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Author Topic: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare  (Read 35839 times)


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #30 on: November 12, 2014, 08:29:02 AM »

Yes its just the oil capsules - i cut them and have with a glass of water, i think some ladies take it as well as hrt so maybe double check that and try both. Thing is, i was scared to stop HRT same as you, but i finally said that obviously hrt wasnt doing what i hoped and so it was worth a gamble as i had more patches ready to restart if necessary!
You have to do what feels right, especially if you have a history of anxiety, only you can make that decision for what you do next, perhaps continue through the progesterone part of the new patches to see if any better and supplement ( after checking its ok to do so) alongside?
My hair much thinner but loss has possibly stopoed or slowing down, got it coloured and upped the extensions in the hope of disguise!! Xx
« Last Edit: November 12, 2014, 08:31:38 AM by karin »


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #31 on: November 12, 2014, 08:41:46 AM »

Good one lizzy V ! Anything is worths try so if it works for you....
Karin I tried menopace just upset my stomach! Glad starflower is working for you, HRT working for me so I'll continue with that but always good to know alternatives and how others get on, you'll soon have a right good head of hair.
Karenja have you discussed this with your GP? Had any checks for your heart? Is does sound as though it is all health anxiety, and yes it is horrible. How many of us on her think our hearts are going to pack in! That's my top fear, then the feeling of being unable to breath it just overtakes and you can't think straight! I can't remember what types you have tried and how long for ? How long have these feelings been going on for?


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #32 on: November 12, 2014, 06:56:25 PM »

Hi Millykin, Ive been to the doctors so many times, its been going on for months, as ive had to call the ambulance twice and the first time they took me in to test me for everything, Ive had ecg's so the doctors just say you have had them so must be just anxiety, just anxiety! I never seen the same gp usually though I did request to see one a few times who was quite helpful, so its v frustrating, its is very scary not knowing how much the body can take :( still deciding whether to come off hrt or just see how it goes with new progesterone, decisions decisions x


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #33 on: November 12, 2014, 07:10:11 PM »

It's bery frustrating karenja. I was sent to hospital 3 times because of it, first 2 times all checked 3rd time they just looked me over at A&E felt so stupid that's when I was put in beta blocker and found it helped, have you tried that? So hard for you x


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #34 on: November 12, 2014, 07:34:43 PM »

Hi Millykin yes I felt stupid too, I cant take betablockers unfortunately because of my asthma x


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #35 on: November 25, 2014, 07:10:55 AM »

My symptoms have been sore large boobs, forgetfulness, feelings like I can't cope, breathlessness/palpitations, aching joints and muscles, utter exhaustion when I used to be someone who could never sit still, mild depression, random tearfulness, lightheaded and dizzy and overall a feeling that I just don't know this person I am now :( and I want the old me back.


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #36 on: December 31, 2014, 01:03:28 AM »

Such a relief knowing others are finding menopause a challenge too  :)

I've had a variety of symptoms over the last year - sleep disturbances, bleeding gums, dull hair, sweats, headache, extreme tiredness in day, menopausal arthritis, flu-like unwell feeling, the latest being raised temperature, palpitations and dizziness.
A couple of my more unusual symptoms, which I'm wondering if anyone else has had, are enlarged/inflammed lymph nodes in both axilla and right sided earache.

Thankfully, I'm on Oestrogel which lets me get on with life but my dose is quite high. I can't ever see me being able to stop it!


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #37 on: December 31, 2014, 07:46:07 AM »

aww ladies this menupause is no fun! hope we all find something that suits us that will help , sending hugs and Happy New Year to you all xx


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #38 on: December 31, 2014, 02:54:49 PM »

I get cramp sparkle/and cold feet cant do without my socks x


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #39 on: December 31, 2014, 06:26:06 PM »

Hi sparkle I got cramp occassionally before but nothing like I do now in my feet it's awful I've mentioned on here before but it didn't seem to be something others hàd apart from u now so not sure if menupause related x


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #40 on: January 01, 2015, 09:05:02 AM »

Good morning ladies. Just browsing the site and thought I'd look in on this thread to see all the weird, wonderful and occasionally scary symptoms.
I get cramp in my feet if they get too cold... bloomin nuisance when I go to yoga classes in our village hall - the floor is alway cold. Santa brought me a pair of yoga socks with built-in toes and little sucky grippy blobs so hopefully this won't be such a problem.
I've been amazed and scared to death by some of my other ones - twitchy trembly muscles, flipping from happy to anxious in a millisecond, tired all the time (thyroid tests are fine), extremely painful boobs (not on HRT at the moment), jaw clenching and cold/hot spots in my mouth.

If only it was just flushes and sweats?!!

Galadriel x


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #41 on: January 01, 2015, 09:32:22 AM »

Wow, so comforting to read this as a newbie! Had a lot of those symptoms (no hot flushes - yet...) and sometimes think "this is it, I haven't long for this earth." Had loads of blood tests back in October - all clear so that was a relief. As long as I know that realistically I'm fine and it's just my body going through a change, then I can manage, although some days are harder than others, especially if I get tired. Learning to pace myself is the toughest thing as I'm not one to sit still. I've flu d exercise and acupuncture really help me as does my work at the wolf centre. When you take the wolves out for their walk (they are all hand raised so like being around people) you have to concentrate so hard you forget about yourself. They really keep me going (and my lovely hubby too).


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #42 on: January 01, 2015, 02:20:57 PM »

I have yet to convince a doctor that nominal dysphasia is a symptom of my menopause. My Mum used to call it Nouns Disease on the grounds that you forget the names for things with the result that you start asking people "Could you pass the thingy on the whatsit please?"


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #43 on: January 01, 2015, 04:16:37 PM »

Oh lady its such a comfort to know I not going off my head.I keepthinking my heart is beating faster but its because I keep thinking about it and panicking so it will be worse lol, and I have cold feet sweaty feet sore shoulders all the symptoms you lady have isn't it fun


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #44 on: January 01, 2015, 04:40:54 PM »

Oh the heart one has got to be the worst for me, one minute ok the next I feel my heart flip and go faster makes me panic I think it makes it worse, then there's tbe hotness with it no fun x
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