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Author Topic: Endoscopy  (Read 29829 times)


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #75 on: November 24, 2016, 09:51:24 PM »

I hope so, promised myself I'd never have another endoscopy for the rest of my life (THAT was a DREADFUL experience), so can't be 100% sure (but who can?). Anyway symptoms stopped completely (although I suspect that they were of hormonal origin).
The actual endoscopy wasn't too bad but I didn't like the effects afterwards and partially regret having agreed to it.


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #76 on: November 25, 2016, 07:50:51 AM »

Sorry that you had after effects Katejo - what were they?

Taz x  :hug:


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #77 on: November 25, 2016, 12:12:19 PM »

Sorry that you had after effects Katejo - what were they?

Taz x  :hug:
Increased burping and discomfort in the stomach (on left just below ribs) which I don't usually have.


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #78 on: November 25, 2016, 10:57:04 PM »

Is it still there Katejo?  Ive just remembered they pump gas in to move things around and that has to make its way out afterwards.  Like I need any help with that!!! 

S x
It has improved now.


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #79 on: November 26, 2016, 06:59:07 PM »

Update!  I've got gastritis again which is frustrating.  Hernia is still 2cm with the irregular z line as before and then a comment about 'no true Barrett's oesophagus as less than 1cm', not sure what that means but hopefully good.  They took a biopsy for H pylori but no mention of one for coeliac.  They also put down that I'd not stopped the lansoprazole even though I'd put on the form that I had and the nurse confirmed it with me!  Recommendations are to discuss with the gp increasing the meds or changing to a different one. 

Interestingly in the recovery ward we were all women of a certain age, I felt like asking 'hands up who's menopausal' but restrained myself.  Chatting to one lady she said she'd also had her gallbladder removed and hadn't felt right since but as she'd been told she was prediabetic and needed to lose weight she'd cut back on carbs and sugar and felt a lot better for it

S x
  Have you read any of the articles which argue against drugs like lansoprazole on the basis that they reduce the acid in the stomach whilst acid reflux will be improved if acid levels are normal? they argue that the digestion process isn't completed fully if you don't have enough acid.


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #80 on: November 26, 2016, 10:21:13 PM »

Yes I have Katejo, I feel I'm between a rock and a hard place!  I'm sure the low acid means the food sits in my stomach and takes ages to digest but taking the leap of stopping everything and then trying to explain to the gp why I'm not going to follow the advice to increase the meds is a tricky one.  Right now I'm at a loss as to what to do although I still plan to see a dietician for advice about diet.

S x
I was given a 1 week course of Lanzoprasole to relive the discomfort after the endoscopy. i too 2 days worth and then found the articles arguing against it so I stopped. I had already refused a 4 week course. If I get called to see the GP again, i will take one of those articles (by a GP) with me in case they try to push them on me. Have you read about how apple cider vinegar can help to increase acid in the stomach and reduce reflux? i have just bought some. Another argument against drugs like Lanzoprasole is that they can increase the risk of osteoporosis. I can't explain it without reading the article again first.


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #81 on: November 26, 2016, 11:55:31 PM »

Now you have had your endoscopy they can't be as forceful for you to take the PPIs as they haven't found ulcers and hiatus hernias are normally better to correct surgically. If PPIs (or Ranitidine) are going to help, as with true excess acid conditions, you feel them working in a few hours but if they aren't helping they are likely to be irritating your stomach.

Omeprazole is often better tolerated than Lanzo by the way if you do need them.


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #82 on: November 27, 2016, 01:00:11 PM »

Oh so that probably means that it's about finding the PPI that suits your body chemistry. Lansoprazole used to make me more dizzy and the GP had told me it gave more side effects.

The nervous system and stomach (and skin) are directly linked, hence why we get butterflies in stomach when nervous, or blush when embarrassed. It's not something you are mainly causing as it's probably volatile hormones plus some stressful thinking because you're frustrated by it.

The proton pump inhibitors halt the production of gastrin which is also a hormone so it can then affect other hormones separately as well as slowing digestion and encouraging bacterial imbalance in the gut. However, just see if you feel better with or without them especially if the reflux from the hernia is more the issue.

They took a while to leave my system so my stomach lining could heal but the rebound reflux and nausea from stopping was only for about 48 hours.

If you do try ACV or HCI supps or enzymes, make sure you take with your meal or just after eating as when you have gastritis they will just make it burn on an empty stomach until it's healed. Then you presume you are producing too much acid which isn't the case, it's just sore so even water irritates it. I was advised by GP to have things like Rubena instead of water as water is acidic and these drinks have acid regulators added to offset the sugar. I did find this worked better.


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #83 on: November 27, 2016, 05:30:40 PM »

Now you have had your endoscopy they can't be as forceful for you to take the PPIs as they haven't found ulcers and hiatus hernias are normally better to correct surgically. If PPIs (or Ranitidine) are going to help, as with true excess acid conditions, you feel them working in a few hours but if they aren't helping they are likely to be irritating your stomach.

Omeprazole is often better tolerated than Lanzo by the way if you do need them.
  I haven't had doctors being forceful about PPI's yet. I was just given a 1 week course to settle discomfort after the endoscopy. I will resist it if they do because I have found articles to say that acid reflux is worse if there is insufficient acid in the stomach. I took 2 days worth of the course and then stopped. My burping has calmed down a lot and I am eating normally. I do avoid eating late at night/large meals and mostly have decaff tea/coffee but I have been doing that for some time.
I have also just started trying apple cider vinegar.


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #84 on: November 27, 2016, 06:24:20 PM »

It's a lot better thanks, just slower transit different times of the month as has been since it healed up after stopping 4 months of high dose PPIs.

I had them forced on me (and told off by the A&E doc for stopping them!) because they believed I had ulcers that we're getting worse but my symptoms weren't severe enough to do an emergency endoscopy so had to wait 6 months (long waiting list) to prove I didn't have them and was on BCP by them as had figured out it was hormones.


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #85 on: November 27, 2016, 06:38:37 PM »

It's a lot better thanks, just slower transit different times of the month as has been since it healed up after stopping 4 months of high dose PPIs.

I had them forced on me (and told off by the A&E doc for stopping them!) because they believed I had ulcers that we're getting worse but my symptoms weren't severe enough to do an emergency endoscopy so had to wait 6 months (long waiting list) to prove I didn't have them and was on BCP by them as had figured out it was hormones.
That was a long wait. I was referred  to a gastrologist in october by an endocrinologist because of my swallowing sensation not because of stomach probs. I was reluctant to have an endoscopy but was given dates within a month of seeing the gastrologist. What's BCP?


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #86 on: November 27, 2016, 06:58:26 PM »

So glad you are ok Sparkle and you know what is wrong. Hope you feel better soon.x


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #87 on: November 27, 2016, 10:07:58 PM »

It was a combo of my GPs refusing to refer me for ages (just wanted me to take the ulcer meds even though I only presented with severe nausea and no pain) and then the eventual referral to North Middlesex Hospital (because an A&E doc wrote to them) famous for its long wait times.

It's because it covers two London boroughs and I also had many 7 hour waits in A&E there when dehydrated from the nausea (one after coming in by ambulance) as they were so understaffed. Gosh I really was in purgatory this time last year. Makes me shudder thinking about it all!

Once I had the first specialist appointment though I was rushed through with endoscopy, ultrasound, CT and MRI so they were very thorough and only found benign liver growths from high oestrogen.


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #88 on: November 28, 2016, 06:19:04 PM »

Yes I have Katejo, I feel I'm between a rock and a hard place!  I'm sure the low acid means the food sits in my stomach and takes ages to digest but taking the leap of stopping everything and then trying to explain to the gp why I'm not going to follow the advice to increase the meds is a tricky one.  Right now I'm at a loss as to what to do although I still plan to see a dietician for advice about diet.

S x

The helpful article which I found was by Dr Sarah Myhill. I'm not allowed to put links here but you can google her name together with 'stomach acid'.
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