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Author Topic: weird feeling on tongue and weird taste  (Read 29757 times)


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weird feeling on tongue and weird taste
« on: July 02, 2014, 03:05:16 PM »

Hi ladies, I am experiencing weird things happening with my mouth and wondering if it menopause related.Since new years eve last year I have been having repeated urine infections then put on antibiotics,my gp says that the infections are not uncommon as bladder may now be lying funny and have a kink in it !(something else that a joy :o ) anyway after my fourth infection I got really bad mouth ulcers it was messy and also had oral thrush so I had tablets to clear it up which it did .Lately I have been having weird feelings on my tongue kind of like pins and needles or just weird feeling I can't describe ,sometimes wee coating on tongue but often not and I also got strange taste in my mouth like metallic is best way I can describe it,I had appt last week with gp but he said I did not have oral thrush again.Is it possible this could be menopause related as I have been getting new symptoms here and there ie- weird dizzy wooly head ,feeling bit weird with some of my flushes etc ,if anyone else experiencing this tongue/mouth thing I would love to hear from you as I really believe I am slowly cracking up and falling to pieces  :(


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Re: weird feeling on tongue and weird taste
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2014, 03:29:26 PM »

Hi smudgy14,

You are not cracking up. I get these too, especially when I am very stressed and anxious - which makes it worse  :o

Sometimes is feels as though bits of my mouth and tongue are recovering from a local anaesthetic. Then I get the opposite when bits of it feel very hot. All of this started last year when I really went into perimenopause. Scared the heck out of me at the time. I thought I was having a stroke!.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I went for counseling with a psychologist and acupuncture. My symptoms have eased a huge amount and my anxiety levels are much more tolerable  :)

As for the dizzy wooly head feelings and general weird feelings seem to be par for the course for this time in our lives.

There are so many odd symptoms associated with the menopause! I never knew about any of this except for sweats, and flushes!

Hope this helps you feel less alone :hug:

Galadriel x


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Re: weird feeling on tongue and weird taste
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2014, 03:46:57 PM »

Ooooh thankyou galadriel for your reply,   last week I got prescribed a gel to take for fungus problems but as I don't have a coating on my tongue each day I have been wary of using it so I just spoke to a gp who said if no coating don't use gel I did ask if she thought it may be menopause related but she said no and just make appointment with a doctor to look again,I know if nothing dental as I just had my routine dental appt and all fine.With you saying like tongue recovering from a local is exactly what I get ,then sometimes tongue feels hot and the weird taste and doesn't matter what I eat or drink it stays the same ,but may be different tommorow as last week hardly any symptoms at all I really feel I am ripping my hair out (trying to catch the grey ones but just to many ;D).I don't know if I will go back to gp or wait a while and note daily symptoms ,this has been making me feel bit freaked out and worried wonder if that not helping ? Think I need to go lie in a dark room and meditate as running out of ideas and getting bit fed up of this menopause lark!. :'(


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Re: weird feeling on tongue and weird taste
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2014, 10:01:10 PM »

Hi smudgy 14,
If you still are felling that weird felling in your tongue, you may want to try this:1 cup warm water,1 tbs of aple cider vinegar raw unpasteurized unfiltered and a 1/4 tes of bakind soda. I was having the same problem,for more the 2 months,when I saw this thing on the facebook about weird felling in your mouth trhoth and tongue.
It was a health site and they talked about how sometimes you need to depurifid your liver and everything, is to detoux your body. They recomend the you do this 1 to 3 times a day. or at least 1 hour before brekfast. I did last night and it work's. I was so happy and relief and I thougth you may would like to try.
Hope this work for you as well.


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Re: weird feeling on tongue and weird taste
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2014, 04:45:35 PM »

Hi smudgy. I just want to comment on your bladder problem. Have you had investigations to see if there is a kink. A bladder doesn't just begin to lie "funny" or develop a "kink" for no reason. You need to have this sorted out. Has anything been suggested as to why this may have happened to you?

Burning Mouth Syndrome is a symptom of menopause. Does it sound like what you are experiencing

Taz x


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Re: weird feeling on tongue and weird taste
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2014, 05:25:11 PM »

As Taz says, sounds like burning mouth syndrome. I get this, and when my bladder is not happy I can get a pain in my bladder that goes to my mouth to give those feelings as the nerves are all intertwined one way or another.


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Re: weird feeling on tongue and weird taste
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2014, 06:13:25 PM »

That's interesting Maryjane - I hadn't heard of a nerve linking the two before.

Taz x  :)


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Re: weird feeling on tongue and weird taste
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2014, 06:51:07 PM »

 :lol: :lol: :lol:So glad I've just discovered this post. I have had a "tingly" sensation on my tongue for about 6 weeks now. Went to docs who said I "might" have thrush, gave me drops but these made no difference. I described the feeling to the female doctor as the feeling you get if you use the soap and glory sexy motherpucker lipgloss - it has an ingredient that plumps up your lips. She fell about laughing thinking how one of the male doctors would have reacted to the term sexy motherpucker haha. I guess though that the tingly tongue is just another weird menopause thing .... The list is endless.  :D


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Re: weird feeling on tongue and weird taste
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2014, 07:24:53 PM »

I went to the pain clinic the other week, and I said when I get a sensation in my bladder my tounge mouth burns, when my bladder is good my tounge is and they said yes that does happen, ladies that have PN and vulvodynia also get the burning mouth syndrome also. Interesting but wish I didn't have these horrid things, it's a form of "centralisation" or "wind up" as the Americans say, where a nerve pain from the bladder, sends a message up,the spinal cord and whatever other nerves want to join in do. kind of neuropathy. Which makes me want  :'( but don't very often anymore, just try and accept it. :)