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Author Topic: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic  (Read 28714 times)


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Re: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #15 on: December 26, 2014, 04:22:15 PM »

is anyone on Fluoxitine for anxiety - and is it helping?  I've been taking 20mg for 3 weeks and feel absolutely terrible - palpitations, anxiety, panicky and can't sleep! thanks


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Re: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2014, 06:20:54 PM »

I tried fluoxitine it didn't work for me made me sick x


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Re: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2014, 07:15:21 PM »

I have been on fluoxetine in the past (some years ago now) but for depression, not anxiety. It worked reasonably well for that but if anything made me more 'wired' and a bit agitated than not - but when I was very down, that felt kind of necessary.

I am no doctor but perhaps something calming rather than 'perking up' is more suitable for anxiety - request a review with GP? Having said that meds can take at least four weeks to kick in so perhaps your GP thinks it will help you after the initial adjustments.

Wishing you well.

Starfish x


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Re: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #18 on: December 27, 2014, 09:17:58 AM »

Thanks - managed to get a few hours sleep last night and the anxiety and panicky feelings have lifted a lot so I'll see how I go over the next few days and then speak to the GP next week. Its so horrible being out of control.


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Re: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #19 on: December 27, 2014, 09:40:55 AM »

I was prescribed citalopram by my GP, she said it was quite often given to ladies of my age (65) with menopause problems of anxiety and flushes especially when HRT wasn't an option.  It does take a while to kick in and a few side effects at first but it has helped me. Only on 10mgs daily  and I realise you are at a differentt point in menopause but it might be an alternative option worth trying.
Hope you have a good day today



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Re: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #20 on: December 27, 2014, 12:52:58 PM »

Hi PoF - reading your post was like looking at myself in a mirror and we have been through many similar experiences. I too felt huge embarrassment and shame at losing fertility so early and therefore my sense of not being like my friends who are still popping out babies like smarties (Im now 43 but diagnose menopausal at 41) I've not told one single friend that Im menopausal and on Hrt as then I feel i will become someone else in their eyes and I'm not ready to be yet. I get overwhelming anxiety and despair, along with racing heart and then panic stations! I too have a young son and don't want him to feel like his mum is 'different'. I know exactly how you feel about being a jibbering wreck too and I have huge outbursts of rage/tears then feel really stupid and guilty after. I just don't know where I have gone....and I don't really like me anymore, but I'm hoping that will change.
I upped my oestrogen to 75 from 50 over Xmas to see if it increased my general wellbeing and it seems to have (tho maybe just being xmas helped too!) also Im on 2nd month of utrogestan and now keeping a diary of how it makes me feel before I have gp review in a month. I desperately wanted to try the most natural hrt especially as I'll be on it until 52, but not sure it's the one for me. Anyway I know I'm rambling now but I just wanted you to know you are certainly not alone nor the only one feeling like you do and I wanted to send you a hug xx


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Re: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #21 on: December 27, 2014, 06:15:30 PM »

PoF don't feel silly - I have exactly the same probs, the anxiety,panic surges etc etc have been the worst part of meno for me ..And  I too feel like a helpless child seeking reassurance & thinking I am completely losing the plot...Its  a shame that in this day and age,  that there still seems to be such a lack of help and understanding with this aspect of meno ...I am sure If men suffered in the same way more would be done to help..


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Re: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #22 on: December 27, 2014, 06:50:13 PM »

thanks so much ladies.  I agree about the 'early menopause' thing and it's a classic worry to feel we're too young to be going through it, even at 40.   But you know, i suspect more women than let on begin to feel issues in their mid 40s but jsut will not talk about it. Silly really, since we all go through it.   But i was wondering, when have I EVER, just in the course of normal life, seen a lady have a 'meltdown' and then say 'sorry folks, menopause'.  I have not ever encountered that, so i assumed i was the weakest one in the world, because i am getting close to having to say to people 'oops, sorry, a little menopausal moment' .  And i am 45  ... so actually, it occurred to me that even though i assume my peers are 'fine and ok' and fully charged up an huge amounts of wonderful natural oestrogen, and not feeling it yet .... i wonder whether a few of them are beginning to feel a few wobbles but won't admit to it, esp since i read on this forum that so many women even around 45 or so are feeling like this!!

on Christmas day our little adopted boy, who we adore, woke us up at 5.30 am for his presents.   I managed to coax him to snuggle up in our bed, hoping we would all fall back to sleeps.   but then 'bang', an enormous menopausal panic  came on for me.  So i was hovering over him, trying to make the right noises about his presents, at 5.45 am, telling husband 'im having an attack', and then trying to still look normal to the boy!   Anyway, i managed, but it was weird indeed.  The boy can't possibly understand what menopause is, and i suspect that for much of his childhood he'll see me like this.  I guess the only thing i could hope is that when he's `16, i might well be finished with all of this upheaval, so maybe that will balance out a bit so that when he's at his testosterone worst, i will be more hormonally balanced for once.   ACtually, with premature ovarian failure, i have been 'menopausal' since age 32 and actually, i can barely remember i time when i was NOT suffering from it all so i have had real bad luck. 

also i felt unprepared for menopause.   I genuinely thought it was just a thing where there was lots of mysterious heavy bleeding and a few flushes and sweats.   I had no idea there was so much to it, and for so long potentially.
it's the general anxiety i dislike.   I would normally describe myself as 'uptight', but essentially in control and pretty self confident and competent socially and professionally.  And yet i find myself feeling like a shadow of my 'former self' and feeling nervous about the smallest things i could do easily at age 22 and i feel sad about that.


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Re: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #23 on: December 27, 2014, 06:56:52 PM »

and the few women i have told i am on hrt simply said 'oh don't go on that, it gives you cancer'.  But they are going through menopause naturally and seem to miss that i am ten years younger than them with a young kid!   So not much support there.   I too must take it until 52 for the bones etc and it's hard to, because i worry.   But i am reassured about it from lectures given by consultants i have heard.   People like us need to take it as hormone replacement.

ANd i am fascinated, this thread has had 600+ views, so surely women reading this must be suffering similar feelings, and wanting reassurance too?  I can't communicate with you ladies of the world since you're not logging in, but if you're seeking reassurance about these symptoms, then i guess there's a lot of us out there!!!  i Can't imagine anyone bothering to look at this thread unless there was a topic that interested them.
A very menopausal Christmas to you all!! ;) ;D


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Re: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #24 on: December 28, 2014, 01:28:33 PM »

Hello PoF - I've been reading these posts these last few days and showing my Mum as she's been here over Christmas.  I am suffering with really bad insomnia and have for over 11 months now - don't know how I have held a job down.   I have been taking HRT (and now on Sandrena gel) and started Fluoxitine 3 weeks ago to help with the night sweats and anxiety - but at the moment I am worse than ever.  Everything you say about adrenaline, palpitation and general panic applies to me too!  The worst is that I cannot sleep with it - I am a mess.   I will try to get to see the Doctor again tomorrow (amongst millions of others probably) - but I don't think they know what to do with me now.  I feel like I need to be in hospital attached to a machine that can monitor what is happening to me! 


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Re: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #25 on: December 28, 2014, 05:32:30 PM »

some days i just feel extremely anxious, about nothing at all really. And it's that 'nothing at all' that is the problem since at least if you have an exam, meeting, presentation etc once that is gone then you feel ok.   It's the empty feeling of anxiety about nothing that bugs me so much.  ::)

it is helping a bit though to hear of others through this forum - seems like a lot of people feel it too. I want to try not to go on antidepressants at the moment.   I was on Citalapram for about 14 months after infertility and miscarriage.   It did help me, but i am pretty sure it did make me put on about 8 lbs in weight which i did not like at all.  Also for the first three weeks, i felt extremely anxious and sweaty, and i gather it can do this for some people.  I had no problems coming off it at all, but i gather through the web that some people have difficulties esp if their dose is high.  I was only on the lowest dose and it helped a lot.   But in those days, about 3 yrs ago, anxiety was not a big problem for me. :-*


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Re: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #26 on: December 28, 2014, 06:06:55 PM »

I just googled adrenalin and menopause and found this link, somewhat like the thread here.   I still worry a lot about it, still feel the fear, but i am determined to face up to it all.

i also have been getting the chills a bit after these episodes. I have been having a few more still during the posting of these posts, but i am beginning to say to myself, when one happens, 'it's the old situation again, ride the wave, and pace yourself and do one step at a time'.  Just plod on.   You can't change the chemical surge, but i guess the trick is to change your reaction to it, and your thoughts and feelings about it.  Easier said than done of course.

I guess we can't stop the waves and tide turning, to use a metaphor of the sea, but i suppose we can change how we feel about it, and what we think about it all. That is the key i suspect, but oh how hard it is to get to that level :o :-*


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Re: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #27 on: December 28, 2014, 06:32:32 PM »

My adrenal surges only happened at night usually as I was relaxing into sleep, they felt like a jolt of agitation, a strange feeling, probably the

pituitary gland is involved trying to boost hormones , but not succeeding, which effect the adrenals too, my estrogen patch stopped these surges.


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Re: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #28 on: December 29, 2014, 11:53:54 PM »

Well, I had another few surges followed by strong heartbeats tonight, whilst watching Minors in Designers.  I can't say i enjoyed them much, but i tried as hard as i could to simply endure them, let them pass without adding a personal panic attack on top of them.   It was not easy i have to say, and i felt shaky afterwards, but this new attitude seemed to help me cope, as do the many comments above which help me to have this new attitude.   I tried to think of them as hot flashes without the heat, and i assume they are a bit like that. So given that i did not add a panic attack on top of them, they passed.
I think i'd prefer hot flashes to adrenaline surges if i had the choice!
Can't wait for Housewives of Cheshire next week. Maybe that will help with the palpitations, or maybe increase them! :)


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Re: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #29 on: January 02, 2015, 07:59:40 PM »

Hi PoF, welcome to MM.
I was  exactly like you 3 months back, and it appeared to come out of nowhere.i had a complete emotional meltdown at work, thought I was having a nervous breakdown-frightening, couldn't stop crying for the rest of the day.
My old Gp put me on ad's last feb ,as  I just didn't feel right in myself, low moods, anxiety, grumpy, just not myself.
Within 3 weeks started to feel better, and everything was going fine until  beg. sept. this year. Was getting headaches and then frequent migraines, so went to see the gp. i started having anxiety/panic attacks at work just before my meltdown, all the signs were there, just didn't know what it was leading up to.
However, i have now been stable since the middle of November and am waiting to start my ''talking therapy'' this month.
the gp signed me off for 2 weeks , so I could find myself again and start the mending process and also upped my ad's.
This web site and the ladies on here are saviours, really helped me understand what was going on. Yoga does help as well, the breathing exercises are good at night, to help switch off and I go for a 10 min run every morning before work to clear my head and kick start my body, and I think it pays off.
Can't take HRT, so am looking for other ways to help me through this.
This forum is great, stick with it.

Happy new year to everyone
Kas xx
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