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Author Topic: Really worried about palpitations  (Read 12682 times)


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Really worried about palpitations
« on: July 28, 2014, 10:38:38 AM »

I was diagnosed with early menopause about 18 mths ago. I'm 42.
At first they told me take the pill to control everything!!!
Then I went back and one of the  other doctors said why the hell are you taking that!!!
So they said I had no option but to take some form of HRT as I was too young to not have any oestrogen.
So I took Elleste and it was just awful within 5 days - felt sick, dizzy, and stopped!
Then I got put on Prempak C 0.65mg and that didn't do anything (moved surgeries by this time) and so went onto the higher dose of 1.25mg. This has controlled the symtoms to some degree - no flushes, and reduced night sweats. But, I must say I just don't feel myself. I don't know whether this is the hrt or menopause - if that makes sense.
In the last few weeks however, I am experiencing skipped heart beats, which are now very regular - every 5 or ten minutes i would say. It has been a stressful time so don't know whether it is the hrt or anxiery or both.  But I've never had them before except when I was 39 weeks pregnant.
I am having an ECG this afternoon and I am out of mind with worry. Panicking I have an underling heart issue. But deep down I really think it had something to do with the HRT which I am now in my third month of.
Thank you so much for listening - any thoughts or experiences on the palps or my general situation gratefully received. I am told I have no option but to take HRT and find this pretty depressing....
Bloody hate menopause - coming back as a man!!!! thanks heaps  :)


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Re: Really worried about palpitations
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2014, 01:57:44 PM »

Hi sunlightmama - welcome to the forum - you have come to the right place.

Firstly, it's really good that you are getting your palpitations checked out. You may find that you are asked to wear a monitor for twenty four hours. Don't let this worry you - it is really common and is so that the doc can check how many beats and episodes of ectopic (extra) beats your heart is going through over a length of time.

Palpitations are really common in menopause and it could be that your level of HRT is not quite enough to control them. There are many other types of HRT you can try so have a read of the menu on the left of the screen for more guidance as it's a shame that you are not quite feeling yourself. Some women find they feel better with patches or there is also gel which gives you more control over your dosage.

Someone else will be along soon to welcome you. Please let us know how you get on.

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: Really worried about palpitations
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2014, 05:25:44 PM »

try not to worry too much. I had palpitations, skipped beats and flutters. I had an ECG and then a heart ultrasound. Nothing untoward was found x


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Re: Really worried about palpitations
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2014, 07:22:19 PM »

Hi and welcome sunlightmama
I had a premature menopause - I was diagnosed peri meno in my mid 30s. I had to try quite few different HRTs till i found the right one.
Taz mentioned gel - this is what I ended up using - it's called Oestrogel and you can use from one to four quirts per day applied to arms or legs and then use a separate progesterone or have a Mirena fitted.
I know it is all a bit scary and new at the moment but you are experiencing very typical meno symptoms - I agree it's sensible to get the palpations checked for peace of mind.
Read all the info on this site and get back to us with questions.
You are not alone - we are here to help.  Dg x


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Re: Really worried about palpitations
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2014, 07:53:07 PM »

I get ectopics regularly and they can last for weeks at a time with well over 50 an hour at it's worst.
I have had several ecg, monitors for 24hrs and ecocardiograph (ultrasound scan) and all were normal. Seems a lot of ladies suffer with these during the menopause, don't worry too much i am sure you will be fine. x


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Re: Really worried about palpitations
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2014, 08:22:33 PM »

Thanks ladies, you're so very kind to reply to me.
Well had the ECG which she ran for only like two minutes during which time I felt absolutely fine and no flip flops!!! And the ECG paper went squashy and it now has to be re-done - anyway the trace i had looked fine.
I do wonder whether it's like a self-fulfilling prophecy and me worrying about it is actually making it worse, if that makes sense.
I've got two little kiddies and i guess i;ve gone into panic mode of "oh bugger, can't have anything wrong with my heart".
I am going on holiday on saturday and just hope i can relax and enjoy it,I've had a couple of glasses of wine tonight which i know are supposed to make palps worse, but i actually feel fine and relaxed. So maybe tis just worry.

thanks for listening anyways. The horror of menopause is a big secret, because i certainly had no idea how bloody awful it could be. xxx


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Re: Really worried about palpitations
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2014, 09:41:40 AM »

My moms been getting them since she went though early meno and is still doing so well and far into the 80's, you will be fine, go and enjoy your holiday and try not to let them floor you, theyre a bugger I know!
Also just wanted to add that the prempak is one of the older hrts and not that natural and could be aggravating them, perhaps if they continue, you can switch to one of the bio identicals like the gel, as I have been on this also went through a very early meno and  its bloody brilliant no side effects at all.


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Re: Really worried about palpitations
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2014, 10:01:17 AM »

Thanks for your help
Having another ECG tomorrow. Weird but I haven't taken my HRT today and my palps have been a lot better, so yes maybe the Prempac C is making it worse. So tempted to bin them off!! I think I might ask to try the gel - what brand is it please? And does it contain the oestrogen and progesterone and do you get  bleed. Doctor says I have to have a bleed.
 Will see what ECG is like tomoz. The stress of having two small kids at home on school holidays is probably the cause!!! LOL.
Thanks again xx


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Re: Really worried about palpitations
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2014, 11:27:36 AM »

Hi there and welcome! I am 45 and I must say the palpatations have to be the worst part of the menopause. My husband works away and for the last 2 weeks my palpataions have been horrific. I have bright red cheeks and my chest feels like its on fire!


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Re: Really worried about palpitations
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2014, 12:27:56 PM »

Hi there.  I started at 49 and have to say that palpitations and anxiety were awful.  I started on Elleste which didn't suit me and then moved on to Femoston.  This was fine but the anxiety was still awful.  Doctor gave me beta blockers which helped a bit but didn't stop me ending up in A & E thinking I was having a heart attack.  Turns out I had taken a cold remedy which I shouldn't have taken with beta blockers. 

I changed to Evorel Sequi patches in January and I have felt so much better since then.  I also take Starflower Oil and Omega 3 Fish Oil which I believe helps a lot.  I now feel like me again.  I have lost weight and started going to the gym four times a week since May.  My husband says I am like a new woman now.  Definitely recommend patches as the hormone delivery is more even and they are so easy to use.  Change twice a week and have a bleed once a month. Hope you have a good holiday and try not to worry x


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Re: Really worried about palpitations
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2014, 01:53:34 PM »

sunlightmama - Do read up all the info under the headings to the left of this screen - particularly the 'HRT Preparations'  You might want to try the patches?  Also, if you want to stick to pill HRT, Femoston is tolerated well by many women as the progesterone is kinder.  It comes in different strengths as well.
As you are in peri meno your own hormones will be fluctuating so you will get changes in your symptoms.  You do need HRT to protect your heart and bones so it is important you find the right HRT. 
I would suggest you try Femoston first as pills are the easiest to manage.  If after 3 months this doesn't suit you then try the patches.  If you don't like those go for Oestrogel with separate progesterone(e.g.Utrogestan) or have a Mirena fitted.
Palpitations are very normal in menopause and even on HRT you may get them - remember HRT will protect your heart.
Keep posting  DG x


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Re: Really worried about palpitations
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2014, 06:12:39 PM »

Thanks so much for your helpful replies.
Yes I think I will go and try a different HRT.
Noticed that I have no appetite in the morning and skipping breaskfast, gone off foods and I am putting weight on.
Also seem to have an irritated tummy a lot. Gripey feeling. For example don't feel like any tea as all bubbly. Never had this before Prempac C
Thanks again, this site is so useful


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Re: Really worried about palpitations
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2014, 06:15:35 PM »

jillellie - you're palps sound awful. Did you get them checked out at all? My husband was away when I had my bad episode - so I know how you feel. I am convinced it it the HRT since I have no palps before it.  I am having another ECG tomorrow - they only plumbed me up for about two mins - how the bloodyhell could they check for palps in that time!!!xx


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Re: Really worried about palpitations
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2014, 06:20:22 PM »

Its Oestrogel, you start with 2 pumps per day, so nice and low dosage and can adjust it if needs be, I am fine on one and a half pumps per day, rubbed in last thing at night, I usually do so in bed. Yes you do need to protect your uterus and to have a bleed you would use a separate Progesterone, the one that seems to be very "user friendly" and bio identical is Utrogestan, I use 100mg tablets for 12 days per month I use them vaginally works a treat. All the best.


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Re: Really worried about palpitations
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2014, 09:50:21 AM »

The ECG is really to check for any irregularities in the way the heart is pumping. You should ask for a 24 hour one which will record how your heart performs over a longer period. By palpitations do you mean your heart is racing or you feel it is getting "lumpy" or missing a beat?

Taz x
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