me trying not to draw any attention to myself. Anyway booked an appointment with my GP but can't get in until Monday am. I've really underestimated the benefits I was getting from hrt. As I can't start anything else until/if my cycle returns to normal, I have no choice but to start my sertraline tomorrow. Will keep you posted on how things go.....