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Author Topic: Feeling less than charitable  (Read 12948 times)


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Feeling less than charitable
« on: May 14, 2015, 03:33:37 PM »

Is it just me who gets hacked off at charities who knock on doors?  Just had one at my door wanting me to donate a set amount per week. Now don't get me wrong,  I donate to charities quite a lot, albeit can shakers etc. I understand they need lots of donations but I object to the way they almost lecture you. I tend not to answer door to folk these days, but got caught out thinking it was hubby as I'd locked the door & left the key in, meaning he couldn't get in.

I tried to stop this guy, but he was determined, so I reiterated my point & basically closed door on him. Almost makes me want to stop being so charitable, especially that particular charity!


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Re: Feeling less than charitable
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2015, 03:47:26 PM »

My OH and I give regularly to cancer and children with cancer charities.  A friend does a huge amount of fundraising and every couple of months we donate to his just giving page, just because, we want to
We regularly take part in his appeals, buying presents at Xmas for the children's cancer outpatients dept, we even did a charity bike ride, but I detest being disturbed at my door asking for money, I have a notice on my door, no sales, no politics, no charities yet all 3 continue to knock

I was stopped in town on my lunch break recently by Red Cross and the guy would not let me walk away, years ago I would've softened and signed up to £8 a month but I'm more assertive now

I'll happily drop a £1 to a homeless person selling big issue but let him keep his magazine to resell

I just don't want my space invaded unless I invite them to do so

I sound hard but I'm not, I just resent them being so forward



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Re: Feeling less than charitable
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2015, 05:13:30 PM »

Phew, thank goodness it's not just me.

I wonder how old folk cope with such callers at their doors.


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Re: Feeling less than charitable
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2015, 05:50:36 PM »

It would do my head in.
Luckily we are out of town, so people don't turn up on the doorstep.

However, what got me was, I'd purchased something online from the red cross, then got several requests for charity donations after that.

Similarly with the National Trust, we are members but then they keep on requesting donations for different projects, er, we  pay a subscription


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Re: Feeling less than charitable
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2015, 05:56:09 PM »

No, it's not just you CG.
I will not be hounded to give to any charity.
Like you Annie, I have a sticker on my door but they ignore it.
I give when I want to give. I fill up charity bags that come through the door but only the ones that are genuine. I'll buy a daffodil or badge for whichever charity.
My OH use to give each year to St John Ambulance but found out that the majority of the donation went on admin so he stopped doing it.


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Re: Feeling less than charitable
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2015, 06:28:56 PM »

We have a polite notice on our window and door.  Since we put it up we have had about 2 callers ignore it in about a year.  We used to get loads of callers.  Our notice really works.



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Re: Feeling less than charitable
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2015, 06:33:07 PM »

I have about 4-6 charities that I give to regularly. Any others, no matter how worthy, I refuse politely. You can't do everything!


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Re: Feeling less than charitable
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2015, 06:41:43 PM »

Definitely not just you CG. I do a hospice charity every month and also Marie Curie. That's it.
As for the Big Seller people....ummmm nope.
The one who stands outside our supermarket has a car, three holidays a year, and two flats. Basically he has more than me. I have also seen him going into the local bookies. He keeps harassing me for money and last time I told him he could pay for my holidays as I wasn't paying for his. Now he stears well clear of me  ;D

We don't really get anyone at the door. Village and out of the way does help.

Oh, hubby donates paintings to be sold for a friend whose daughter has Downs Syndrome. So I think we do our bit.



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Re: Feeling less than charitable
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2015, 08:49:38 PM »

i have just delivered christian aid envelopes to a road in my village.

Its a thankless job, I dont like doing it, I will go back on friday to collect them, but I know from previous years that I will only get a few back, but even those few will add to the countrywide amount this week.

Maybe some of it will end up in Nepal.

Thats what draws me back each year.


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Re: Feeling less than charitable
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2015, 09:19:57 PM »

Definitely not just you.I used to contribute by direct debit to the NSPCC but got really fed up with them keep asking me to increase the amount so stopped it. I work in a charity shop and usually give to street collections if they are a charity we support. At Christmas we donate to a local Hospice and  cancer charity in memory of late parents so feel we do our bit . I hate being approached in the street or answering the door to collectors. It also annoys me to get raffle tickets in the mail for various charities, I don't agree with raffles, it's gambling in my view so I am afraid they get put in the bin !. If a disaster occurs somewhere in the world like Nepal I usually donate in cash at Oxfam.  Rant over, it seems to be an emotive subject!!



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Re: Feeling less than charitable
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2015, 09:22:38 PM »

Had my envelope and filled was collected yesterday. I have done the collection too so know how you feel.

I forgot to include that one in the things I donate too. Our village has an art sale every other year and hubby has donated into that. His last two paintings sold for nearly £300. We were delighted as its just a worthwhile cause.
Well done you for keeping going.



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Re: Feeling less than charitable
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2015, 07:04:56 AM »

Is this one of the ones where they want you to sign up? You can always contact them - they will remove you from their list. The person who called at the door is not connected with the charity in any way but an employee of the fund raising company. They are paid quite well to do the job but next week they will be on to the next one. I've contacted different charities who work in this way - sometimes to actually say how great the person was and sometimes to say please could they remove me from their list.

Taz x


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Re: Feeling less than charitable
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2015, 07:30:46 AM »

'Chuggers' (charity muggers) get a 'no thank you' and no more, either at the door or in the street/supermarket/railway station.  I have a few charities I donate to regularly, and others I drop money into collecting boxes when I want to.  It's MY choice and their guilt-trip tactics make no difference. 

I'm afraid I gave short shrift to one lot on the phone who were trying to get me increase my monthly donation to a charity - I told them 'no' politely twice, but they wouldn't give in, so I told them if they asked me once more to increase my monthly donation I would cancel it altogether ... not had a begging phone call from that charity since (they still get my donation as they are my favourite cause).


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Re: Feeling less than charitable
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2015, 08:50:51 AM »

I have 4 charities I donate to monthly and a few others I give to less regularly, usually post-Christmas when most charities experience a big drop in giving. They are all smallish charities that spend most of their money on the cause they work for, instead of on fancy promotional materials.   

I make it very clear that I do not donate to charities which are pushy, manipulative or use emotional blackmail.  If I receive these kinds of requests, I explain my views politely the first time.  The second time, I tell them I will definitely not be donating to this charity in future because of the fundraising techniques they use.  I don't think it makes much difference, as sadly, many people only give when made to feel guilty, but at least I am not promoting/supporting unethical fundraising methods. 


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Re: Feeling less than charitable
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2015, 10:27:20 AM »

Yes Taz it was one of the ones where they want you to sign up. Doubt it would stop them knocking at door if I asked them not to if I'm honest. They just knock on every door regardless.

I once had a chugger knock on my door, trying to sell me stuff. Thought he'd lynch me! Got nothing but verbal abuse. In hindsight I should have reported him. I was just glad to shut the door on him!
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