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Author Topic: Utrogestan and Estradot  (Read 6304 times)


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Utrogestan and Estradot
« on: December 27, 2014, 04:00:39 PM »

Hello ladies, ive been a bit quieter lately but now Im back as the short lived feeling better has gone today, im using Estradot patches every day, changing twice per week, I think its the Utorgestan causing the probs, Im now using it vaginally (bit concerned about this as it does not mention using it this way on the instructions but I know lots of ladies are), ive used 6 tablets, little round balls really, the drowseyness on waking up is still there feeling like you have been in a deep sleep and cannot wake up, it passed about lunchtime normally and then I take another one about 10pm when I go to bed.  My question is does anybody get any side effects at all with Utrogestan apart from drowseyness, so I know what is normal, some days Im great, other days like today kept feeling kind of shaky, just don't feel 100%, Im still getting chest pain now and again and I don't think its my anxiety, so just wondered what other ladies are experiencing, I know I have to stick with it, but id be quite happy to have 15 days off now after taking 6, but assume this would not be a good idea.  Just a reminder 1 year since last natural period, Im 54, the doctor prescribed the Utrogestan to be taken orally for 25 out of 28 days, but he did actually ask me what method Id prefer, I didn't really understand what the choice was at the time, just glad to have them prescribed at long last.

Its been hard work getting Utrogestan as Ive chopped and changed so many times, only sticking to one preparation for nearly three months, the other alternative is to come off hrt, but then my anxiety is affected and if I don't want to take anti depressants, what option do I have x


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Re: Utrogestan and Estradot
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2014, 09:43:14 AM »

I didn't take Utrogestan last night as hated the way i felt yesterday only taken six though in suppose im going to have to carry on with th
For another six days? X


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Re: Utrogestan and Estradot
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2014, 11:04:31 AM »

Hi Karenja, really sorry to hear the Utrogestan's not working out for you. Do be careful with stopping and starting though, as you need a specific amount of progesterone to keep the lining thin. Also, if you alter the dosing, you won't know for sure what's causing your side effects. Just a thought, have you ever tried the Mirena? Maybe that would be an easier way for you to get the necessary progesterone without experiencing such extreme side effects. People seem to love it or hate it. (Got to admit, I was booked in to have one fitted months ago but chickened out at the last minute, despite my GP telling me it's the contraceptive of choice for GPs!). I am currently thinking of switching to Qlaira as my GP says I need something that over rides my own hormones (which HRT isn't managing at times). Pixiegirl's recent post was useful. I have decided to stick with current regime for at least three months and see how I feel then.
Good luck (and Happy New Year) xx,24521.msg381708.html#msg381708
« Last Edit: December 28, 2014, 11:11:29 AM by Briony »


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Re: Utrogestan and Estradot
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2014, 11:12:05 AM »

Hi Kerenga

I have taken Utrogestran 100mg for 7 nights vaginally. I have taken it for the first time mid December. I could not manage the full 12 days, so stopped after 7 due to feeling woozy, anxiety and really bad sweats day and night. Although side affects not as bad as Northisterone.

I started my bleed Friday and to my surprise been really heavy, which I wasn't expecting. So to answer your question YES I get side effects but I will try to continue with utrogesterone 7 days a month whilst I have a positive withdraw bleed.



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Re: Utrogestan and Estradot
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2014, 02:51:06 PM »

HI Briony and Warwick

I am very mindful and concerned Ive only taken 6 Ultrogestan pills, was going to take another one tonight very reluctant though with work tomorrow, so is it ok to take just six or seven days instead of 12 Warwick, if so then I cant stop now and start again in 15 days, glad its not only me getting side effects with it x



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Re: Utrogestan and Estradot
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2014, 03:41:52 PM »

I really don't know enough to answer that Karenja - hopefully Warwick01 will know more, especially as it seems like she's in a similar boat. Must be so annoying for you, especially as you had to fight so hard to get this x


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Re: Utrogestan and Estradot
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2014, 05:53:57 PM »

Hi Karenja

Ye - I think you and I are defo in the same boat (been following your threads)

I can only report on my experience which is I could only tolerate 7 days on Utrorgesteran. I waited and thankfully I started my bleed 5 days after the last utrogesteran. The bleed as been heavy so I guess all must be ok.

I will start again on 1st day of every month and if I can only manage 7 days so be it. If I get worried I will speak with my GP. Some times we are the best person to understand what our bodies require.

I use 3 pumps of Oestrogel.

Good luck Wx


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Re: Utrogestan and Estradot
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2014, 07:31:02 PM »

Thanks w what is orstragel is that what your taking for estrogen? X


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Re: Utrogestan and Estradot
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2014, 09:19:01 PM »

Yes - Oestrogel is Estragon in a gel which I rub 2 pumps morning and 1 eve. I have tried tablets, patches and this has proven to be the better option. As if required it is easy to tweak.




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Re: Utrogestan and Estradot
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2014, 08:26:42 PM »

I will see if I get a bleed then decide my next course of action so undecided right now x


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Re: Utrogestan and Estradot
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2014, 08:29:20 PM »

Not sure about the mirena cool you mentioned Briony don't think I'm
Brave enough x


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Re: Utrogestan and Estradot
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2015, 03:12:20 PM »

I know from your other post that you have stopped hrt now but just wanted to tell you my experience with estradot and utrogestan. I have taken for just 12 days a month and also continuously. The worst part with the utrogestan is undoubtedly the first week in my experience, en your body sort of adjusts. I think of it like the progesterone down-regulating the estrogen - competing for the same receptors, so you tend to feel crappy. After that it all sort of settles in and becomes easier. I and others have made the decision to manage the week of feeling like this in order to feel much better the rest of the time. I now use progesterone continuously and feel fab but it did take a while to get to this stage. It seems like you are unwilling to try to manage through the initial feelings, which I get - it's hard and they are unpleasant, but there really is no magic solution. Maybe ad's would work better for you?  For me the choice was easy as I felt so bad every day for a very long time so maybe you need to reach that point first! I do hope you find a way through it all though.


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Re: Utrogestan and Estradot
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2015, 04:15:52 PM »

Thanks suzyq I've taken my patch off today as worried about the effects as I've only had six ultrogestan I reAlly don't know where to go from
Here x


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Re: Utrogestan and Estradot
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2015, 06:21:30 PM »

Hi karenja - I've answered on your other thread. In your case I don't see the need to change from patches to gel as it is the progesterone that seems to be causing you the problems. Once you've cracked this (the best method of taking this for you) you should be well away!  :)

If you are getting chest pain this is very unlikely to be due to the progesterone and from what you say most likely to be anxiety in your case,  but unless you have already done so, any chest pain should be investigated by the GP to rule out heart problems, rather than guess what is causing it.

Re drowsiness on waking - I always get this - and actually get this now every single day (not just when on utrogestan) - ie find it hard to wake up. It does usually pass after half an hour drinking two mugs of tea and I get up and about.

Sorry to hear about your ongoing problems but you will get through this!

Hurdity x


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Re: Utrogestan and Estradot
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2015, 06:25:49 PM »

Suzyq, really helpful post.  :) .... You've got me thinking now about how I am when taking Utrogestan in the first few days (down) before it settles again, so much so I then feel horrible when I stop it. Also made my skin hideous after stopping it.  Is it ok to take it as you do,all month, if you still have regular periods? X
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