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Author Topic: Ladies not on HRT  (Read 43544 times)


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2014, 02:18:24 PM »

Very interesting! obvious" for and against" camps on here!
I will have to say that up until this point I hadn't tried any of the alternatives available, I just exercise, eat well and carried an aerosol water spray everywhere!
I decided upon hrt because of working , had I not had to consider work I probably would have continued without for the time being anyway. I don't want to swallow a tablet and I don't feel comfortable using them as pessaries without my GP blessing. neither do I want to go bald. so im decided to stop and do a bit of mindful watch and wait. I m quite aware that alternatives don't really seem to deliver and seem to only benefit the manufacturer, but I asked the question, because there are surely strategies we can all learn from each other. I am probably going to be back on this site saying that I've resumed hrt at some point, because the oestrogen part is certainly  marvellous, and I can only thank you all for your helpfulness and support when asked


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2014, 02:59:21 PM »

Hi karin
Yes, this thread has thrown up some diverse opinions.  I agree HRT isn't right for everyone but I think many of us on this site crave a better response from the medical profession to our needs during this often challenging time of our lives.
I believe women often abandon HRT simply because they were prescribed an HRT treatment that didn't suit them and then felt 'that was that' as GPs are often so ambivalent towards HRT in the first place. These women probably suffer for many years in the belief that there is nothing that can help them.  Our GPs are not specialist in this treatment and if this approach was applied to the contraceptive pill very few ladies would take 'The Pill'.  My daughter has tried so many different contraceptive pills with varying success but the clinic was determined to find something that suited her - she is now using 'The Ring' which she finds great to use and she has no adverse side effects. For those ladies who are suffering bad meno symptoms we want and need to have this more rigorous and tailored approach.
I think we would all welcome some better alternatives to HRT as well.  There are many ladies out there who cannot take HRT due to other health issues - they shouldn't suffer either. Some clear guidelines from NHS doctors about what herbs, remedies etc. could be of benefit is necessary and these should be on prescription to stop the exploitation by companies out to make an easy profit.
I know 3 ladies who have sailed through their menopause with barely a single flush so haven't needed to even consider HRT - each of them have either had or are going through breast cancer treatment. I personally don't think any of us can avoid the negative effects of 'The Change' - it certainly heralds a decline in many of our bodily functions - it just effects some more that others and the negative effects may well be written in our genes.
What this site does is give us so much great information and the opportunity to share experiences and knowledge - what is needed is better education for every women so we know what to expect and then have a better understanding of how to deal with it. We need the medical profession to support and guide us through the meno - whether we choose to use HRT or not, the options should be there.
DG x


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2014, 03:50:19 PM »

Karin I don't think there are for or against camps, per se, what I was trying to get cross is that all women should be heard whether they take HRT or not and their choices respected.

If they find something in a health store or even online and it works for them they should not be shot down.

Likewise if HRT works well for a woman that's good too.

The last thing a woman wants is to be lectured if its not approved by NICE or the NHS.

« Last Edit: October 15, 2014, 05:50:08 PM by silverlady »


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #18 on: October 15, 2014, 04:18:25 PM »

Love to know where you get FREE meds from the doctor.  I usually pay around the same as the prescription charge for my supplements and vits.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2014, 01:27:37 PM by rosebud57 »


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #19 on: October 15, 2014, 04:42:54 PM »

I agree with you Silverlady, some of us just can't take HRT and if we can find something else that works then why not mention it on here as it might help someone else who is struggling. Similarly if HRT does work then that is also useful to know as there seem to be so many different preparations to choose from. We are all in the same boat at this time in our lives and any  help is welcome.



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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #20 on: October 15, 2014, 05:36:45 PM »

Please note that since a recent law change ALL herbal remedies sold in the uk have to be certified.  They are no more dangerous than prescription medicines.  Both can cause problems as well as be helpful.  Most women who use alternatives only do so when needed and not for years at a time as with HRT. 

As for trusting the pharmaceutical companies to get it right I'd sooner trust a banker. 
« Last Edit: October 16, 2014, 01:28:01 PM by rosebud57 »


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #21 on: October 15, 2014, 05:49:28 PM »

Steady on rosebud my OH was a Banker ;D but I do agree with what you have said.


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #22 on: October 15, 2014, 06:20:30 PM »

Karin I don't think there are for or against camps, per se, what I was trying to get cross is that all women should be heard whether they take HRT or not and their choices respected.

If they find something in a health store or even online and it works for them they should not be shot down.

Likewise if HRT works well for a woman that's good too.

The last thing a woman wants is to be lectured if its not approved by NICE or the NHS.

Thank you these words and your other supportive words on this thread Silverlady.  There are many voices on this forum who advocate HRT and rubbish the alternatives.  The premise being that "your menopausal symptoms can't be that bad otherwise you'd take HRT". 

I am not able to take HRT, I have no choice but to 'put up with' menopausal symptoms.  I am not anti-HRT per se, if it works - great, but I also would ask for respect for the choices that women make on this subject. 

To take one case in point ..... "You need HRT to protect your bones" is something I've often read on here.  I am 52, have taken a potent aromatase inhibitor for nearly 5 years and have had no ovaries for 3.5 years ... I have just returned from a hospital appointment at which I've been told that my bone density is at a significantly better level than women in my age category.  Maybe I'm the exception that proves the rule but, playing devil's advocate here, I could argue what's the point of taking HRT to protect bone density when keeping active, doing weight-bearing exercise, eating a varied healthy diet, keeping to a healthy BMI appears to do the job?

Karin - I wish you luck with whatever you decide and I hope you receive some useful suggestions from ladies who have successfully dealt with symptoms in different ways.  For what it's worth I'd recommend investing in a Chillow. 


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #23 on: October 15, 2014, 07:57:10 PM »

My periods became less and less from late 1990s and by the time my dog was pts in 2002 I realised I hadn't seen a period for months.  I was already on anti-depressant medications and a betablocka for anxiety and had taken in the early 1990s, Valium as necessary.  So had been given chemical support before perimenopause so coped differently to ladies whose peri time came as a shock.

I use a vaginal preparation 2 x 7 to stop the effects of atrophy.  Otherwise I use nothing else for symptoms, other than pain relief as necessary i.e. Nurofen; which I also take for restless legs which can be troublesome at night. 

Initially I had cold flushes down my back - when I was taking drugs following cancer treatment in 1992.  As I aged and within 10 mins of taking the above medication I would get hot sweats after my bath and itching across my back and shoulders which went on for months  ::).  DH and I eat regularly and he cooks healthy meals.  We exercise as and when.  My mental health is on the whole under control so I can remain rational ………… I am aware of what is available should I require it and fortunately have a good working relationship with my GP so don't expect asking for medical support to become a problem.


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2014, 06:54:22 AM »

Karin, Hi,

If you go onto either Boots website or Holland and Barratt, under their 'menopause' products, or Vit Supplements, they all have reviews next to them from customers (some good, some bad), but there are a few who are swearing by some of them, so you could have a look there.  I'm like you, but have never had HRT and am interested in trying something alternative in the first instance.  I really think it will be trial and error and all these things take a fair bit of time to work.  It' s a quick fix we all dream about but it doesn't exist!  A good multi vitamin with a collagen supplement may be beneficial for healthy hair.

Take care


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #25 on: October 16, 2014, 01:07:46 PM »

I have friends who have not used HRT as their symptoms only lasted a year or less and then they were fine, suspect if you are one of these ladies then one possibly thinks the herbs etc do help when actually your body is adjusting better than others.  My symptoms were debilitating and after months of herbal remedies went to get the dreaded HRT which has been a life saver. Was basically sorted in 3 days and what a relief. Have a business to run so no time for health issues.  I doubt many ladies who dont suffer symptoms come onto this website as actually what would draw them here other than a mild curiosity.  I have  friends who barely noticed the changes and wonder what all the fuss is about .  We should all take lots of excercise , keep our weight down and watch our alchohol intake - sometimes more easily said than done!! :P


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #26 on: October 16, 2014, 02:22:04 PM »

Hello Winterose,  You must understand that the decision not to take HRT is much more than just severity of symptoms.  To put everyone who does not take HRT into one group as 'can't be suffering much or they would take it' is very unfair.  I would not presume to judge what anyone is experiencing or their choice of how to deal with it.  As far as I am concerned (and many others) the downside to HRT is not worth the risk, but that does not mean I suffer any less.


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #27 on: October 16, 2014, 02:47:23 PM »

Oh Rosebud  - no offence intended , perhaps my tolerance is a lot less than yours and all the  others with symptoms  who dont take it, I am on estrogen only so that helps with the health worries and bio identical, so risk is very low with all other parameters in good order.Excellent health, good blood pressure, good weight and very little alcohol.  I lost so much sleep that I nearly crashed my car, so better to be on Hrt and normal than off it and not.  Could have gone down the anti depressants route but felt if body was desperate  for estrogen and the risks for me were less than a glass of wine a day then it seemed  good choice - and choice is what we have but still think if you were reduced to blithering wreck you might have been persuaded.   ::)


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #28 on: October 16, 2014, 02:55:54 PM »

Was reduced to a blithering wreck after a year without a full nights sleep.  Went on prozac for 6 months (something I never, ever thought I would do).  However six months on prozac for me was far better than 'years' of HRT. 


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #29 on: October 16, 2014, 03:34:50 PM »

For what it is worth here is my 2 pennyworth. I chose not to take HRT with the thought that if my quality of life became intolerable I could always try it.

At the start of my menopause I suffered with insomnia, hot flushes and vaginal atrophy. I have always used St John's Wort as I reacted badly to SSRIs and SJW keeps my mood on an even keel so that was not too bad. But SJW has to be used carefully as it can interact with other medications but it works for me.

I have a very open minded lady doctor who listened to me a lot (highly recommend that if you can get one) and she introduced me to Ovestin and later Vagifem and Gynest cream for the vaginal atrophy. Perhaps that could be referred to as HRT but I did not take full HRT and that was my choice.

For my hot flushes I used a fan and a Magicool spray, I had about 18 months when they bothered me but just this year have become milder and less frequent.

The insomnia was nasty and I was almost on the point of asking for sleeping medication when, after about 9 months of it, it started to improve.

Do you know the one thing I found to really help during all this? Reading threads and posts on this forum helped after my doctor told me about it (I did not register for another 2 years). It told me that what I was experiencing was not unusual and there were options if and when I wanted them but I never got to that point of not being able to cope. Perhaps I am one of the lucky ones. I am not out of it yet but I have moved on and it is not so bad now.

I would say finding out all you can about it all (thank you MM) helps too

Oh yes, and a supportive, patient partner/husband really helps if you have one :)

If this sounds trite and simplistic I apologise but as silverlady said, the thread is about ladies who don't use HRT and I am one of those.
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