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Author Topic: Just a bit of fun...but you beleive.  (Read 6780 times)


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Just a bit of fun...but you beleive.
« on: May 02, 2015, 09:00:29 PM »

I have been wakening in the night again recently for no particular reason but it brought back some experiences I had in our last house.

I would be wakened night after night at exactly 3:00am by what felt like someone poking me.

We lived in a very old Victorian house that had been converted into three flats. Ours was the middle one and huge.
We used to think of the flat as front and back joined by a very long hallway. All of the things I saw happened in the back part of the house which I think was the servants quarters.

I saw on a good few occasions an elderly man in the half light of the hall going through the wall into my daughters room. When we decorated we found a blocked over doorway into her room at the exact point I saw this man.
On a few mornings I got up to discover kitchen cabinets had been emptied onto the floor. Could never explain that one.
A few of my daughters friends did not like staying over as they said they saw things  ::).

I wondered if anyone else had experienced things that they had no explanation for.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2015, 09:02:01 PM by honeybun »


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Re: Just a bit of fun...but you beleive.
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2015, 09:43:54 PM »

Strange though this may seem but yes. On our many journeys back north from visiting my mum, years ago, I became aware of a ghostly being in front of car between hubby & I. This being resembled my father. Always at same part of journey, which was a roundabout in Perth. However, on journey home after her funeral no ghostly being & never has been since. Never told hubby as he'd have had me sectioned!

Our daughter experienced spooky goings on at her partner's folks house. After second granddaughter born she got up one night to make up a feed & heard someone call her name in a loud whisper. She thought her partner had shouted out to her. But wasn't the case. Next night he was doing the feed & heard someone shout his name. After that they both got up. There have been many "visits" in that house experienced by many family members. It's an old Victorian terraced house. However, along the road used to be an old institution, so maybe ghosts are coming from there.


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Re: Just a bit of fun...but you beleive.
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2015, 10:02:18 PM »

That is scary HB  :-X

My grandad used to be an undertaker and would lay bodies out in the parlour of their home.  As I child when I went to my nan's,  I used to dread walking the few steps from the front door to the lounge as I felt cold and chilled and terrified - I could never explain it.  A few years ago one of my cousins was telling a story of how she felt completely frozen with fear as she walked from front door to lounge - so basically she experienced the same as me.  It was weird as nobody could explain why but that passageway had a very strange presence.  House has now been sold and converted into felts - no idea if the presence remains :(


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Re: Just a bit of fun...but you beleive.
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2015, 10:11:47 PM »

I'm not sure about my story but here goes

I worked with my mum, and we were best friends, we'd speak on the phone every day too, she suffered a brain haemorrhage while we were at work so I was with her right to the end, I never left her side despite being in a coma for 3 days

When she passed away I had this feeling that she was still with me, like I was being watched, accompanied wherever I was, it brought so much comfort to me

6 weeks after her passing I had the most distressing 'dream' I had been told to meet my mum, I knew she had passed away so this opportunity was so exciting, I met her in a room I didn't know, we hugged, we cried, I could smell her, feel her, hear her. She said she didn't have long with me, that it was time to move on where I'd never feel her near me again, I was begging her and she was upset saying it's not her choice, I woke up devastated

Within days it occurred to me I hadn't had this feeling of her watching me,

Periodically I've had dreams (usually 12-18 months apart, sometimes longer) where I get 5 mins with her, but I can't touch her, she's just 'there'
I remember the last one, I was saying I wanted longer visits with her but she told me off ! She said I can't have everything in life and if only I knew how difficult these visits were for her to do I'd understand and be grateful for the ones I do get

Every time it's happened I've woke up feeling like I've had my mum fix, nothing from my dad though

I had a spate about a year ago of coming in from work and smelling their bungalow in my bedroom for only minutes

And a few weeks ago I was just dropping off to sleep and it felt like something was sitting on my bed and had touched my legs a little bit



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Re: Just a bit of fun...but you beleive.
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2015, 12:26:37 AM »

All very thought provoking, here is my experience.

Parents converted an old coach house from a shell to a house many years ago.  i went to live with them along with my then young son, it was a large house with two wings each having their own  hallway with a kitchen area etc in middle.

Used to hear foot steps regularly walking down hallway, then think oh heres mum with a cuppa never was and when you looked down hall the door was always firmly closed.  My son aged 2 slept in the next room and i sometimes sensed he wasnt alone.

The dogs heckles would go up at the footsteps etc.  On the day of the dunblane massacre my mum, son and i were in living room at her end of house watching the horror unfold on tv.  We both asked my son what he was waving at in the cupboard that was built under the stairs in the living room.  He immediately answered 'margaret' ive seen her before. It wasnt just the dogs heckles that went up at that point.

We decided at that point she was friendly and looked after young kids and sometimes we would say aloud things like wonder what margaret is up to today to include her.  We came up with the thought that 'margaret' walked up the hall and went to watch over my son in his room. Crazy or what.

We moved out when my son was almost 5 and my mum said things quietened down but then we returned to their house again for 18months when he was 10 during our house build.  At this time our baby daughter was born and again the noises and the heightened sense of feeling someones presence kicked in all over again.

Friends and visitors were always convinced of these as well especially the footsteps, more so at my end of the house.  I used to hear horses stamping their hooves outside my window and actually get up out of bed to investigate, these were the nights the dogs wouldnt settle.  We didnt have horses.  The house was in the country with a couple of acres for grounds so it  wasnt like it was coming from neighbouring houses.

Too many weird things that there was no reasonable explanation for, therefore to answer your question HB yes i believe there are spirits.


Mrs January

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Re: Just a bit of fun...but you beleive.
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2015, 07:57:54 AM »

Hi There

i do believe in you know my son died in September last year and since then I feel him all around me, our new TV gets switched off regularly and we put it on again.

I went recently to an open circle ( spiritual church) and the group leader knew nothing about me but told me all about my son's death and how he was with me, he described my boy in detail as he was apparently standing next to me.

I don't feel scared but honored that my boy watches over us ....gosh we do miss him though, he would be 24 on 10th May

Mrs January xxx

meno lesley

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Re: Just a bit of fun...but you beleive.
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2015, 07:59:46 AM »

Many years ago my husband and I were travelling through a village called Gayhurst and spotted a figure standing by a farm wall. As we approached the figure left the wall and started to walk into the road, my husband swerved and did an emergency stop. This tall man was dressed as a cavalier and his face was very visible but as we looked behind the figure had disappeared. We went home and could not make any sense of what we had seen so went back as my husband thought it may have been a fancy dress party in the village.  Anyway, roll on a year and we were on a local ghost walk in our town and ended in a pub chatting to the man who led the walk so I told him my story to which he replied "oh you saw Everard Digby". Apparently, he was a member of the gunpowder plot and hid in a tunnel under the road and has been seen many times over the years.

Recently visited the Tower of London and there is his name scratched onto one of the cell walls where he was held.


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Re: Just a bit of fun...but you beleive.
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2015, 08:11:13 AM »

I'm loving this thread. Don't feel so "daft" about my experience. Still not telling hubby though.  :)


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Re: Just a bit of fun...but you beleive.
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2015, 08:32:32 AM »

My hubby is a complete sceptic. If it can't be explained by science then for him it can't be possible.

But, even he has to admit there are things that simply have no explanation.

Fascinating to read of others experiences.



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Re: Just a bit of fun...but you beleive.
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2015, 11:18:16 AM »

In not a firm believer, even though I've had experiences of some sort, I think many things have an explanation, but we just don't know what (not saying your stories ladies)

I thought of something else that I'm amazed I didn't mention, about my mum again

Whilst in her coma, we were given a private room , it was quite large , I kept a vigil apart from my ciggie breaks (don't smoke now btw) anyway, one of my brothers was next to my mum on her left, I was sitting at the far corner, diagonally, so there was quite a distance between my brother and I.  He had fell asleep sitting up, so I was sitting alone in silence.  I heard some carrier bags rustling in the corner adjacent to my brother, so quickly looked, nothing. I immediately thought logically that something had , for whatever reason, lost it's balance in there, hence the rustle.

About 10 minutes after that, I heard a big heavy "sigh" in my right ear, I jumped, thinking what on earth could it be? I have to say it unnerved me so I decided to get fresh air and clear my head so I work my brother up to say I'm nipping out so to stay awake til I'm back. 

When I returned, we chatted, weirdly even though we were all going through the most traumatic experience, we found laughter (usually reminiscing funny things relating to our mum) our best medicine, so my brother and I  chatted.  After a while I said to him I needed to tell him of an experience I had whilst he was sleeping, he cut in saying if he told me something that had happened to him in my absence would I be honest with him?

Well, he'd heard a big "sigh" in his right ear !

We thought of everything it could've been, but came up with nothing



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Re: Just a bit of fun...but you beleive.
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2015, 01:16:10 PM »

My Dad came to see my new born daughter.
He died 22 years ago and when my teen age daughter was born I kept saying to my DH that I must take her to the grave.
One night I sat in bed reading when something made me look up at the door.
I felt my Dad walk round to the side of the bed and look into the Moses basket to see my DD.
I fell asleep and the next morning my Dad was still in the house until around midday when he looked at me and said "I'm happy now I've seen her, I'm going now, bye!
As soon as he had gone I could not feel him around anymore.

I believe there is something and what happened with my dad brought me great comfort.
I'm hoping that something like that will happen with my brother who I lost recently.


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Re: Just a bit of fun...but you beleive.
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2015, 01:29:53 PM »

I remember an incident that happened when I was a child.

A good few years before I was born there was a murder in the house next door. Seemingly it was an awful time. Anyway.
My bedroom was at the front of the house and I complained to my mum and dad that the lady with the pram was waking me up at night as the pram wheels squeaked. I don't remember looking out of the window but I must have done.

After a few nights of this my mum and dad moved me into the spare room at the back of the house.

It was many years later that I learned of the murder from my aunt. She told me the woman who was murdered used to walk the streets at night with a rickety old pram just to get away from her husband.
I then remembered what had happened when I was small. I did move back into that room but never heard anything again.
Maybe small children are more attuned to that kind of thing.



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Re: Just a bit of fun...but you beleive.
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2015, 03:06:53 PM »

I've seen ghosts  :o …….  8)

Sorry about your brother Dyan - I don't think it's even about wishing to see them……… both my experiences happened independently.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2015, 03:13:44 PM by CLKD »


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Re: Just a bit of fun...but you beleive.
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2015, 05:30:12 PM »

 :thankyou: CLKD

I think you're right about that.
I think they will come when they are ready.
I saw a medium once, but my Dad didn't come through my grandad did, whom I hated( Long story)


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Re: Just a bit of fun...but you beleive.
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2015, 05:40:01 PM »

It's often the way ………  ::) - I saw 2 of my 4 pets, still waiting to see the  :scottie:  :-\