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Author Topic: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?  (Read 6769 times)


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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2014, 06:02:43 PM »

I do feel like that Vanessa, Im so scared of these feelings I try to think its just hormones, or patches etc, yesterday the doctor said my blood pressure was on the low side I came in tonight felt strange and light headed, took my blood pressure as somebody in work had lent me a monitor it was 143/91 pulse 81, I don't know if that's good or bad as I do not have the instructions, Ive really worked myself up, Im going to have to go back to the gp and get something as Im so scared of having a heart attack, or stroke, sorry if I sound melodramatic x


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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2014, 06:17:28 PM »

It's anxiety karenja.

Unless you speak to someone about it its just going to get worse. If you get a grip on that then everything will get better.

You are just replacing hormones that your body lacks and there is nothing there that would make you feel this way.

Have you tried the No More Panic website. If you look under health anxiety then you will find advice from people who feel like you do. You might be able to pick up some coping strategies.


vanessa spain

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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2014, 06:36:22 PM »

hi karenja i know what you mean about having heatattack etc always worrying about health i think its so easy to panic i do im opposite i have high blood pressure but since taking deprax it has come down but i hate the thought of these type of pills but i know i cant function without them at the mo hope you will sort things out i do feel for you and unless you sufferd no one can understand vanessa spain x


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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2014, 07:32:03 PM »

thank hou honeyb and vanessa, Im driving myself mad I will look on no more panic later see if it helps at all x


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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2014, 06:14:25 AM »

Hi holidaylover, how are you doing now, how did you get on with your results? x


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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #20 on: September 11, 2014, 09:56:54 AM »

Hi Karenja

Sorry to hear you're feeling so bad.  My results were fine so I don't have Vit B12 deficiency. The doctor said I really should start my AD's.  I'm so like you and really worry there is something they are missing.  I explained my worries regarding my tingling sensations, which are now creeping up my legs like ants crawling and by night I am itching everywhere. He was very good, I have to admit, and because I told him I still had a horrendous worry I may have MS, (although he assures me it's not), he asked if I would feel better if I had this checked so he has agreed to send me for a MRI scan and a consultation with a Neurologist.  After that (if all is okay) I will have CBT.  Still hate the thought of taking the AD's as I worry so much re side effects.  Funnily, after speaking with him my panic and agorophobia is slightly better (but this is probably in my mind too!!).  I know formication (crawly sensations) is also a meno symptom, but he never once mentioned any of my symptoms may be due to menopause!  I was sitting in his room with my usual foggy panicy head on and forgot to ask about this!!  I do think, like me, that you really have nothing to worry about regarding your heart, but I know it's easy for someone else to say this, it's really the constant reassurance we need to hear, then the trouble is learning to actually believe it!   Stick in, I'm sure you'll be fine.  It's my birthday today, so I am really determined I am going to occupy my mind with positive thoughts, and perhaps numb it slightly with a wine or two. X  Take Care.


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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #21 on: September 11, 2014, 06:02:44 PM »

Happy Birthday holidaylover

Im glad they are referring you for a mri scan and an appointment with a neurologist im sure this will all be ok and will be reassurance for you, I know what you mean about forgetting to speak to the gp about everything you went in for Im the same I get very anxious talking about my anxiety, he took my pulse once and said its racing I can tell your anxious now!, I can fully understand your reluctance to take the ad's having personally had a bad experience with them, although they have definitely helped some people so you never know, the crawly sensation thing is not something ive had thank goodness, I hope we find a way to help us both x


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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #22 on: September 13, 2014, 08:08:14 PM »

I was really interested to read that too much oestrogen can cause anxiety.  I use my gel when I get up and my panic feelings don't subside until lunchtime.  I wonder could it be the oestrogen. I think I may try and reduce it. 


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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #23 on: September 14, 2014, 10:51:31 AM »

Yes I was surprised to read that saying that I thought I'd be fine back on the estrogen only patches and I'm not it's very up and down let me know how you get on x
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