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Author Topic: Confused  (Read 3863 times)


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« on: May 19, 2015, 10:05:03 AM »

Hi ladies

Haven't posted on here for couple of months.
I need some advice as so confused. I was prescribed everol conti by my doc but haven't used the patches as realize in peri as have irregular periods ,missing months at a time and when they come its horrendous heavy and I generally feel like total crap .exhausted , tearful,moody feel like I'm going crazy arggh but this feeling lifts only when the period comes to an end.
I'm scared to try hrt and was wondering will the mini pill sort out my symptoms? As I'm usually free be with progesterone as took mini pill for years in past.
I'm trying to figure out whether its my lack of progesterone or oestrogen? That csuses my symptoms.
Need some advice on what to take as I cannot suffer the heavy periods no longer.

I'm 53 this year and still in peri (in fact think it would be easier if I was post meno) as I'm so up and down and need my life back.
I'm so tempted to just go on micronor and see if that settles things
What do you think?
The weird thing is I hardlyt get hot flushes I do occasionally get night sweats when on a period.

Thanks in advance


ancient runner

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Re: Confused
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2015, 10:14:44 AM »

Hello Libra - didn't want to read and run, but am not very expert on full HRT.
But - your doctor would have known you were peri when s/he prescribed the HRT for you, so I can't think it would not be a good idea to take it. Also not sure why you think the mini pill would be better/safer? I guess a Mirena might help with the heavy periods but not the rest of it.
Hope an expert will be along soon!


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Re: Confused
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2015, 10:30:42 AM »

I can't comment on the HRT but sympathize with the heavy periods.  I am 49 and have missed 2 periods, both times have been followed by a really heavy one lasting ages.  I feel dreadful while having these heavy periods, drained and very emotional.

Hope someone will be along to advise you soon.


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Re: Confused
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2015, 10:31:51 AM »

What is it about HRT that you're scared of ? I would suggest that you try to be specific (write a list) about what it is that frightens you then read the information about HRT on this website's drop-down menus to see if that puts your mind at rest. If it doesn't I would suggest that you take your list of concerns to your GP and talk about them. You don't have to act on anything he/she advises but you'll be better informed. HRT isn't for everyone - some women get side-effect that they can't tolerate, others just feel uneasy, and others dislike the idea of it too much to take it. It's a personal decision and it's up to you, once you've got enough facts, to make an informed decision. Many women seem to bounce around thinking that this will help or that will help and get themselves in a spin because they just want their lives back quickly. I was in this position - I felt terrible - so I went on Evorel sequi (initially) which evened things out enough to get me through the last peri year. I've now stopped HRT. I can't explain what's causing your symptoms but they sound like PMT - especially the bit about symptoms disappearing as soon as your period starts - which often becomes dreadful in perimenopause. My advice would be to read what's available on this website, then see your GP, then have a think about what you'd be most comfortable with. If you do decide to try HRT why not ask your GP about starting on the lowest dose available so that you can get used to it gradually. Good luck


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Re: Confused
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2015, 10:32:03 AM »

Thanks for your reply. I think at the time I mentioned to my doc I just want to do away with periods .also he's not clued up about hrt . I don't want a coil  I don't want to be messed about with down there, had bad experience in past with coil that got lodged.
I couldn't tolerate oestrogen in past as tried several combined BC it caused me bad headaches and high bp soi I feel I may not fare well with oestrogen type hrt.
I hear of a lot of women are taking mini pill during peri so thought maybe worth a try as it delivers progestrogen.


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Re: Confused
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2015, 10:37:50 AM »

Yes the heavy periods is the worst thing along with severe pmt.
I have read over an over a lot of info and posts on here and noticed a lot of women still suffering side affects from hrt which is worrying.
And as I'm not good with oestrogens I'm confused as what to do.
Would like to know are there any women on here take the mini pill for their symptoms? And diud it help?


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Re: Confused
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2015, 10:38:53 AM »

Have a look through our Member, Hurdity's threads?


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Re: Confused
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2015, 04:36:40 PM »

libra62 you might be better starting a new thread with the title "anyone taking the mini pill?" if you want more specific answers.


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Re: Confused
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2015, 05:36:13 PM »

OK will do


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Re: Confused
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2015, 06:30:00 PM »

Do you know exactly why it is that you are scared of HRT?

HRT only contains hormones which are 'natural'. They are bio identical to the exact same hormones that your body itself produces. The hormones in HRT are created from the wild yam plant/soy plant. There's really nothing unnatural or 'synthetic' about them. Infact I would presume that the 'chemicals' in them are far more natural than those in the mini pill?

Women's bodies simply weren't designed to operate without nice levels of oestrogen in them. Less than 100 years ago the average age of a woman in menopause was 47. Fair enough. But the average LIFE EXPECTANCY was only 48 for goodness sake.

So it was very rare for any woman to live an extra 10, 20, 30 years post menopause without a nice level of oestrogen 'greasing her wheels', so to speak.

If you're going to live (hopefully) well into your 80s as most women do nowadays, then (personally) I think it's bonkers to try and do it without topping up your oestrogen levels to the 'natural' level that Mother Nature designed you to need.

I just think it's like driving a car and ignoring the 'Oil Warning Light' flashing away on the dashboard, telling yourself 'Well all cars get old and start to have odd creaks and's only 'natural'. So you keep on ignoring the warning light. And the longer you ignore it the worse the engines struggles and the bumpier the ride. And in the end it all grinds to a wheezing halt.

And all because you didn't top up its oil  ;)


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Re: Confused
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2015, 07:02:52 PM »

Great analogy GypsyRoseLee!

Hi libra62 - did you ever read the article on this website entitled "The Perils of the Peri-menopause" which explains so well what is happening to your body during this time? Do have a read if not:

The thing is during peri although your hormones levels fluctuate dramatically - there is overall a gradual drop in oestrogen and cycles where you do not ovulate - meaning you get occasional high levels of oestrogen but then massive lows as well. Also the cycles where you don't ovulate there is no progesterone produced so the womb lining continues to grow hence the heavy period. As you produce less and less oestrogen and ovulate less often your periods will become lighter.

As GypsyRoseLee says most HRT is bio-identical and there is no comparison between the large doses of synthetic oestrogens in the CCP, and oestrogen in most HRT. Also - as you have been given - oestrogen in patch or gel form is much gentler on the system, and less likely to produce headaches than tablet HRT.

I can understand your reservation about Evorel conti as the progestogen in synthetic and if it doesn't agree with you, you are taking it all the time - although you say you tolerated the mini pill very well. I would suggest you would benefit from the additional progesterone - because of your heavy periods, but also as you are missing several periods, and suffer night sweats and some low mood - an oestrogen top-up should also help.

The other alternative is to try the only CCP (as far as I know) which contains bio-identical oestrogen (estradiol as in our own body and most HRT) and that is Qlaira - but it is a tablet obviously! The mood dips are reduced because there are only 2 or 3 tablet free days. The progestogen is synthetic but you may well be happy with that.

Otherwise maybe an oestrogen patch along with progesterone (Utrogestan) taken on a monthly cycle - would give withdrawal bleed but at this point a slightly higher dose of progesterone might prevent the heavy bleeding. Some women find utrogestan too sedating at higher doses though.

Just a few thoughts which I hope are helpful!

Hurdity x


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Re: Confused
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2015, 07:04:52 PM »

Thanks for your reply. Not scared as such but I've heard alot of bad feedback of symptoms becoming worse.
Also I'm not good with oestrogens I could never tolerate it before it gives me migraineand raised my bp.
Hence why my doc would only give me the mini pill.
I really need something to reduce my heavy periods which I can't stand no longer and also the irregularities .



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Re: Confused
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2015, 07:15:20 PM »

Thanks hurdity that makes sense what you said.
My doc don't prescribe bio identical hormones tbh he's pretty dumb with hrt I have to tell him what to give me but he gave me the wrong hrt everol conti . I believe its not wise to take it as I'm still having periods but very irregular and I'm 53 this year. I'm so at a loose end can't decide what's best for me and I suffer with anxiety its worse when on a period which are always heavy for a couple of days. Just want periods gone tbh
The good thing is my mood picks up as soon as my period phases out.