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Author Topic: estrogel high or low  (Read 25390 times)


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Re: estrogel high or low
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2015, 06:48:42 PM »

Thanks Suztq - I get my blood results on Thurs and take it from there. I know the Consultant is keen for me to come off HRT as Im 56 in Feb (5 years on HRT) and in her opinion 5 years is the limit. I think that's old school thinking :(



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Re: estrogel high or low
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2015, 11:46:19 PM »

My mum was on hrt until nearly 70! Her gp refused to prescribe it but as she spends half the year in Spain, she just bought it over the counter!! When she stopped (she just kept forgetting to take it) she had no return of symptoms!

I've just turned 50 and plan to reduce my patches gradually from the age of around 51 but if things get too bad I won't hesitate to restart. I think it really is our decision and easier for me as I have private specialist - that's our only real option here in canada!


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Re: estrogel high or low
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2015, 07:44:42 PM »

Hi consultant advice is go by symptoms. Reduced from 5 1/4 to 4  and tiny 1mm in syringe yep system that sensitive. Tight chest gone nit much anxiety but feeling of just can't relax. Boobs still sore and sexual urges there but not as strong. Question is how long do I wait to see if dose is still to high. Only been a week reducing x


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Re: estrogel high or low
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2015, 08:57:37 PM »

I would give it a month donna really. The body has to undergo all sorts of changes - not just in the bloodstream so keep that up for a while longer.

Warwick - yes - old school thinking - you absolutely do not have to stop - heavens - I'd only just started at that age! By all means see if you can reduce the dose a little - but only a little - but if after 3 months you are feeling terrible then increase again - if no medical issues to the contrary.

Hurdity x


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Re: estrogel high or low
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2015, 10:19:14 PM »

Thanks will start a month countdown x


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Re: estrogel high or low
« Reply #20 on: January 15, 2015, 03:24:29 PM »


Just got back from Hospital. Results from blood test:
Estragon - 26.9
FH- 2.0
Does anyone know what this means?
Consultant not interested in symptoms just kept saying at my age should be on lowest amount :(  not sure I have faith in this Consultant. Down to 3 pumps of gel



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Re: estrogel high or low
« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2015, 06:15:06 PM »

That sounds extremely low oestrogen warwick if it is accurate - and I would question that, because if it is in pmol/l (which it usually is in UK) then it is a very low reading for someone in post-menopause who is not taking HRT.

I would ask for a print-out of your results - not sure what FH is? If it's FSH then that's also very low!

I'm not sure what the consultant means by the lowest amount - surely that is zero! I understand the general principle of HRT is to be on the lowest dose that controls symptoms (although this is almost always less than the "feel-good" level) but to pick an arbitrary lowest dose (whatever that is) seems bizarre.

How long is it since you reduced from 4 pumps to 3?

Hurdity x


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Re: estrogel high or low
« Reply #22 on: January 16, 2015, 08:20:58 PM »

Hi Hurdity

Thank you for replying (was hoping you would)

What she said was the results were high for a post meno woman, she would expect this result for a women who was ovulating.........grrr

FSH - sorry ???
I have been on 3 pumps for 4 weeks now, sweats came back but seem to have settled last few days.

When I asked about other hormone results i.e prog,test she said they don't do this test as no need in post meno women. She never heard of Utrogesterol therefore I have o confidence in this Consultant. Unfortunatly she s going to write to my GP with her recommendations of which I don't agree with.

Any idea what estragon reading should be in post meno women?? as I have no idea!

Thanks again for your advice ;)


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Re: estrogel high or low
« Reply #23 on: January 16, 2015, 11:12:49 PM »

I am really confused . Maybe I am wrong, but I thought estrogen should be high at ovulation, not low (which, at 26.9, yours seems?). I don't understand what your doc means by saying this level is high and suggests you're ovulating? Mine was 40 and doc and specialist both said this was v low. Can someone explain?  X


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Re: estrogel high or low
« Reply #24 on: January 17, 2015, 10:06:35 AM »

Low FSH levels indicate you are still ovulating, high levels mean you are approaching menopause.

Its not static though as sporadic ovulation can occur up until the final period.

Estrogen drops just before ovulation and then rises again along with progesterone.

Its difficult to judge what is going on at perimenopause with blood tests as this just shows what is happening at that particular point in time.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 11:05:55 AM by silverlady »


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Re: estrogel high or low
« Reply #25 on: January 17, 2015, 10:42:46 AM »

That really helps. Thanks Silverlady, especially for the link. X


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Re: estrogel high or low
« Reply #26 on: January 17, 2015, 01:55:51 PM »

Silverlady - thank you for the link.

Have you any idea what the Estragion level should be for a post meno women??

Remember I was using 4 pumps of Oestrogel at the tie of blood test which came back 26.9 so not sure what consultant expected?

Really confused ???



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Re: estrogel high or low
« Reply #27 on: January 17, 2015, 02:26:12 PM »

Hi warwick

Just noticed this again so a quick response to your Q. I repeat that the reading is incorrect if it is referring to your estradiol levels.

As I said in my post - that reading (in pmol/l) is in the range for post-menopausal women. If you had been given this reading without HRT and your consultant had said that it was low - then it is likely to be correct.

The fact that you are on quite a high dose of gel ( even if you are not absorbing it correctly) and your consultant said your dose is high and is the same as someone who is ovulating - means it has to be wrong. Were you given this as a print-out?

Take a look at the reference ranges here:  - scroll down until you reach the table and graph. Post-meno range is from almost nothing (according to this) to 130 pmol/l.

Pre-ovulatory peak - the range is 400 - 1500 pmol/l.

You are post-menopausal I presume, given your age - and even if you were still fertile your levels would not be as low as this during the cycle.

I would say the reading is a mistake and is not what the consultant is referring to (if it is estradiol levels)

Hurdity  x


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Re: estrogel high or low
« Reply #28 on: January 17, 2015, 03:06:38 PM »

This may explain it warwick01

"Normal estradiol Day 3 value -- 25-75 pg/ml
In spite of the above number, generally, estradiol levels about 30 or below  -- in conjunction with a high FSH level (high in this case, meaning in the post-menopausal range, i.e. 30-40 or higher) -- is considered menopausal.  (Important note:   If your FSH hasn't reached post-menopausal levels and your estradiol is on the low side, you are not considered POF or EM.  There can be other reasons for low estradiol, including excessive exercise, low body fat, and diminished ovarian reserve.)  This is because estradiol levels tend to drop over time.   During the first 2 to 5 years following menopause or ovarian failure, blood levels of estradiol drop to an average range of about 25 to 35 pg/ml.  Women not on HRT generally will see this number drop even more over time; after about five years, it's common for menopausal women who aren't on HRT to have estradiol levels below 25.
If your estradiol levels are lower than 50 picograms per milliliter, you may still be having a period, but also may be experiencing  symptoms of low estrogen -- including hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and sleep difficulties"

Post menopause estrogen levels vary from woman to woman depending on fat levels, diet, health of ovaries, or whether a woman uses Hormones, and maybe genetic factors.
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