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Author Topic: mammograms  (Read 10514 times)


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« on: October 02, 2014, 08:53:16 AM »

so ladies just wanted to ask you who goes to their 3 yearly mammograms and who doesn't? Im due to go again next week....its always a worry waiting for the results and if you read the guidelines they send to you its quite a alarming how many women they say go through un-necessary breast cancer treatment they didn't need, this is actually in their words! so what a is it yes or no?

Liz xx


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Re: mammograms
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2014, 08:57:09 AM »

I have stopped going for mine, I made an educated decision.


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Re: mammograms
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2014, 09:19:02 AM »

Still go for mine but reluctantly.  Husband would be very upset if I didn't go but I'm very skeptical about the  benefits.  I had a recall for my very first one but only because the image was blurred (was not told this until I arrived at the hospital for the re scan).  Now have them to keep my husband happy but if anything was ever found would be very cautious about treatments/what action necessary.  It's a bit like Russian roulette.  Your damned if you do and damned if you don't.   


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Re: mammograms
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2014, 09:29:31 AM »

Thank you ladies :)

well Ive just actually cancelled mine a) because Im not actually due until next feb and b) Ive just got my apt through for the xrays of my hips/knees, ankles and its the day before the mammogram appt. SO I needed to think which I needed the most and my joint pains are really bad at the mo so really need that sorting first! I said I will make apt at hospital for mammogram next feb which they are fine about.

Liz xxx


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Re: mammograms
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2014, 10:00:09 AM »

What age do you start getting regular mammograms at? I had one 5 yr s ago age 39 as GP found lump and referred me urgently, was very scary. Turned out to be cysts which they drained but was glad they were on the ball as few aunts had breast cancer young. I thought you had to go (i know that sounds stupid no one can force you) Silverlady can i ask why you don't? Not wanting to be nosey just not clued up on pros & cons of all this, and unfortunately don't have mum or close older aunts about to ask. Must get educated on this so Im able to advise my own daughters, I always telling them the importance of regular smear tests but unsure about mammograms as i know this is X ray.
Millykin X


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Re: mammograms
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2014, 10:17:02 AM »

I have had regularly mammograms from when I was first called, I have had so many now that after doing my research, I decided not to have any more, I just can't see how squashing breast flat can be doing them much good. I am post menopause now and don't use full HRT.

If was offered ultrasound I would reconsider.

It is a personal decision and I made it for myself I would never advise others to do the same.


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Re: mammograms
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2014, 10:56:09 AM »

NHS Choices website says screening is offered between 50 and 70 years of age and that you are invited for your first one between the ages of 50 and 53. 

It's not compulsory.  You have to weigh up the benefits of early detection of a life threatening cancer, versus the possibility of treatment for cancers which would never develop beyond first stage if left alone.  Hence the dilemma. What ever you chose neither course is perfect.


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Re: mammograms
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2014, 12:57:42 PM »

Its a huge dilemma.  From experience my mother went for her first mammo at age 60 in those days and they found very aggressive breast cancer that had already spread to lymph nodes but it was a type that did not form a lump just scattered cells around breast.  With op and drugs she lived another 8 years, if she hadn't had the mammo when she did they said it was so aggressive she would have been dead in 6 months :-\
BUT her type of cancer was rare and I know loads of people who have had invasive treatment for DCIS which is pre cancerous and probably would have never been a problem in their life but once known they treat.
Plus a breast surgeon said to me that the cumulative doses of radiation can itself cause breast cancer and compressing a cancerous breast can cause the cancer to spread :o
Because of my mother I do go for screening, ultrasound with mammo is the best combination but not available on nhs. 
I have a friend who refuses to go for screening, she is the happiest person I know!
So goodness knows whats the best thing to do ::)


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Re: mammograms
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2014, 01:03:56 PM »

Silverlady yes it would be better for a lot of women if ultrasound were offered. What i don't understand is ...
When i had a lump they gave me a mammogram, was uncomfortable, fluid appeared on the plates they quash you with, nurse looking concerned, everyone poking and prodding asking questions, sent to other dept for further tests then through to ultra sound where they put simply scanned and said aw these are just cysts ill drain them just now. I just didn't understand it and thought why didn't they just give me ultrasound first? Obviously there are reasons.

Rosebud57 thanks for reply ye it is a dilemma I always remember my gran saying to people sometimes interfering with some things just makes it worse, I didn't know what she meant at the time as i was only in my 20s but understand now she worked as a nurse with cancer patients. I suppose everyone has to make their own choice in these things and can see both sides. Aw well something else to look forward to in life  :-\


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Re: mammograms
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2014, 01:38:29 PM »

I have had regularly mammograms from when I was first called, I have had so many now that after doing my research, I decided not to have any more, I just can't see how squashing breast flat can be doing them much good.

If was offered ultrasound I would reconsider.

It is a personal decision and I made it for myself I would never advise others to do the same.

Me too Silverlady, I declined to attend my last invite for breast screening.


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Re: mammograms
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2014, 01:43:33 PM »

Does seem strange that they use scan after the mammogram. Same has happened to me. I found lump, sent for mammo, but then they scan you to drain the cyst. Mammograms are so darned uncomfortable. I swithered last year, but went ahead anyway. I found that not only is it the squishing which hurts, but the awkward angle in which you have to stand. I was sure I would come away with a big scratch under my boob, that was almost more painful than the xray itself.


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Re: mammograms
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2014, 02:09:01 PM »

I had one annually, privately, following breast disease (1995): although I found the lump by palpation in the bath one night: (16.11.94).  I continued with mammos annually then the distance between got further and further apart as Life took over.  Now I am on the NHS call-back scheme every 3 years.

My Mum had a mammo aged 65 and a cancerous lump was detected.  After mastectomy and recovery she required no treatment and is still going strong at 87.

The amount of 'rays' given are low.  It is uncomfortable. However, my Surgeon was of the opinion that 'no healthy breast should have a lump in it' - as cysts can hide cancerous lumps behind and will not show on mammograms.  Also, he believed that if a lady required mastectomy then ovaries should be removed too.



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Re: mammograms
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2014, 02:30:41 PM »

Its nice to hear what every ones opinions are, Its still a huge dilemma to me, my mum only had the one routine mammo and never went back...she's now nearly 90 :) but my husbands wife (my best mate) was 45 and found a lump which grew to the size of a grapefruit within a week....sadly she died after a  year of horrendous ops and pain but she was told a mammo would not have picked it up? so the dilemma continues :( :)


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Re: mammograms
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2014, 02:35:23 PM »

I go. Well I've been once which probably means I'm due for a recall next year. I also go for my smears and do my bowel test kit too.

It's a very personal choice but I think we are so lucky to have these things available to us now. I will encourage my daughter when her time comes.



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Re: mammograms
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2014, 02:38:23 PM »

I too think that we are lucky to have the choice to say 'no'.  Hopefully there is research taken from all the results which go through each year so that medics get an idea of the whys and wherefores of diseases, treatments available etc..

(My husband's wife) ………….  :-\
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