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Author Topic: Right to stop gabapentin?  (Read 6241 times)


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Right to stop gabapentin?
« on: September 29, 2014, 07:58:14 AM »

Good morning everyone!  My GP prescribed me gabapentin to help rid me of hot flushes - this was at the end of August.  It's certainly done this, but I have absolutely piled on pounds.  I can't decide if this is fluid or fat, but honestly, even with my healthy appetite, I don't think I've eaten quite that much in just over three weeks!!  Also, I have days where I ache all over, and I even resorted to a hot water bottle yesterday evening, despite the lovely mild weather, as my shoulders were unbearable.  Therefore, I've not taken any further gabapentin since Friday night.  I'd lost over 2 stone prior to taking it, and now seem to be right back where I started, in just a couple of weeks, and I'm so uncomfortable.  Biting waistbands again, t-shirts not looking right etc etc.  I've been trying very hard to get a further appointment with my GP to discuss this (he said that I should do so if I had any doubts about it), but you know what this can be like.  I will persist, of course, but your wise words would really help.


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Re: Right to stop gabapentin?
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2014, 11:27:13 AM »

I wouldn't advise you to just stop taking Gabapentin.
You need to cut down slowly as you can get withdrawal symptoms.
Luckily you haven't been taking it for long so you should be able to come off them
fairly easily.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.


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Re: Right to stop gabapentin?
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2014, 11:53:44 AM »

Hi, Ann!  To add insult to injury, my blood test results (Doc took a test when I went to him with what I was fairly sure were menopausal symptoms) show that I have a fairly serious Vitamin D deficiency, and this could have been causing the aches and pains I've suffered for some time now! Honestly, it doesn't rain but it pours!  I'm seeing Doc again tomorrow evening to discuss all of this, so will post an update after that.  I was fairly stunned to get an appointment this quickly, too!


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Re: Right to stop gabapentin?
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2014, 04:48:31 PM »

I too suffer from vit D deficiency.  My Gp told me to buy a supplement
from the chemist as they don't prescribe anything for it !!

Hope things go ok tomorrow. 


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Re: Right to stop gabapentin?
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2014, 06:30:04 PM »

Shouldn't just stop it abruptly - try reducing the dose.
What dose were you taking?
Gabapentin does pile on the weight.


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Re: Right to stop gabapentin?
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2014, 06:30:44 PM »

VitD = lack of sunshine?

Walking is good over-all exercise = VitD and helps prevent osteoporosis
Why not ring your GP and ask if it's OK to stop the medication?
I HATED that feeling when the waistband of my skirt was so tight, OK in the morning - by mid-afternoon I had to undo the zip and button  :-\ and it made me feel so sick  :-X

Let us know how you get on!


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Re: Right to stop gabapentin?
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2014, 07:23:57 AM »

Hi, CLKD!  The only thing that bothers me about the vitamin D thing is that my GP picked up on it last year when I visited him for something totally unconnected to menopause, and he took a blood sample.  I've been taking the supplements ever since then, and of course, we had a fab summer, so I've had a fair dose of the old rays, but I'm still registering a deficiency.  Also, I'm a good eater when it comes to actual foods with vitamin D - eggs, organ meats, oily fish - love them all. I do exercise regularly, too, so in the opinion of most "experts", am doing the right things.  As I'm not over 60, I wouldn't want him to prescribe vitamin D - it would cost a fortune!  Is HRT free on prescription, like contraceptive pills?  I just wondered that.  I have quite a list to discuss with my poor doctor this evening! 


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Re: Right to stop gabapentin?
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2014, 08:20:35 AM »

I've got vit D deficiency too but not severe. My reading was around 39 I think so just under half the amount they like you to have. I'm on the spray (Better for You multi-vit spray from Holland and Barrett) which gives you double the recommended daily amount. The spray is far better absorbed than tablets. You can't overdose on Vit D. My doc said that she has patients who show a reading of around 6-10 who are feeling quite poorly by the time they come to see her. What was your reading before and after?

Sadly HRT isn't free - you have to pay the prescription charge - double charge if you are on a sequi regime I believe.

Taz x


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Re: Right to stop gabapentin?
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2014, 12:57:02 PM »

If men had to have it, it would be free, guaranteed!  Taz, I have no idea what my first reading was, last year, but will ask Doc this evening, and what the current figure is, too - not that I have a clue, really, about what the figures mean at the moment.  A spray sounds far nicer than having to swallow a tablet, especially if it's more easily absorbed. 


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Re: Right to stop gabapentin?
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2014, 02:25:12 PM »

If you require VitD now why would you wait until after 60  :-\


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Re: Right to stop gabapentin?
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2014, 11:49:42 AM »

Visited the doc yesterday evening, and he confirmed that I'm definitely peri-menopausal, and that I will need to take a substantial vitamin D supplement.  I reeled off the list of perceived side effects of the gabapentin, including my astonishingly fast weight gain, and that was more than enough to persuade him to advise me to stop taking it.  I'm not going to start HRT, as yet, as I want to try starflower oil, which I note has been successful for quite a number of Forum members in reducing hot flushes.  I'm going back in a month, as he wants to monitor my weight for now (Pants! There had to be another down side to all this!!).  All my other important readings (thyroid, blood sugar etc) were completely normal, so I was glad about that.  I'm off this evening to purchase a small skip to contain my vitamin D supplement tablets!  More seriously, I realise full well that there are many more of you out there who have experienced far worse symptoms than me, indeed are still experiencing them, and I know I'm lucky in more ways than one.  I really appreciate all the advice and suggestions, too.  Thank you all so much.


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Re: Right to stop gabapentin?
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2014, 12:49:53 PM »

How much VitD will you need to take and in what form?  At least you have had the chat with your GP, your results are within normal limits and it seems that your GP is listening.  Keep a food/mood diary in the meantime? 

Your next walk in the sunshine will be and may I join you  ;)


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Re: Right to stop gabapentin?
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2014, 03:30:59 PM »

He said 400mcg, which strikes me as an enormous amount, but then, maybe absolutely throwing it at my system in the short term might be a good strategy, then reducing it down a bit after my next assessment?  I already keep a diary, so I'll simply record anything exciting on the menopause front.   My zumba instructor (a good friend anyway) said that I need to go on a sunshine holiday - oh, if only that were possible!  Hubby and I are going to save up to do just that next year, regardless.  And, CLKD, you are very welcome to come along on my next sunny walk!


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Re: Right to stop gabapentin?
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2014, 03:43:10 PM »

 :thankyou:  ……… one doesn't need to go far for a warm holiday - maybe begin a thread in the holiday 2014 area?  A long weekend in Belgium/France/Holland? or Cyprus/Crete ………

400mcg doesn't mean anything to me, not being good at sums and all that  :D


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Re: Right to stop gabapentin?
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2014, 03:44:31 PM »

Could he have meant 400 I.U.?
I take Adcal D3 which contains 400 I.U. of D3 per tablet.
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