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Author Topic: Feeling pretty low  (Read 3702 times)


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Feeling pretty low
« on: August 15, 2014, 09:07:33 AM »

Hi ladies,

I am feeling pretty rubbish at the mo and don't know which way to turn.

I mentioned in a previous post i can't take HRT any more because i have recently had breast cancer that was ER responsive.HRT was my saviour and i miss it.
I am so anxious at the min and tired, every ache and pain in my body is something serious, right eye red....brain tumour pain in chest .... heart attack etc etc.
Im off to Florida for 3 weeks soon and desperately want to feel some excitement but i don' ungrateful is that?

Is there anything else anyone can suggest in place of HRT that i can try? Anti depressants is not an option for me as i have a severe phobia of anything to do with them.

Much love to all
Sharon xxx


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Re: Feeling pretty low
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2014, 10:51:21 AM »

SharonDerby, I'm sorry you're feeling so low and that you're missing your HRT. You could try something that I think has helped me. There's a substance called 5-HTP that is needed in the manufacture of serotonin. 5-HTP can be obtained in many places - I get mine from Healthspan (see their website) or Solgar (from healthfood shops - look for stockists on their website). I have no idea whether this is appropriate for you but I've gathered that 5-HTP is a much gentler helper than antidepressants. There's plenty about it on internet if you're up to reading about it. I hope you feel better soon. Have you been to see your GP to say how you're feeling? I know (as do so many of us) how awful the lack of joy can be. Hugs. 


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Re: Feeling pretty low
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2014, 11:32:16 AM »

Hi Sharon

so sorry your feeling so rubbish - really hope the warmer Florida climate does wonders for you soon.
The heat always helps my aches and pains  8)

I recently read this article that seems to change understanding on HRT after treatment.

" Review of the data indicates two conclusions:
    Hormone replacement therapy after breast cancer may not be counter-indicated
    The right hormone in the right dose given at the right time is critical "

I thought it might give you something to go back and discuss with the docs.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2014, 11:35:13 AM by peegeetip »


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Re: Feeling pretty low
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2014, 12:05:54 PM »

Hi Sharon

I was also going to recommend 5-HTP, I took it for a while before my meno was diagnosed and it did lift my mood.  H&B sell it (or they used to), my sister used to work for them and said it's like natures own Prozac.  It has to be worth a try at least and hopefully you will start to look forward to your holiday.


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Re: Feeling pretty low
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2014, 04:27:28 PM »

Hi Sharon

It is awful to feel so down and not wanting to do anything. You can start to feel like you're going a bit mad, especially when you think that you have other underlying health issues too (I have the same thoughts sometimes) so it helps when you know that there are others feeling exactly the same.

You don't sound ungrateful at all about Florida. I think that maybe you're feeling a bit overloaded. I'm sure that you will have a lovely time and the relaxation and warmth will be just what you need.

Thanks for the 5-HTP recommendations from the ladies on here, I'll be certainly giving that a try. There's nothing to lose is there?

Have a lovely holiday  :sunny: x


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Re: Feeling pretty low
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2014, 07:59:21 PM »

Hi there
You could also try and find an uplifting fragrance oil, something you can massage into your temples and neck etc, oranges or mint or lavender are lovely and calming. A scented silk pillowcase is lovely. Inhaling something deeply will always help to calm. Can you do a really short brisk jog every day? 5 min v slowly in the fresh air. A pilates class maybe or a local ladies group, sonewhere with other ladies of similar age where you can share? Good luck and have a great hols


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Re: Feeling pretty low
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2014, 10:30:44 AM »

Hi Ladies
thank you for taking time to read my post/moan.

I will be seeing my oncologist in october and wll certainly be asking all i can re HRT, i know people will think it odd that i would want to be on HRT after B/C but to be honest i'm not sure HRT played a part......who knows untill more convincing research is done i'm on the fence.
I will try all the things recomened, i do feel a little(very little) better today and i kjnow from previus months that the next 2 weeks will be more tolerable than the last seams to be 2 weeks awful 2 weeks slightly more tolerable.
I'm so angry that in this day and age we haven't managed to treat this deamon that is the monopause.
I'm grateful to you all  :)

Much love n support to you all
Sharon xxx