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Author Topic: My warranty has run out  (Read 13219 times)


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My warranty has run out
« on: August 20, 2014, 11:25:26 AM »

I wasn't sure whether to post this on the 'Funny Side of Menopause' or not.
Since coming off HRT last autumn, I have slowly become aware of various bits of me causing more and more trouble - the ageing process has definitely speeded up.
I was chatting to another lady of my age and moaning about the umpteen issues I was struggling with, when I said "I feel like my extended warranty ran out when I came off HRT".
It's as though HRT 'sort of' supports and repairs the things that start to age when we get to 50. Does anyone else feel HRT is like buying an extended warranty on your body in the same way as one would for a car once the original warranty runs out?

I am now pursuing the 'NON HRT' body warranty. This includes: good diet and exercise plus vitamins and Omega 3, I've bought a new mattress to support my joints and to try to get some better sleep - I've had to buy new clothes as I need to change more often due to flushes, lashings of moisturiser for my terribly dry skin to stop me itching, lots more pain killers due to aching joints - the list goes on and on. This 'NON' HRT style warranty is terribly expensive and I'm not sure it's really working that much!!! I'm having to pace myself so much more as my energy levels are greatly reduced - I simply can't work as much as I did.
It makes me wonder if the medical profession were trained better in the management of menopausal symptoms whether more women would be able to maintain their work lives better and the UK economy would get a boost?
DG xxx

Ju Ju

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Re: My warranty has run out
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2014, 12:17:29 PM »

Can you still dance in some way, DG? I have started yoga at 60. I have never done much exercise before, but this the new me! I am very stiff, confused with my lefts and rights, even more confused with sequencing and remembering movements. And remembering to breathe? Come on that's multi tasking! They say it gets easier........!


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Re: My warranty has run out
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2014, 12:37:05 PM »

If I was a dog they would probably put me down or if I was a car I would have gone to the scrap yard  ;D

I know what you mean but on a more serious note I really worry what the future holds. If I could get a handle on this damned anxiety then every thing would seem more manageable.



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Re: My warranty has run out
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2014, 02:38:35 PM »

Anxiety becomes such a big issue for most of us.  I simply can't cope with stress well these days - I get really stroppy when people try and pressure me. I'm trying to keep life simple and avoid stress - much easier said than done! 

JU Ju - I was a professional dancer in my youth (I trained at Rambert) and used to teach adult dance classes a few years ago. It was great fun teaching the classes but my energy is used up with taking my dog on long power walks these days and my job as a tour guide involves lots of walking and climbing stairs.  I do miss dancing though - I just lack the time and energy.  Sadly there aren't any good classes locally for me to go to - there is Pilates but I find it soooo boring!!!. DG x

Ju Ju

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Re: My warranty has run out
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2014, 04:40:11 PM »

I dreamed of being a ballet dancer. Shame about my 2 left feet! What an interesting life you have had. I was lucky enough to see a performance of Ballet Rambert in the early 70s. I loved it.


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Re: My warranty has run out
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2014, 04:57:32 PM »

I too saw Ballet Rambert early 90's. Loved their dancing. Daughter went to dancing classes, but gave up in her mid teens.  Expensive hobby. Shoes were expensive, dance show outfits cost heaps & I still had to make it. My niece stuck at it for longer, but she too gave up when she left school.

Not sure I even had a warranty.  ;D Maybe it ran out years ago but meno brain struck!  ::)


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Re: My warranty has run out
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2014, 06:43:51 PM »

I did the 3 year professional dance course at the Mercury Theatre, Notting Hill back in the 70s - back when Notting Hill was rather grim!!!!.  I never danced with the company. The Rambert Company is amazing - sadly I haven't seen any of their productions for ages.
Unfortuately the abuse of my body whilst training is coming back to bite now!!!!  DG x

Ju Ju

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Re: My warranty has run out
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2014, 07:35:24 PM »

I was out with a friend today, who danced a lot when she was younger and is now suffering. Signs of arthritis. Maybe being lazy physically paid off! Actually, it's genetic. My dad was a boffin and never played sports once he left school. He will be 90 next year, looks pretty well. I do have back issues that can be blamed on poor posture.


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Re: My warranty has run out
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2014, 11:40:36 AM »

You are probably right about the prolapse not needing doing Stella due to HRT. Mine was manageable until I stopped HRT and I've now had to have both a hyster and bladder repair.

Taz x


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Re: My warranty has run out
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2014, 11:52:45 AM »

Stellajane and Taz - you've both just supported my theory. I still think there is room for a lot more research into better use of hormones as a form of prevention and maintenance of various age related problems. HRT still brings too many side effects for many women so, again, more tailored HRT options need to be available - we need better and safer 'warranty' options - this could save the NHS and fortune.  DG x


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Re: My warranty has run out
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2014, 09:29:18 PM »

Dancinggirl - You say that your NON HRT warranty is expensive and not working that much - I can't remember why you have stopped HRT, and why not think of re-starting? Agreed there should be so much more research into all of this!

Hurdity x


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Re: My warranty has run out
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2014, 09:16:43 AM »

Hi Hurdity - I was just advised to take a break from HRT to see how I got on. To be honest, the flushes etc are not too bad(although the recent hot and humid weather was torture) and I am getting fewer headaches than I did on HRT and apart from poor sleep I'm sort of relieved not be on systemic HRT any more. Strangely I am feeling calmer as well!!!! However this could be more to do with life being a little less frantic at the moment. This time last year I was virtually on my knees - exhausted, coming down with every virus going and depressed as a result.  When the practise nurse suggested having a break from HRT I quietly freaked but her help over the VA was great.
AFter reaching rock bottom at the end of last summer I decided I really had to concentrate more on my needs and what was best for me - in other words be a bit more selfish and to be honest it's been a good decision. Whilst I may not be doing so much for others, what I do do is more effective and better appreciated!
I think I have always struggled with progesterone - when I used various HRTs sequentially I got terrible period pains with the withdrawal bleed and when I used conti I just felt dreadful.  The Mirena with Oestrogel was my best option but I still got bouts of stomach cramps etc. We are always saying the benefits have to out way the risks but it's also the benefits versus the side effects.  For me the VA issues were one of the worst things and if the Estring is doing it's work then at the moment that's enough for me.  I do miss the energy (probably sleep deprivation)and it's become clear that the ageing process seems to speed up a bit more without the oestrogen.  What with more visits to the GP, bone scans, cystoscopies and other tests I've recently had I'm costing the NHS a lot more - maybe these things would have emerged even with HRT??
If there was a way to give that little bit of oestrogen without the progesterone side effects that would be wonderful - so that's what needs to be researched or tailored.  I have tried virtually everything over the last 20 years but I'm not ruling out experimenting with HRT again. 
My recent bone scan showed only a small amount of bone loss so all my effects to maintain my bones are clearly working so far. If my bones hadn't been good then I would definitely would have gone back on HRT. 
I'm keeping an open mind.  DG x

Ju Ju

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Re: My warranty has run out
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2014, 10:16:56 AM »

In the 2 1/2 months I was taking kliovance, low dose oestrogen and progesterone, I struggled. 4 bleeds, 2 quite heavy, plummeting energy levels. After consulting the gynaecologist, who said the progesterone was the problem, I am now going to take a low dose of oral and transdermal oestrogen again and will use long cycle progesterone in the form of Provera 5 mg for 10 days every 1/3rd month. I can adjust this according to my lifestyle and schedule. She also said that if this was too difficult, I could opt for twice a year, but have a scan every year. Apparently, studies show this eradicates the risk of hyperplasia.  I also use testosterone, but have yet to feel any obvious benefit, but I am sporting a red nose that Rudolph would be proud of!  ( side effects of testosterone facial acne) I want to give T a fair trial. By the way, I am 60 and have been told I can take HRT forever! I have gone down this route as I want quality of life and last year I found just getting up and showering exhausting. It was suggested I had ME. Taking low oestrogen was like magic. On the NHS I would have been denied a life. Just a label, ADs and CBT.


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Re: My warranty has run out
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2014, 10:36:50 AM »

Dancinggirl you might be interested in Menostar

It can be used without progestin/progesterone the dose is 0.14 a week.

I am not sure if it available in the UK yet, but to my mind, cutting a 0.25 patch in half and keeping on for a week is a similar dose.

To be honest if I still had a womb and I could not tolerate progestin or progesterone this is what I would do to at least have some added estrogen in my body, and take up the slack with supplements ext. 

If you google you will find  scientific trials on going from 2003 but completed now.

Controversial probably but to my mind far better then large amounts of HRT post menopause.

Some more info


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Re: My warranty has run out
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2014, 01:25:42 PM »

Thanks silverlady and Ju Ju - fab input - food for thought. 
There is a site where you can buy Menopace(Estrace) - it comes in 1mg and 2mg doses!!  there is no mention of progesterone (it just says to follow doctors advice) which i find rather worrying!!!? I suppose one pill a week would probably be ok but there is a danger that women could self medicate with this? Maybe the 0.14mg you mention is not available in the UK.  It's interesting though that this type of ultra low oestrogen might be an option. Again more research is needed.
JuJu - I think your regime sounds a good compromise and is probably what I would go for but I suspect I would need to get this privately as I doubt my GP would be happy prescribing this.
I am 58 so I have a bit of time to think over my options - whether to use HRT again or not.
Incidentally I now have another friend who has early stage breast cancer(quite basic treatment being given) - the 4th lady I know who has been recently diagnosed and none of them have taken HRT as they all sailed through the meno with barely a single flush!!!!!
Perhaps having an easy menopause is not such a good thing?
Thanks again everyone - I so enjoy these exchanges of ideas  - so much to learn from each other. DG xxx
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