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Author Topic: Acid reflux?  (Read 95233 times)


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #75 on: June 18, 2014, 07:30:20 PM »

I just wondered with the sore throat and itchy mouth - it might have been a possibility - for me, it did not seem to connect with the sneezing for a while, but I am a bit slow on the uptake sometimes!

My friend had to ask for a referral to an allergy clinic for her daughter with a nut allergy - it was not automatic.  She had the details from another mother.  Before that she did not know which nuts, had no epipen, which was worrying.  I don't need that, and know what it is.

This afternoon, walking home, sneezing, I was wondering if I am now have another pollen to add to the list.


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #76 on: June 18, 2014, 07:52:02 PM »

Sparkle - I did tell my son he made me sneeze :o He has a good sense of humour - he is 22 and at home and has to clean his own room.


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #77 on: June 19, 2014, 07:24:32 PM »

Sparkle you are so nice remembering!!! You must be a good friend to have! My best friend is like you I opened the door to a big bunch of flowers from her the other day!  Most people just text to see how I am but she gets the extra mile!


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #78 on: June 19, 2014, 07:35:27 PM »

As suspected the consultant said i hadn't been on the omezprazole for long enough so he will see me again in four weeks.    if necessary he said he would look at  my throat under general anaesthetic .      To add to everything I have toothache and felt sick all day .dont know if they are connected or the sickness is another  effect
From omezprazole !     Seems like the dentist is similar to the docs now and I can't get emergency appointment unless I ring at 9 the same morning .      I also had panicky feelings and shakes while waiting at the hospital ! My husband has just gone out to watch  the match and I am sure he thinks I am going crazy.
Has anyone had panic attacks and nausea while asking omezprazole ? Or am I really going mad???????


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #79 on: June 19, 2014, 08:13:16 PM »

So understand how you feel Sparkle. I think I will never be myself again!! This summer is just passing me by in a haze!!  I got a funny chest feeling after a few days on double dose. I have no appetite on it either lost about 10 lbs so far but just not hungry .   Consultant said today he is happy for me to just take one (after I told him all the trouble i was having) as long as I took gaviscon after every meal!  Also he advised me to change them at docs  if I wanted.
What a life at the moment. To think I was totally normal at Xmas! Ate and drank what I wanted. I am just about managing work.
I know you have quite a bit more  than me  healthwise to cope with Sparkle as well. Did you get appointment for your barium swallow?
I am seriously thinking of hypnotherapy for relaxation and also for my teeth grinding which seems to be getting worse and ruining my teeth ! What a wreck!!


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #80 on: June 20, 2014, 06:36:15 AM »

Yes I am going to ring hypnotherapy today and docs for different prescription cos feel,so sick yesterday and today. It could be my bad tooth but on omezprazole leaflet 1 in ten experience nausea .  Yes Sparkle consultant said take gaviscon advance liquid or tablets after meals and he said change my tablets if I want.  I just couldn't take two the feelings were awful. Now I am off to the phone to try and get through to dentist and docs ! I am sick of me so no wonder my hubbie and family are !!! Feel free to moan to me Sparkle I know what it's like .xxxx


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #81 on: June 20, 2014, 05:42:04 PM »

My wedge pillow hasn't arrived yet  so I will probably think the same as you Sparkle Just been to the docs to change my pills got lansoprozole now but really worried as side effects are dry throat and mouth possibly so thy could make my throat worse couldn't they! Can't believe it!!! Dentist said i have to take week of antibiotics before I have my tooth out and I am worred they will make my throat worse.   Crying in docs again and he said just keep taking new pills until you go back to Ent next month that's all you can do!    Been feeling nausea all day so just can't go back on omezprazole .
Anyone got any feedback on the lansoprozole at all?
How did MRI go,Sparkle ? Did they give you the results there and then?



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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #82 on: June 21, 2014, 08:39:19 AM »

At this point Sparkle they can take my head off !   I didn't take anything yesterday just antibiotics and some gaviscon before bed.    Just couldn't face the new pills on top of omezprazole in my system.  Still a bit of  nausea this morning . Just gonna see if I have any heartburn today or not . Very confused ! Asked doc to see someone who treats menopause and he said there is no one not even a nurse . He recommended menopause matters website!!
Slowly going crazy!!!!!!!
Let me know results Sparkle when you get them. It's always a waiting game isn't it .



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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #83 on: June 22, 2014, 04:14:32 PM »

Hi Sparkle writing this from bed as was up all night with terrible throat. just stayd in bed all day very upset that i am in varying degrees of painfulness. i think the antibiotcs for my tooth might have dried my throat out even more. just lay on sofa all night .  havent started the lansaprozole as side effect for 1 in 100 is dry mouth and throat and i am terrified it all gets worse. Honestly dont know what the hell to do      gonna try docs again tomorrow to ask about side efffects i am there all the time,hope youare having better weekend than me xxxx


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #84 on: June 23, 2014, 07:26:57 AM »

Thing is Sparkle I am not getting bloated and not getting much acid. Just an awful dry sore throat. Yes at my wits ends.everyone looks at my throat and says its okay. I am going to docs tonite armed withnDr Currie emails and gonna beg to try some low Hrt ! Thanks for sympathy .
Send it all back to you


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #85 on: June 23, 2014, 01:33:47 PM »

I will Sparkle. I will take anything at present.
Cancelling holiday in July as I just couldn't go. Back at Ent on 17 th July.
Let me know your results as soon as you friend out. Hope you have a good day today.


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #86 on: June 23, 2014, 07:58:18 PM »

I know what you mean Sparkle. I feel it might take me a while to get back to myself.   I been to the docs and saw one of the female docs who usually is quite alright but i think they are sick of my constant visits.   anyway I got the low Hrt to try ..she wasn't keen to give it but gave exactly what Dr Heather recommended.   She said you didn't get anxiety with the menopause .well one look at this website might prove her wrong!   
I was a bit weepy .its gone on so long for me!       She said i wud rather prescribe anti anxiety pills for you and a phychologist!!   Needless to say I was very upset about this comment and feel I can't go back there again.   Back to Ent on 17 th  July so I will keep taking the pills ,see how I go on Hrt  and avoid the doctors !!
Maybe you will have your results before you go Sparkle. They might tell you the barium meal ones right away.


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #87 on: June 24, 2014, 11:45:26 AM »

Thanks Sparkle .i agree with everything you said. Wanting me to see a psychologist really upset me though
  Is this the next step when they can't help you?
How are you doing on the omezprazole .are you back down to one. Are you having any nausea with them at all? I am making myself eat but it's difficult but someone said i had lost weight in my face the other day!
What are we like?


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #88 on: June 24, 2014, 02:35:02 PM »

Hi Kellie, Sparkle, I really hope things will improve for you, it is sooo discomforting to see there  s no end to the aches. Kelly I hope the HRT will bring about improvement. As I have posted before, terrible nausea and stomach acidity since March was what finally brought me to start on HRT and there was an immediate improvement. I see now, two months on HRT, that nausea creeps up in the last 4-5 days of each pack, i.e. At the end of the progesterone part. It then goes away ( alongside with the acidity, pain and burping) while on the estrogens. And whatever creeps up is no way so severe as it was pre HRT. I have thus stopped this month taking Nexium. I was also told that PPIs interfere with  the way other medication is absorbed in the body and for me the HRT is more important.  So I really hope by the  next month or so this nausea and discomfort will also disappear. Good luck and let us know how it is going!


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #89 on: June 24, 2014, 06:08:07 PM »

Hi Milamam Thanku for that post. I just hope i see some improvement when  I start the HRT . My throat s just burning all the time and am miserable. Did the doctor recommend the HRT or did you ask for it. Are you post menopausal and what kind are you on?
We need to hear some good news to keep us going dont we Sparkle.
Xxxxxx :)
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