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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: EMMA-GP Menpause Training this is wrong!  (Read 18695 times)


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Re: EMMA-GP Menpause Training this is wrong!
« Reply #30 on: August 31, 2014, 10:08:16 AM »

Although I am not on HRT apart from Vagifem I have found this discussion interesting to follow. It very much depends on the individual GP. I have seen 2 female GPs over the last few years, one is happy for me to use Vagefem as much and as long as I need to but the other one, who I saw when 'my' GP was away, voiced concern about how much Oestrogen I was being given when I wanted to try Oestrogel.
(I should add that 'my' GP let me try Oestrogel with no problem but I didn't continue with it as it was not helpful). I just used that example to show how different 2 GPs in the same practice can be. One doing things by the book and another using her common sense.


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Re: EMMA-GP Menpause Training this is wrong!
« Reply #31 on: August 31, 2014, 10:16:16 AM »

Silverlady, Taz the guidelines re the 5 years are effectively out of date which is why Dr Currie has referred GP Magazine to the British Menopause Society (BMS) guidelines of 2012. See my comment where I included Dr Currie PM to me.


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Re: EMMA-GP Menpause Training this is wrong!
« Reply #32 on: August 31, 2014, 10:17:46 AM »

Think the morale of all this discussion is choose your Doctor with care :)

ellie66 even if the guidelines are updated in the GP report a Doctor will still use his discretion, if the patient is not happy with this, then she is perfectly entitled to seek a second opinion or GP.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2014, 10:30:10 AM by silverlady »


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Re: EMMA-GP Menpause Training this is wrong!
« Reply #33 on: August 31, 2014, 10:33:06 AM »

I was going to say the same as silverlady, we have the right to change GP within a practice or even change practice if we feel it would be better for us. I am very fortunate with mine but I realise many are not.


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Re: EMMA-GP Menpause Training this is wrong!
« Reply #34 on: August 31, 2014, 10:34:53 AM »

I did that over the aged 60 thing. Came up with a "no" from all four female GP's in our practice, followed by a "no" from gynae consultant and a further "no" from the menopause clinic. I am not beaten yet though! The fact that I still have to work is something I feel I can use! Maybe the 60 age limit was due to women retiring at 60 back in the day so it was felt we could just recline on our sofas in a soggy mess for the remainder of our lives!

Taz x



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Re: EMMA-GP Menpause Training this is wrong!
« Reply #35 on: August 31, 2014, 10:44:07 AM »

Have you though Taz that there may be a good reason why all these Medics have said no. It might not seem fair but they are privy to your medical records and history.

You are able to use local hormones though I am sure you have said.


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Re: EMMA-GP Menpause Training this is wrong!
« Reply #36 on: August 31, 2014, 11:07:44 AM »

Silverlady we will have to agree to differ.  :) It should not be quoting/mentioning guidelines that are outdated at all as per Dr Currie's PM to me as she points out BMS guidelines now longer support the arbitrary 5 year rule.


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Re: EMMA-GP Menpause Training this is wrong!
« Reply #37 on: August 31, 2014, 12:32:39 PM »

No SL - there is no medical reason. My weight and blood pressure are fine. My mum did have a DVT, which didn't kill her I hasten to add, but all of my clotting factor gene tests have come back as ok. My gynae consultant was really quite stern in his advice that all women should be off HRT by the time they are 60 due to stroke and cardio vascular risk which I've since learnt are not really proven. The GP's are also of the same opinion and the menopause clinic also said the same.

There are some interesting comments here  and here   I am obviously not alone - sadly!

Taz x


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Re: EMMA-GP Menpause Training this is wrong!
« Reply #38 on: August 31, 2014, 12:41:04 PM »

I don't have any choice in what GPs surgery I use as its the only one in the area.

I have found that most of the GPs are ok with prescribing but have mentioned that they would like me to try without it by age 60. I have also been told they will re prescribe if things are unmanageable. By the time I get to 60 I will have been on HRT for eleven years. It's not really something I want to do. I would rather try and come off earlier. I don't want to be on HRT for the rest of my life as there are increasing risks the longer you are on and the older you get.
It may not be what we want to think but the facts are out there. It may not be a huge risk but a risk non the less.
Of course if a woman is happy to accept this then she should be allowed to continue for ever if that's what she wants.



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Re: EMMA-GP Menpause Training this is wrong!
« Reply #39 on: August 31, 2014, 12:47:43 PM »

It's all about quality of life I suppose. I really didn't think that my hot sweats would still be going strong a year after stopping it but maybe I'm just one of the women who never get rid of them unless they are on HRT. I feel I have given it a good go and have dealt with the "fall out" so to speak of a much worsened prolapse once I stopped. So I will remain determined - I have to anyway in order to do my job properly and there is no way I can afford to retire before I get my state pension.

Taz x


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Re: EMMA-GP Menpause Training this is wrong!
« Reply #40 on: August 31, 2014, 12:49:25 PM »

I'm going to show ignorance here so apologies in advance.
when a lady has been on HRT for a number of years successfully and then comes off does the menopause come back? What I mean is does HRT delay the onset or do the natural hormones keep changing so if you come off at 60 you would be where you would have been if you hadn't taken it? If it delays the onset it must be harder to put up with when you are older.
Oh goodness that sounds garbled. If anyone understand my question I would appreciate the answer but if not.............. ::)


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Re: EMMA-GP Menpause Training this is wrong!
« Reply #41 on: August 31, 2014, 01:15:58 PM »

I think some ladies who stop taking HRT do find their symptoms return.
Taz seems to be an example of that.

I really didn't think that my hot sweats would still be going strong a year after stopping it but maybe I'm just one of the women who never get rid of them unless they are on HRT. I feel I have given it a good go and have dealt with the "fall out" so to speak of a much worsened prolapse once I stopped.

Don't think HRT prevents onset of menopause if it's not being used.


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Re: EMMA-GP Menpause Training this is wrong!
« Reply #42 on: August 31, 2014, 02:46:42 PM »

In a lot of cases (all of my friends come to think of it!) the menopause is delayed whilst using HRT. However, the menopause goes on forever. It's not something that happens and you end up the same as you used to be. Things like tiredness, vaginal dryness, insomnia can last for the rest of our lives as the oestrogen levels gradually fall. Mood swings should improve though - whether you take HRT or not - and I must admit that after the first five months or so without HRT (when I felt like I could murder someone!) those symptoms have disappeared.

When I started it almost eight years ago the doc did explain to me that when I came off it there was a high chance that I would be back where I started symptom-wise but in my way of thinking I could have spent those seven years feeling awful and still not see an end in sight. I have a 73 year old friend who didn't use HRT but is still experiencing dozens of hot sweats during the day/night and hasn't been able to make love comfortably for the past 12 years. Such a shame. She is not able to start HRT now due to her age but is sad that she didn't at least have some years of feeling better. She didn't know about topical oestrogen for vaginal discomfort so is going to ask her GP if she can have some. It's a shame that her GP didn't offer it!

Taz x


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Re: EMMA-GP Menpause Training this is wrong!
« Reply #43 on: August 31, 2014, 04:20:03 PM »

thanks for the info Taz2. I am rather clueless as I have not used HRT apart from Vagifem. I do think I have been fortunate as apart from the VA my other symptoms have been manageable and are actually improving after 5 years.3 years ago my insomnia was quite bad but for the last year I have slept well. Never right through but if I wake I don't stay awake. I think I am a bit more rational and less volatile too (well some of the time anyway).
Of course if life had been intolerable of course I would have considered it, I am not anti HRT and I had the thought in my mind that it was an option if things got worse but they didn't. I still get flushes sometimes and night sweats and of course the VA but this is me and I am at peace with myself.
I feel sorry for ladies who are helped by HRT and then forced to give it up if they don't want to. I had no idea that happened to some ladies.
thank you for your reply.


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Re: EMMA-GP Menpause Training this is wrong!
« Reply #44 on: August 31, 2014, 04:58:13 PM »

We are in a litigious society.  Also GPs may well be coming up to retirement at the same time as we reach menopause so are already beginning to 'switch down'. 

I have been so ill with depression and anxiety for many years -  now controlled with medication in the main - that I am well known to my GP who is keen for me to remain well. 
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