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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Struggling with it all  (Read 17667 times)


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Struggling with it all
« on: April 16, 2015, 12:20:33 PM »

I feel totally overwhelmed by all this horrible peri stuff.
Had a great two months on Utrogestan 1-25days and 2 pumps Estragel then two weeks ago had two days of extreme nausea, dizziness, feeling cold and weak. That went off a little but feel so low, as if about to crash again. Had to take time off work.
Suddenly my hair is really greasy no matter what i wash it with. I'm shaking as if too many hormones but don't know which. I can't carry on this way, its affecting my whole family.
Had a doctors appointment on Tuesday and he upped my Sertraline to 100mg saying if we addressed the anxiety we could see which symptoms were left. I feel its all hormonal, surely anxiety wouldn't cause such greasy hair suddenly? I am anxious but only because I feel so awful.
I don't know whether to change the Utrogestan to a 1-14 day cycle and see what happens, maybe i have too much progesterone now? I'm fed up of trying to work out what i need to change just to be able to get through a day. 
I know there alot of ladies struggling on here, any advice please?:'(


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2015, 01:34:07 PM »

Big hug Jedigirl.

It really is like trying to knit fog sometimes, isn't it?

I know that I sometimes feel really chilled and achy, and I associate it with not enough oestrogen. I think Hurdity mentioned this was a classic symptom of low oestrogen?

You have nothing to lose by trying the Utrogestan for just 12 days per month? Why not just trial it for a couple of months.

I am on day 8 of wearing Estradot 25mg, and on day 6 of taking Utrogestan 200mg (unfortunately I only got my HRT last week when I was already mid cycle). To be honest I really don't feel great. Felt much better and brighter Tuesday and yesterday, but today feel very low again.

Don't suppose the Utrogestan is helping, as the oestrogen hasn't had time to benefit me yet. I am very tempted to stop my Utrogestan on Day 10 (rather than day 12) as I see lots of ladies only take it for 10 days per month, and I desperate to see if just wearing the oestrogen patch will lift my low mood/anxiety which has been present for most of this month without lifting.


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2015, 01:41:44 PM »

Thanks GypsyRoseLee
It's not easy is it? There are women at work who just have hot flushes and i feel jealous of them. I feel my life has been taken over by this. Every time i get anywhere I crash again, so now I'm nervous every time i feel a bit better waiting for the next crash.
I can't eat today, no appetite, so weepy.
Good luck with your Hrt, it's early days yet so keep going xxx

Chi chi

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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2015, 02:16:50 PM »

I feel exactly the same, I even wonder sometimes if it's worth carrying on with HRT?? It's been nearly a year since I started and I still feel all over the place with everything especially moods! I still question how I feel every day and like you am just waiting to crash  :-\
I don't feel any different really since starting except my libido is much better, the anxiety, aches and pains, miserable and can't be bothered attitude are still hanging around aswell as all the other symptoms.
Sorry I can't offer any advice but just wanted you to know your most definitely not alone  :bighug:


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2015, 02:38:26 PM »

Oh Estelle, you read my mind. If I didn't have such vivid recollection of how bad i felt last year pre hrt i would ditch it.
I can't handle the anxiety, shakiness, loss of appetite. I wish i had a libido! I also have no energy, the house is a tip. Am getting by doing bare minimum at the moment.
If I could leave work and lie in bed all day I would happily, an indication I'm not me at all, I love my job but struggling badly with it.
At the docs in an hour, will ask to be referred somewhere, anywhere for more help. I know HRT is not the answer to everything but surely it must get better than this?
Hugs to you too, wish we had some answers


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2015, 04:37:18 PM »

Been to docs, she was understanding and asked what she could do to help.
After discussion she's happy to refer me to a menopause clinic though our local one has a 10 week waiting list.
Shes ordered blood test to look at FSH, oestrogen level, vitamin and mineral levels aand other stuff.
Wish i felt more positive about it all  :-\

Chi chi

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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2015, 05:49:31 PM »

Awww things will improve, I've had a bit of a weird day today too, at least your Dr was willing to listen to you and offered you a referral  ;) mine just dismissed everything to do with hormones, apparently I'm too young! (Will be 41 this year) just told me its all in my head and it's just anxiety and depression  >:( decided to go private in the end and that's when it was discovered my hormones were too low as well as oestioporosous (sp) in one of my hips!

Hugs  :)


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2015, 06:35:37 PM »

Hello jedigirl.

I am also feeling totally cr@p at the moment so I sympathise with you. I met a friend for coffee today and it was such a struggle to act normal. I am now weepy and distraught and just wish this hormonal nightmare would end. I have also lost my appetite and feel overwhelmed.

I too am jealous of the women who only have a few problems, it seems so unfair.

GypsyRoseLee - Low mood and anxiety is troubling me as well, so sending hugs.

Estelle - I have been using HRT, in one form or another for almost two years and feel very little, if anything has improved. My moods are scaring me now but when I recall how I was before HRT I become afraid to stop!

Sorry I can't offer any solution to you ladies but I want you to know there is another sufferer out there who truly understands.

Take care everyone and sending hugs to you all.



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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2015, 06:59:31 PM »

Jedi I would just try to stick to one regime at the moment because changing it around a lot will be messing your hormones crazy!

Plus with your sertraline, how do you know it's not that making you feel bad?

Here to talk  :-*


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2015, 07:01:53 PM »

Hugs to everyone on here.

I would gladly have a dozen hot flushes a day if it meant this anxiety and low mood would disappear. This anxiety and low mood is tainting my life and ruining it. I can't take any pleasure in anything.

I am only on day 8 of HRT and today I feel as low and bleak as I ever have over these last few months. Feeling like this...well, life really isn't worth living. Yet on Tuesday I felt so much better and brighter. And last month I felt great fir 4 weeks in a row. It was wonderful. But I can't really enjoy it because I know it won't last. Like everyone else I am just waiting to crash.

No one understands because I look okay, make myself smile, still wear make up. But inside I am going through Hell.

The only positive note is that I felt exactly the same 14 years ago when I had PND. The anxiety, low mood and feelings of despair were just the same. And I fully recovered 100%.

So you CAN recover from hormonally induced anxiety and despair. But there's no idea how long it will take.

Kathleen - I am so sorry your HRT isn't working. And I completely understand that your emotions frighten you. I am the same.


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2015, 07:04:00 PM »

Hi, I've decided to stick to my regime until i go to the meno clinic if i can. As per the Sertraline, I really don't know but think I'll go back to lower dose to see how i feel.
Thanks x


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2015, 07:11:01 PM »

Oh that sounds like a plan! It's good now that you've made a decision, it's a good feeling isn't it. Yo

Re the sertraline, I know that some ladies are prescribed anti d to help with menopause symptoms. Is this the case for you?

Its rotten feeling low and sometimes there's nothing for it other than to put one foot in front of the other and keep going eh?!


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2015, 07:22:42 PM »

Jedigirl, I tried sertraline last year. I could only stand it for 26 days. The very first night I took it was the first night I ever had insomnia. Coincidence? The next 26 days were sheer Hell. Extreme anxiety. One actual panic attack. Felt desperately low and hopeless. I could barely eat, felt shaky and had constant diarrhoea.

I thought I was going mad. Went back to my GP who admitted that sertraline is great for most people, but for a few it can actually make your anxiety and low mood much worse.

I swapped to amitriptyline. An old fashioned tri cylic AD well known for its gentle sedating qualities and providing fantastic sleep. It took about 2 months but it worked well for me.

I still got breakthrough anxiety/low mood for a few days per month, but for the majority of the month I felt fine. My sleep was fabulous. I admit I felt slightly dreamy all the time and I gained 11lbs in weight. And it certainly didn't stop me enjoying sex like most newer ADs do.

If HRT doesn't kick in and I am still feeling like this in a couple of months I will seriously consider going back on the Amitriptyline. It made me feel a damned sight better than I do right now and I could look forward to a lovely night's sleep every night.

I might put on weight but I wouldn't care a bit, so long as my mood improved and my anxiety disappeared. Currently I am the slimmest I have been since my early twenties but only because my anxiety has often ruined my appetite and I get diarrhoea.

We are in the Caribbean next month and I will look good in a bikini, but right now I am dreading going.


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2015, 07:25:13 PM »

I too feel very low and poorly, its so hard to cope with things as well. just want to stay in bed and sleep. :(  Its not depression as I am having a good life at the moment, its a relief to know others feel the same as I look around at my colleagues in the office and nobody seems to be affected.!!!


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2015, 09:54:06 PM »

Dear All,

my heart goes out to you all. It all sounds so familiar. I started a slow decent this time last year at the age of 50 in terms of mood, anxiety and anger. I had strops at work and put it down to grief.It wasn't until I really got down through the floor in October that I started to seek help proactively. Paying to see a menopause HRT specialist really helped me back on some kind of road to recovery. Over the years I have suffered with workplace stress and anxiety and spells of depression which  I have come through, so I'm not really surprised on reflection that hormone depletion has presented as anxiety and depression. I just wish I could have been forewarned.Im not there yet but I am much much better. I am on annual leave at the moment and have had a lot of support from Occ health but I still don't know how i'll fair. It seems unbelievable to me that I knew nothing about the menopause or HRT this time last year.WHY DONT PEOPLE TALK ABOUT IT! You can't help thinking that if it was a male problem……………….All I can say is don't stop trying to get treatment from GP ..keep going back if you have to……this website has been a life line to me throughout this year of hormone depletion.

Much love and hugs
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