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Author Topic: Let's talk about Health Anxiety  (Read 17482 times)


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Re: Let's talk about Health Anxiety
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2015, 07:23:26 PM »

This is my first post on here, although have lurked for a couple of months now.  Health anxiety is my BIGGEST problem by far.  I have an issue with my teeth - gums receded and infections have caused bone loss - although have gone to dentist every six months and only just been told this!  Am now convinced teeth are loose, going to fall out, have moved, etc, etc.  Am paranoid that I might have to have them all removed, although am religiously following hygienist instructions.   When this worry recedes I then have time to worry about heart attack/stroke/bowel cancer or whatever health scare is on the news that day!

Am driving my husband round the bend - he says if I am going to die soon, or lose my teeth, I am now wasting what little time I have by worrying about it!!

Has anybody found ADs help?  Am on citalopram for hot flushes and progynova, but still get very anxious.

I was on Citalopram for anxiety 5 years ago. I had horrific side effects from it for Tue first few weeks. What dose are you on?

I had health anxiety a few months ago, when my hormones were kicking off but I hadn't realised. I lost a friend to breast cancer, and then my GP ran tests for ovarian cancer and the receptionist mistakenly told me the results were being monitored - it made me anxious, even when I was then told the results were fine.
Strangely, my health anxiety has subsided recently, even though I've had to have heart tests for palpitations.


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Re: Let's talk about Health Anxiety
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2015, 08:03:17 PM »

I am only on 10mg and only six weeks in. Horrendous side effects to start with and still have issues with stomach but feel a bit calmer. But, still get anxious.  All it has done is to stop full blown panic attacks.  Can't help thinking I would be as well off trying natural route.


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Re: Let's talk about Health Anxiety
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2015, 08:13:10 PM »

It could be that you need to move up to a higher dose. My GP always insisted 10mg was "sub therapeutic - we give that dose to little old ladies!", but she'd given me 20mg as a starting dose and it nearly killed me! I went straight down to 10mg and stayed there for a while, before moving up to 20mg and eventually 30mg.
It did take away the anxiety, but I felt it took away any good feelings too - I just felt a bit flat all the time.

Are you in perimenopause? Has your GP discussed HRT?


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Re: Let's talk about Health Anxiety
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2015, 08:24:10 PM »

So glad I found this post and that I'm not alone got upset in work today as so the girls are calling me hypocondriac as I'm
Forever at doctors and there is nothing wrong with me - I do
Feel the doctor is loosing patience - hoping all be ok with excercise ECG and I can tick that off my worry list. - had four headaches this week maybe it is tension x



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Re: Let's talk about Health Anxiety
« Reply #19 on: January 31, 2015, 12:59:41 AM »

I am so bad that almost everyday I think I am ill and it'll only be a matter of time!!  :'(
My husband isn't really getting that I cant control these feelings and its causing so much friction!! Just feel awful with the anxiety! I tried Citalopram but I felt so spaced out and they didn't really help with the anxiety.

Only thing that does help is wine! Few glasses and I forget and feel like I used to before all this meno stuff! ;)



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Re: Let's talk about Health Anxiety
« Reply #20 on: January 31, 2015, 08:58:01 AM »

So glad that I came across this! I have been 'having' a heart attack for the last week, pains in chest, left arm, right arm etc etc.... I know that it is anxiety, I had tests including ecg last year and all was fine. I have been having these symptoms for the last 5 years and each time I convince myself that this is the real thing, it's strange it always happens around something happening in the family, first time nephew died, then change of job and this time it might just be that Mum is going into hospital for a cancer op on Monday....... I do know the reasons and the signs for it but every time I always think the worse and end up worrying myself silly, why do we do this to ourselves?... It is a big help to see that it's not just me and others go through it too, I have a fantastic hubby and family who are used to my 'funny' ways. This menopause thing has a lot to answer for!!!


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Re: Let's talk about Health Anxiety
« Reply #21 on: January 31, 2015, 09:17:41 AM »

sweelittlemaiden (love the name), I know it doesn't stop it but your lucky to have your family around, I live on my own and its ten times worst as you have more thinking time and the additional panic that if something were to happen there would be nobody there to help its horrible xx


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Re: Let's talk about Health Anxiety
« Reply #22 on: January 31, 2015, 10:17:55 AM »

Karenja won't be long till you have your test

I've been having the "heart attack" for the past week too. Had test last year all ok, but that was last year! Lol I just hate when I get these episodes


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Re: Let's talk about Health Anxiety
« Reply #23 on: February 18, 2015, 06:43:57 PM »

these posts started by bomber are so reassuring that I am not alone, health anxiety is really awful, despite cardiologist tests saying my hearts fine even though I just walked up a hill my chest was tight (so unfit now that's why) and I found it scary, when will this end, I don't think I will ever truly feel like my old self again x


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Re: Let's talk about Health Anxiety
« Reply #24 on: February 23, 2015, 03:21:16 PM »

I am so happy I saw this post as I have developed health anxiety over the past two years and I would say I also have General Anxiety as well, I just turned 46 - I have had several tests including MRI of brain, treadmill test, blood work, etc. I have even forced them to do a CT scan when I thought I had pancreatic cancer symptoms... it is terrible - I wake up nervous and trembling inside every day especially around my period.  The fact that I am afraid to see how I feel when I wake up makes me more nervous.  I just want to feel myself again instead of shake, achey, foggy, nervous, anxious, reaching for ativan!  Doctors think I am nuts and they say my blood work is fine!  I am so over feeling this way!


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Re: Let's talk about Health Anxiety
« Reply #25 on: February 24, 2015, 05:07:46 AM »

Well here I am again  ::) this time I 'really' am poorly, I have a water infection and a very heavy flu type cold but strangely enough this doesn't seem to worry me???? Lol. Next week when I feel better I will be back to chest pains, headaches, neck aches etc etc.  :o


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Re: Let's talk about Health Anxiety
« Reply #26 on: February 24, 2015, 08:48:13 AM »

I am actually better than I was when I was in my 20s and 30s was obssessed that I had heart disease and other horrible things and now that I am 50 plus I do still get anxious currently convinced I have colon issues but by tomorrow, will prob be something else least nowadays I can laugh @ myself, just so annoyed that I wasted so many years worrying about health issues.


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Re: Let's talk about Health Anxiety
« Reply #27 on: February 24, 2015, 01:47:43 PM »

I still have health anxiety despite 10mg Citalopram.  It has stopped the actual panic attacks but appears to have flattened all my feelings as don't seem to be able to just relax and feel happy. Have absolutely no family or money worries and other than gum disease due to receding gums I am fit and healthy.  But I can spend hours convinced that I am going to lose all my teeth. Also have to avoid any health warnings or health news on TV!  Feel a bit pathetic as I am wasting healthy days worrying about the future!


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Re: Let's talk about Health Anxiety
« Reply #28 on: February 24, 2015, 06:23:50 PM »

I could write an essay on health anxiety!!
rebelyell, I was glad to see I'm not the only one avoiding health news on tv! There are certain posts on here i find i whizz past too! Also i see things at bus stops, in the paper, hear people talking about deaths or illness, they all send me into overdrive. I never used to be this way, I feel like a spineless wimp. I've had some serious illnesses over the years and managed them with a young family and full time job. I'd be floored if it happened now. I wish I'd enjoyed my younger 'carefree' youth more! xxx


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Re: Let's talk about Health Anxiety
« Reply #29 on: February 25, 2015, 09:22:08 PM »

i suffer health anxiety and am having a bad day today with it.  My kitchen isunder construction and I am afraid to go home due to the dust and what it might do to my nose/lungs, etc.

It is great to read that others suffer this and I am getting alot of fellowship from this website. 

I was sitting outside at Starbucks today (live in California, it is warm here and I get nervous sitting inside due to germs/coughs./sick people, of which there are many right now.)  I met two ladies in their mid 60s.  Such nice women.  Had a good chat. I said to one that she seemed very healthy and confident and a non fearful person.

Her response floored me:  she said she wakes up every day afraid.  I do not know what she is afraid of or why.  She seems very well, walks miles each day.  I never would have guessed.

I think there are many, many people out there just scared to death and I never knew it.  All this became just terribly bad after I entered meno.  Seriously, I am so anxious ofmy health that I think it is hurting my health and this makes me more anxious too.   Sigh....
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