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Author Topic: Need to stop googling...  (Read 13878 times)


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Need to stop googling...
« on: July 01, 2015, 01:40:30 PM »

I went to GP this morning about pressure in bladder and loose stools [probably anxiety, and after effects of ADs which gave me diarrhea] She wants me to have a blood test to be on the safe side [she mentioned celiac disease] , and she actually mentioned ovarian cancer...   My health anxiety is now off the scale and I hate myself for it.  Can somebody give me some tips about how to stop bloody googling everything??  The GP felt my tummy and that was fine - I don't even have the top three symptoms of ovarian cancer for god's sake - just this bladder thing that is almost certainly stress related.

I had my first CBT appointment on the NHS last week but she has cancelled this week and next.  I know I am prone to health worries [if this blood test is OK I will 'invent' something else to worry about].   I know I am anxious at the moment as tomorrow I am having first appointment for dental implant [drilling into the bone!  yippee!]. 

So - need a kick up the pants - you lot are usually good for that!


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Re: Need to stop googling...
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2015, 03:22:37 PM »

Thanks Freda.   You're right.  Trouble is I am working from home, on a laptop, writing a book!  And I need to research constantly - so being internet-less is a bit of an issue.   

I am listening to Radio 4 and keep checking that the radiators aren't on - it is so hot outside that warm air is blowing in!


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Re: Need to stop googling...
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2015, 03:34:43 PM »

OOps! Tried to add something and deleted the whole post. Sorry!


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Re: Need to stop googling...
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2015, 03:44:36 PM »

I now look like a total fruitcake - thanking you for something that isn't there!   That's made me smile!


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Re: Need to stop googling...
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2015, 05:51:02 PM »


Not a lot of hope here this afternoon  :P


Ovarian cancer is rare.  Your GP felt your tummy.  She has arranged which blood tests exactly?

Do tell your GP that your counselling sessions have been cancelled.  Ask if there is another therapist available! it is not good enough  :bang: :bang: :bang:

Are you using anything for vaginal atrophy?

have a  :kick: and the drilling will be fine - I've had 3 implants, still here!


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Re: Need to stop googling...
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2015, 07:47:35 PM »

Thanks for the support CLKD. Much appreciated. Have been to yoga and calmed down a bit.  Good thing is it has totally taken my worry away from my teeth and gums! I will have covered my whole body soon - that will leave a worry hole...

Blood tests are for celiac disease or wheat allergy I think, but perhaps also for ovarian cancer as there is blood test for that.  Am going to do it in the morning, then have implant drill in afternoon, then rest!  How were you after the drilling?  I figure it is the worst part of the whole process.


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Re: Need to stop googling...
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2015, 10:29:21 PM »

Oh I got quite blasé - for years I HATED it when the Dentist tilted the chair back = loss of control 'cos I can't get out to run away  ::).  The first implant involved having a tooth removed - it took 3 Surgeons and a possible Hospital appt. + the LA stopped working  :o ……… the other 2 implants were put into gaps of long standing.  Preparation work + titanium 'stem' implant screwed in then a wait of several months to allow the jaw to 'heal'.  Then the 'tooth' was fixed to the top of the implant, job done!

I was OK actually.  You will be too  ;)

Chi chi

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Re: Need to stop googling...
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2015, 10:25:34 AM »

I'm exactly the same! I had a X-ray on my chest due to pains I was having, Dr checked me out beforehand, twice! And said my chest and lungs both sound clear. Anyway X-ray showed what they think might be a nodule? On my 7th and 8th rib and want me to go for a CT scan! So of course I now think the worst and as a result am pooing myself!  :o ::)
I do smoke quite heavily but I don't drink or go out at all and it's my only bit of pleasure  :-\


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Re: Need to stop googling...
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2015, 10:55:49 AM »

Health anxiety queen here ;D  Piece of advise I was given by dr was to only google once you have a diagnosis as that is when it can be helpful informing you.  He said whatever you do don't google symptoms as everysinge one of them could be caused by cancer and google will always give you worse case scenario for any symptom.

The big problem with health anxiety is we are sent for tests because we won't believe the Dr unless a test is done ::) and then said test shows up something that was not even being looked for and invariably turns out to be incidental but in the mean time you have to have more tests or monitering which increases the health anxiety.  this happened to me when I had a mri brain scan when I developed pulsitile tinnitus, the scan was to rule out an about to burst blood vessel in brain causing symptom which it did but they found a small cyst on my brain stem.  As this was in an unoperable place they kept an eye on it for 3 years with repeat scans and then it disappeared as cysts do.   
My Gp says don't have a test unless you really expect to find something ;D ;D

Chi chi

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Re: Need to stop googling...
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2015, 10:59:57 AM »

Makes complete sense but is so difficult  :-\
One half of me is saying don't be stupid yet the other half of me is saying don't be so complacent  ::)


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Re: Need to stop googling...
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2015, 03:15:37 PM »

I think I am the other health anxiety queen. I used to be a nurse, oddly when I was a nurse many moons ago, I never worried I'd catch or develop anything. Now my knowledge is my enemy as mostly I dont need to google I've read or heard symptoms somewhere anyway. Or they have come off one of those nhs adverts for cancer, ot even a kind tv show where they describe how 'mr bloggs' first knew something was wrong.
they say ignorance is bliss and in this case it would be but I cant unlearn it though I wish I could because every symptom i have is 'bound' to be cancer. oddly i never worry about heart disease though.


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Re: Need to stop googling...
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2015, 04:00:48 PM »

My late mother in law was awful.  She was a nurse and ward sister by profession and every time one of the children has a rash or a cough or a tummy upset or some other normal childhood ailment she was on our case bombarding us with literature about what it 'could' be.  Of course we would go to the doctor only to be labelled as overanxious fussy parents.  None of our children ever got a serious illness either but I can understand her unease as her middle son was extremely unwell and nearly died when he was a child.


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Re: Need to stop googling...
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2015, 04:11:39 PM »

Am taking a break from worry about my nether regions as have just had first dental implant treatment.  Lovely dentist and has put me totally at ease.  Just need mouth to start working again!

Have got a book from library on health anxiety.  Hope it will help!   

Am trying hard to put worries into boxes.  Am convinced pressure in bladder is just anxiety so am trying to refocus on another area of the body - my mouth - and if pressure goes than I know it is nothing serious!


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Re: Need to stop googling...
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2015, 11:23:02 PM »

Could be the start of vaginal atrophy though as it mimics bladder problems.  If you tried some topical oestrogen you would know  ;)

See, told you it wouldn't be all bad  :medal: - next appt. is when?


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Re: Need to stop googling...
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2015, 09:11:43 AM »

Sparkle, I think I can beat you.   I used to be obsessed with teeth but now bladder/bowel issues have taken over.  Details of what I google would be TMI for a Sunday morning but it really has overtaken my life.  I am pretty certain that months of anxiety have resulted in psychosomatic bladder issues but becomes a circular, chicken and egg process.  Am I suffering from something serious or is it in the mind.  Did the anxiety come after the symptoms or did the symptoms cause the anxiety.?

Am on antibiotics for a week from dentist to avoid implant infection.   But as amoxicillin gives me thrush, dentist gave me flagyl- so have had to google that to make sure my bowel symptoms are caused by that and not something serious. 

In the meantime, yet more life has passed me by.  I get results of blood test in about a week - would love to think that that will put my mind at rest but, like you, I am sure I will find something else to obsess over.  My second NHS CBT session was cancelled and no alternative has yet been offered.  Am actually thinking that a group therapy might be better for me. 

Let's keep in touch Sparkle - are you trying any type of therapy?   Or can't you remember with your dementia??!
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