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Author Topic: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic  (Read 42542 times)


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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #60 on: February 19, 2015, 07:53:18 PM »



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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #61 on: February 19, 2015, 08:04:06 PM »

Count me in too. :)


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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #62 on: February 19, 2015, 08:12:11 PM »

Why not keep this simple; we could share our OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCES of trying any treatment, remedy or non conventional way(e.g. anything other than HRT or SSRIs/ADS) of helping with menopause symptoms.
If possible include information about how you felt before you started this, what benefits you got, any side effects or concerns you had about trying this, did you see a therapist or doctor for advice - perhaps rate it from 1-10 (1 being poor and 10 being good). Some reference to cost might also be helpful. Websites and brand names should NOT be included.  Then anyone looking for non conventional ways for helping with their meno symptoms can read through this thread and decide if there is something they would like to try or research etc.

e.g. When I wasn't on HRT last year, my GP recommended I try Mindful Meditation and suggested a book I should read. I was finding the lack of sleep and flushes made it difficult to stay calm and in control, I felt irritable much of the time and was struggling to concentrate on things. I took her advice, though I was sceptical, and really found the Mindful Meditation calming. Building these sessions into my daily life was quite easy and apart from the cost of the book there was no expense. I still practise this - often doing a 3 minute session to help me focus or when something stressful happens. I would rate this as an 8.
Anyone else? 
DG xxx
« Last Edit: February 19, 2015, 08:32:42 PM by Dancinggirl »


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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #63 on: February 19, 2015, 08:23:22 PM »

It's a great idea DG.....that's exactly the kind of thoughts that could be shared.....but past experience says.......and I have been here for a long while.....whenever certain alternatives are suggested the more scientific amongst us rain all over it without letting the person who has posed the question experiment and / or ask for others experiences.

If the amount of PMs I have had is anything to go by there are lots of us who would like to discuss freely without being bombarded with links to this or that paper or study.

Just a sharing of experiences and thoughts knowing that like minded people or even just curious people are reading.....and will be supportive.



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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #64 on: February 19, 2015, 08:27:36 PM »

Maybe you could have "Personal experiences only please" somewhere in the title?



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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #65 on: February 19, 2015, 08:30:52 PM »

Good format suggestion DancingGirl - following something like that would make it easier to write, be useful and succint.  Historically, if it was all in one place, it would be easier to search as well. 


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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #66 on: February 19, 2015, 09:07:03 PM »

Scientific evidence is vital and without proper studies to show benefits and risks we all need to be very careful what we do to ourselves or advice others to do. I don't think this should be a thread that invites responses but simply relates personal experience stories.
If someone wishes to try an alternative approach that they have read about then they should seek some professional advice about whether it is appropriate for them.
Before I discovered this site I tried almost every remedy and treatment going - spent an absolute fortune - with no success - so my scores on these things would be very low and this might help others to make an informed decision about whether to spend their money on a particular treatment.
WE often get threads asking about various supplements and remedies - we could simply direct these questions to this thread and women can make up their own minds whether something is worth the time, energy and money involved.
Some experiences about using the remedies and treatments mentioned on this site would be a very good starting point.
DG x


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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #67 on: February 19, 2015, 09:42:19 PM »

Hopefully Dr Currie will look at all the suggestions and come up with something that would be of benefit for the forum.

Just got to wait and see I guess.



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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #68 on: February 19, 2015, 09:51:53 PM »

Scientific evidence is tricky because what quantifies a suitable source? Personal use of complementary medicine or even a vitamin doesn't usually come after scientific research ;)

I have over 500 client records from treatments for Shiatsu and not one adverse effect but I can't provide evidence, only my recommendation along with caveats and cautions.

If its deemed suitable to have a dedicated section then that's great. Will wait and see the direction :)


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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #69 on: February 19, 2015, 10:03:50 PM »

Maybe there could be a banner somewhere reminding people to only recommend from personal experience or data? Maybe that would help?


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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #70 on: February 19, 2015, 10:10:27 PM »

I'd go along with that, BrightLight.


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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #71 on: February 20, 2015, 08:44:14 AM »

Honeybun – I'm not sure why you are so vociferously anti-science all of a sudden – I don't remember you expressing these views so vehemently before, and you keep repeating this... ???

As I said before, we should remember that the website is run by a leading NHS gynaecologist - Dr Currie - and as such is underpinned by conventional medicine with science and evidence at its heart. The forum is an integral part of that and was referred to by the British Menopause Society as “patient led”.

It won't make much difference whether there is a thread ( or section) on “Alternatives” on the forum – although logically it would be better to have a section on “Treatments” where all treatments can be detailed including HRT – but I think the forum does work pretty well as it is, and as I said there are already threads "Tell us how you manage without HRT" which covers it well, but if it is deemed helpful then so be it.

However, again as I said before – any attempt to stifle debate can only have a negative effect and lead to conflict. Think about it – there is a section where personal experiences only are permitted (actually there is one already) – if someone dares to provide some information, or a link to a study to try to help someone – is a member or the moderator going to warn them off?

Of course reading personal experiences are an enormous part of what gives comfort to other women during the menopausal years – but we mustn't confuse this with finding out what is the most effective treatment because this confuses belief with science. Three pages of testimony from lots of women about how they used a particular treatment and that it works – is not evidence that it does.  As everyone knows this can only be provided by properly designed placebo controlled trials. Only these can tell you the likelihood of whether a treatment might work and in what percentage of cases. Anything else – "it worked for these women so I will try it because it sounds good" – is based on belief. Nothing wrong with the placebo effect – which is very powerful – I'm all for the power of the mind (as well as medicine) – but everyone should have access to as much information as possible in order to make an informed choice – and especially on a site such as this!

I like to think that most of us have sufficient tact and diplomacy to exercise judgement as to what to say and when on whatever thread, without being intimidating, and to be kindly in our responses and not need to put anyone down personally because of what they are saying. Anyone who does otherwise is informed by the moderator. Speaking for myself only, and it's a pity I have to spell this out but there have been so many negative comments about science, links and studies  – I am confident that the way I have been posting  and providing information is fine. In the two years since I rejoined the forum I have never once been warned or told by the moderator that anything is amiss with anything that I've said.

Let's try not to dictate who says what and where on this forum and continue to do our best to help each other in as helpful and kindly way as we can.

Hurdity x



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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #72 on: February 20, 2015, 09:20:09 AM »

Hurdity, just a few points about your last post.

1)'the website is run by a leading NHS gynaecologist - Dr Currie'
    Yes, but Dr Currie herself is an advocate of HRT, and the website is sponsored by two pharm companies.

2) I think the forum does work pretty well as it is,
      Not so sure about this as there would not be this debate going on.

2) any attempt to stifle debate can only have a negative effect and lead to conflict.
    But this is exactly what happens when alternatives are mentioned.  If a brand name or website is named for
    an alternative it's wrong.  However brand names of HRT are used all the time.  Don't forget every time your
    GP writes a script for HRT a Pharma company makes a profit.

3) I am confident that the way I have been posting  and providing information is fine.
   So what you are indicating here is what you say is fine but others are doing it wrong.

4) Let's try not to dictate who says what and where on this forum
    Well exactly, that is what Honeybuns post is all about.

Also don't forget that as far as 'proof' for the effectiveness of alternatives is concerned. 'ABSENCE OF EVIDENCE IS NOT EVIDENCE OF ABSENCE'.  Pharma companies are often guilty of 'corporate crime' due to negligence in their research.  In fact they have the need to pay fines for this included in their profit margins.  I know this as I am an criminology student and have recently covered this in a module.

I do hope you take my comments on board in the true spirit of debate.


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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #73 on: February 20, 2015, 09:27:56 AM »

I am not anti anything at all.

It's not to stifle debate on anything. It's to give women a place specifically to post on alternatives without being told HRT is the only way.
Your posts have in the past been helpful and informative and appreciated by many but they don't leave much room for other debate.

Mostly everyone seems to agree with this, so perhaps it's not such a strange concept.

I suspect that MM will agree with you but there is nothing like asking don't you think.

If nothing else happens then at least some of our members might feel more confident in posting questions without the fear of causing arguments which in some cases that is what inevitably happens.

I neither have ever been told by a moderator that my comments have been inappropriate.



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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #74 on: February 20, 2015, 09:29:47 AM »

well said Rosebud !!!!
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