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Author Topic: Ladies not on HRT  (Read 43546 times)


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #105 on: October 20, 2014, 04:29:34 PM »

Yes that's the one.  Just re read it, an interesting article. 


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #106 on: October 20, 2014, 04:53:46 PM »

Only around 20% of women who try HRT continue after the first year.  So that mean 80% are trying other things and this is their CHOICE.

I am on HRT from 2000. Now it is Evorel 100 + Mirena. I will never know how it would be without it but I think that generally it made things better... considering. 

From last year I am on Testosterone too - it makes me feel stronger. True that sometimes I could punch if pressured  :-* but I see this as better then feeling weepy and scared, as I was without it. I also prefer this than what I see from my stuffed with Prozac etc. friends. .. one who are alive still... ??? I am lucky I don't have any other conditions, I know, besides odd complains to do with ageing. My blood pressure is perfect.

What convinced me to go on HRT was protection from Osteoporosis. All the rest was a gamble, I knew. Still is because, sadly, there is not enough research yet. Therefore, my GP asks me each time I come for my prescription if I really need to be on it, eager to cut down. >:( Thankfully, I am with Meno Clinic too!  ;)


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #107 on: October 20, 2014, 05:10:47 PM »

\its quite true what rosebud has said 

"Taking hormones can almost immediately eliminate hot flashes, vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence (depending on the cause), insomnia, moodiness, memory problems, heavy irregular periods, and concentration problems. Side effects of treatment include bloating, breakthrough bleeding, headaches, vaginal discharge, fluid retention, swollen breasts, or nausea. Up to 20% of women who try hormone replacement stop within nine months because of these side effects. However, some side effects can be lessened or prevented by changing the HRT regimen.

The decision should be made by a woman and her doctor after taking into consideration her medical history and situation. Women who choose to take hormones should have an annual mammogram, breast exam, and pelvic exam and should report any unusual vaginal bleeding or spotting (a sign of possible uterine cancer)"



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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #108 on: October 20, 2014, 05:35:19 PM »

Just looked at the link Taz gave.

"However, 80 p.c. of women who start HRT stop it within a year, usually as the result of side-effects"
I Would be interested to see the references to the scientific papers and studies on which that figure is based.
Didn't see any in the link.



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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #109 on: October 20, 2014, 05:42:21 PM »

I am a non HRT lady and It's been the hardest time of my life, absolutely life changing for me. I knew early on that I couldn't that HRT so I had to educated myself on the natural route by reading and learning. I am not someone who has had an easy ride, its been horrific and at one point I did consider asking to be put into a physiciatric  (sorry cant spell it) unit. The anxiety, for me, has been disabling but I now manage it fairly well, I accept I have it, it comes in peaks and then lulls, I am still learning. It doesn't disable me now, I don't fight it, I breath slowly and go with it. Sometimes it lasts 1/2 a day and sometimes it last a week but it does slowly fade but never goes away completely. The hot sweats have been with me on and off for over 2 years, at the moment I can cope with them. The flushes are tame in comparison to the anxiety. I am 50 and my hot headed rages are minimal these days as have learnt how to manage those. The depression is also managed fairly well although always lurking. I have had no option but to do it without HRT it wasn't by choice. For anyone who is suffering at the moment just remember that it wont be forever, its does fade, sometimes it takes a while but it does ease off xxx


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #110 on: October 20, 2014, 05:44:32 PM »

Goodness, I never realised quite what a debate i would spark simply by asking for any natural tried and tested suggestions you all may have😄


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #111 on: October 20, 2014, 05:54:52 PM »

Well, you did ask   :)

The thing is, there are many different opinions........


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #112 on: October 20, 2014, 05:59:47 PM »

Don't think it would be in a scientific paper Limpy, as it's just a statistic.  Dr Briffa, being a doc probably has knowledge of these.  Have tried to find more up to date figures, but all a get on government website is info on hormones in cows (not very helpful).

Perhaps someone in admin on this website could provide more recent numbers.  Who would you ask?


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #113 on: October 20, 2014, 06:03:29 PM »

I would have thought that the statistic would have to be taken from some sort of scientific paper though which has gathered facts and figures?  Not sure who you would ask.

Taz x


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #114 on: October 20, 2014, 06:21:25 PM »

If you look it up on google scholar you will find scientific articles.

I should think that most doctors know the statistics too.


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #115 on: October 20, 2014, 06:32:19 PM »

The post on Dr Briffa's web blog is quite old, from when the site first opened.  It is actually from one of his newspaper articles, so its not a scientific paper at all. 

All his more recent blogs have references, as far as I can tell.


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #116 on: October 20, 2014, 06:48:28 PM »

Hi Sparky64
You poor thing - you really are suffering. I do understand you are reluctant to consider HRT - I certainly didn't want to use HRT myself. You may be lucky and only experience these nasty meno symptoms for a couple of years and then they may settle down. You are right that GPs aren't well enough informed about the side effects of HRT and I personally feel there needs to be a more tailored approach to the treatment of menopause symptoms - whether you wish to use HRT or not.
Have you looked at the non HRT preparations? Though the initial side effects of alternative drugs can be an issue, many women find they really help flushes and night sweats.
I had a premature menopause so had to take HRT or probably face long term problems with my bones and heart.  I had a DEXA scan of my bones when I was 37 and they were already borderline. I had to find an HRT that suited me.  In the end I went to a private meno clinic and they put me on Oestrogel with 10 days of progesterone per month which wasn't perfect but I did feel good most of the time.  I had young children - one with special needs - I had to be on top form to cope with life through this time.
I did take a break from HRT aged 49 because there were all those scares (which have now been largely discredited) and coped OK but my meno symptoms didn't subside(lack of sleep being the worse) and when family stresses increased with elderly relatives needing care I decided to try HRT again.  I went to an NHS meno clinic this time and tried a variety of different HRTs and ended up with a Mirena and Oestrogel which worked well for me for the next 4 years.
I am sharing my experience with you because I had to keep an open mind about what was the best thing to do, not just for me, but for those around me. I'm now 58 and I've been off HRT for nearly a year. This last year has been the least stressful time I've had for the last 15 years, so I have had time to eat well, take lots of brisk walks, practise Mindful Mediation and do everything that is recommended to keep meno symptoms under control.  I coped really well through the winter but this hot summer has been hell. My vaginal atrophy is a real issue and the lack of sleep is making it hard to work. HRT has always been a compromise for me (I would never say I was happy using it) but I am still keeping an open mind and have made a private appointment with a gynae, who specialises in the meno, to get his advice about how I can realistically manage my meno symptoms for the next 7 years or so while I still have to work and to give me the quality of life I need and want. Unfortunately for me, herbs, remedies and even a diet high in phytoestrogens hasn't helped my symptoms. Whether I go for HRT or possibly sleeping pills and ADs - all I know is I need help and advice.
I urge you to keep an open mind and, if you need help, find a specialist - the help is out there if you need and want it.
I do hope you find a good way forward.
DG x

 Hi DG.. Thanks for your reply.. You have been through the mill, I don't know what I'm moaning for lol.. I have given myself till Jan 2015 and will see how things are then if no better I will look around and try alternatives. I have the sleeping pills and have got some different ad's to try, I have tried so many this last year but get awful side effects with them, have got venlafaxine now take my first one tomorrow so fingers crossed.
 I'm coming back as a man lol

Sparky xx


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #117 on: October 20, 2014, 06:50:51 PM »

Checked out 'google scholar' silverlady, but it brought up 149,000 articles. Think I'll give it a miss.


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #118 on: October 20, 2014, 07:00:41 PM »

Just google

20% of women who try hormone replacement stop within nine months because of these side effects.

In google scholar.


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Re: Ladies not on HRT
« Reply #119 on: October 20, 2014, 07:03:01 PM »

Karin that is the way on MM,  you can't say we are boring :)
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