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Author Topic: Hrt and thyroid meds  (Read 7037 times)


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Hrt and thyroid meds
« on: October 20, 2014, 09:25:20 AM »

I have just phoned the pharmasit to ask about the interaction between hrt and thyroxine, no interaction he said but keep eye on blood pressure, cause it could effect thyroid levels, ??????? So there is some sort of interaction.
I have been on everol 100 for 2 weeks and for nearly 2 weeks I have had a migraine, pharmacist said to leave patch off.
No doubt my doctor will disagree tomorrow.
Been sweating and anxious for 4 days now (again) not gone to work, feel like death. Wanted to throw myself off the roof last night, been crying for 4 days, just want to get it sorted.
Sorry to go on, I have never been so confused, and ill.😭😰😡
What were your symptoms with the oestrogen.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2014, 10:57:17 AM by Scampi18 »


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Re: Hrt and thyroid meds
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2014, 10:03:47 AM »

Scampi - I personally found that when I used too much oestrogen I felt dreadful.  You are on a very high dose and you haven't said why? If you can tell us more about yourself we could possibly help you more.  DG x


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Re: Hrt and thyroid meds
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2014, 10:21:42 AM »

Scampi18, this is the advice I was given by my endocrinologist and he is a recognised expert on thyroid especially. He has written papers and knows his stuff, I trust him with my life.

His advice is to take any supplement with, iron, calcium, vitamins, St John's wort, HRT if you use it, as far away from your thyroxine as possible but at least 4 hours between the two.

I take my thyroxine first thing on an empty stomach at 7.15 am and my supplements and St JW (don't use HRT) with my evening meal at 6pm and up until recently I have been stable.

Hope this helps with your question.


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Re: Hrt and thyroid meds
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2014, 10:45:46 AM »

Dancing girl hi and thanks for reply, don't know why on such a high dose.
This is my 3rd lot of hrt first one was climagest nest was climesse both tablet, taken four hours after thyroxine, this one I am on at the moment is everol patch so it's a constant supply of oestrogen, never felt so bad never had any relief from any of them.
I am 51 had problems since I was about 13 flushing tired letergy my mum was always at gp with me always probs with my throat, never nothing found, was put on numerous antidepressants throughout my life, had 3 children one bilateral hare lip and cleft palate one partially sighted and one with only one kidney, one reaching 40 a really nice gp ( we were military moved around a lot) so had lots of GPS) decided to test my thyroid function, which came back abnormal was put on thyroxine, and hrt a couple of months later, never felt any different on any of them, I am sure one is voters ting the other, one week i am wired the next can't move or get out of bed.
I have been under a immunologist for testing for the zoster virus, I have supposedly had chicken pox 9 times.
I think it's all hormone related one is fighting the other, I have also been diagnosed with 5 uterine fibroids, ostioporosis in my spine and arthritus in my hands, had MRI  and X-Rays.
Opticians just found a lump at the back of my eye, that's another extra to add to the list, being referred to hospital.
I would love to come off hrt what do you all think.
Babyjane thank you, I cnt take St johns wort, I lways take thyroxine on an empty stomach, I also take supplements, 😭😳
« Last Edit: October 20, 2014, 10:51:51 AM by Scampi18 »


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Re: Hrt and thyroid meds
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2014, 11:17:47 AM »

Oh Scampi18 - what a tough time you have had. :hug:
Clearly a variety of doctors have tried to help but as so often happens with the NHS they are not looking at you holistically.  We've had other ladies on here who have also found the HRT does not help their symptoms and clearly these symptoms are not just down to the menopause or lack of oestrogen.
If you have osteoporosis then you do need some form of treatment to prevent further bone loss. However, to just put you on such a high dose of oestrogen without properly assessing whether you need this seems strange. It really sounds to me as though your body is all out of balance. Many women have issues around the progesterone part of HRT - are you on sequi (monthly bleeds) or conti (no bleed) HRT?
You possibly need a more tailored approach so you can experiment to see what it is you actually need to bring your symptoms under control. I would ask to be referred to a gynae or meno clinic. Yes, possibly you need to come off HRT for a couple of months to see how you feel.  Then if flushes are worse perhaps try Oestrogel and possibly have a Mirena fitted.  The Mirena is often used to help reduce excessive bleeding and reduce fibroids.
 Oestrogel is applied daily and you can start low with just one pump per day and increase if you need more - so you can gage for yourself what is working.
There are many things you can try but I think you do need some specialist advice.
Keep us posted.


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Re: Hrt and thyroid meds
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2014, 01:15:57 PM »

Having mirena coil fitted tomorrow, forgot to say that, don't have bleeds, have not done for 4 years, it was the gyni that put me on all this, without even taking blood test also on tester one gel for libido, started getting a beard, What a horrible dilemma.
Thanks for the advice  I will keep you informed.


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Re: Hrt and thyroid meds
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2014, 04:04:20 PM »

When you have the Mirena fitted I would ask for Oestrogel for your oestrogen part of this regime - you can then start low with one pump per day for the first 3-4 weeks and see how you feel then increase to 2 pumps per day and so on till you find the level that makes you feel good.
If the testosterone isn't helping your libido I would abandon it.  Keep us posted.  Dg x


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Re: Hrt and thyroid meds
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2014, 04:11:25 PM »

Scrap my last posting my Merina coil appointment was for today, only booked it 4 weeks ago, slept and missed it, damn now have to wait another 4 weeks.  >:( :-\


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Re: Hrt and thyroid meds
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2014, 02:06:39 PM »

Oh! My doc said taking my thyroxine and oestrogen only HRT at same time was fine!  I did wonder about it so specifically asked her.  Still, I've only had three days HRT so far  :)


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Re: Hrt and thyroid meds
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2014, 02:17:35 PM »

I have taken thyroxine and been on various forms of HRT for 21 years and have never had any problems whatsoever. :)


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Re: Hrt and thyroid meds
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2014, 02:26:13 PM »

once again I think it is a case of 'if it isn't broken there is no need to fix it'.  But when I was first diagnosed with Hashimoto's I used to swallow thyroxine and vitamin supplements containing iron all together with my breakfast and a cup of tea. I never did stabilise and required a higher and higher dose until I was referred to an endocrinologist who advised me how best to take things apart from each other to allow maximum absorbtion, but that was my experience, others could differ.


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Re: Hrt and thyroid meds
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2014, 02:55:38 PM »

Hi, there is some evidence that soya isoflavones should be avoided with Thyroxine as should ST Johns Wort and calcium and iron. As others have commented, you are best to take at different times. I always take my Thyroxine at bedtime which gives enough time for stomach emptying following my evening meal. I take menopace and evening primrose and iron in the morning after breakfast. As far as I know, there is no interaction between HRT and Thyroxine. Hope you get sorted out x


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Re: Hrt and thyroid meds
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2014, 03:29:22 PM »

You are correct Teapea. I have use St John's Wort for many years. I take it with my evening meal, 11 hours after taking my thyroxine on an empty stomach at 7am. 


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Re: Hrt and thyroid meds
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2014, 08:17:14 PM »

Thanks for all your comments, i have had some very odd symptoms over the weekend, and Friday had to call for an ambulance, came over all odd after taking thyroid meds, went very light headed pins and needles in feet legs and hands, then fell over could not stand up without falling over, I have never been so frightened, felt like hyper with hypo symptoms, nothing showed up on bloods BP fine, blood sugar fine, so sent home feeling like a total waste of time.
All weekend I could not stand up without hanging onto things or falling to the floor, was taken to see gp who put it down to inner ear infection and put me on vertigo tabs.
Sweating then shivering cold bulging eyelids, panic and anxiety attacks, crying at everything, so frightened all the time, which is odd cause I was a confident outgoing person, I am sleeping for England.
Life is totally ruined, I have no pleasure at the moment.  Help. :'(