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Author Topic: Acid reflux?  (Read 95217 times)


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #45 on: June 09, 2014, 01:00:47 PM »

Gonna go for some manuka honey tonite!  Honeybun .thans everyone. I do feel dizzy on omezprazole does anyone else. I am at docs tonite so gonna get some stronger pain killers as nurofen / parecetomol not helping then back at Ent next week. Xxx


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #46 on: June 09, 2014, 01:49:44 PM »

When I tried ompeprazole it made me spaced out and pins and needles. Doctor thought I was mad however other people have had the same reactions from my research. I am very sensitive to pills I am on 10mg of amitriptyline for nerve pain, knocks me put for eight hours, which is a very low dose.

Suzi Q

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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #47 on: June 10, 2014, 03:28:41 AM »

Yes, stress definitely aggravates it all as I have just proved to myself today!  Horrible experience with a car rolling back into mine and then the driver trying to blame me!  He got so aggressive I called the police.  Luckily I had a brilliant witness who waited with me until the police came.  I have now got the tummy from hell - it's like someone's wedged a football under my ribs and the only relief is from burping!  So Kelly, I'm glugging Gaviscon tonight - just wish it was wine.  Cheers!!!

Sparkle Mines the same feel like Im wearing something tight and the ache all along the rib line under both boobs
If Im unlucky I get a pain like Ive been stabbed with a knife in between my sternum OH S>>> it hurts like hell
Goes right through to my back it lasts for 5 mins or so SO I cough and belch and the terrible pain goes
But Im left feeling terrified the soreness and ache all along the upper abdo can last for weeks and I belch
I used to say it felt like Id been punched under there its all bruised and in betweeen my shoulder blades ache
That can go on for weeks if I lie down with heat its goes vanishes then I get up and with in 5 mins its there
The ache it used to reach an end with the PAIN then Id bring up acid like there was no tomorrow then itd go
Id be fine for months and months with maybe an odd day or 2 feeling iffy and then fine again BUT now its diff
Thats not happening Im bringing up a wee bit of acid and I get the regurg feeling its like if I could BELCH
Hard enough it would go because the pressure in my sternums as if Ive eaten and its got stuck
Last night I ate 2 slices of toast and sat upright for over 2 hours and no pain came but the aches still there
it makes u feel low and tired and ANGRY  but what can you do is it Gastro is it Gall stones?
All I know is that if it was somehting really bad Id be dead by now Ive had this on and off since POstmeno 1998
But the actual attack pain is more sever now still Im luckier than some big hugs xxxxxxxxxxx



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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #48 on: June 10, 2014, 07:07:56 AM »

SUSIQ. You have a lot going on I think and your attitude inspires me! What a lot you have had to put up with.
Hi everyone doc said drop parecetomol neurone etc as they won't help my throat. She was right it wasn't! She offered me mood enhancing pills cos i have got a bit low about my throat but I don't want to go down that path. I feel better on days I go to work so I feel I need to keep busy.
I am shattered and wonder like you Maryjane if its the omezprazole but maybe it's my low mood too. I have amyltriptine and I chop them up they effect me so much . I sometimes take a quarter at night if I am a bit jittery . Doc says it will switch things off but they aren't addictive. They do give a dry mouth though so at the moment I am not taking them.
Hubby says I sleep with my mouth open which doesn't help my throat. Any tips on how to avoid doing this . Was thinking of going to hypnotist. What do you think girls?   What  a life!!!

Suzi Q

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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #49 on: June 10, 2014, 11:37:31 PM »

To all who sleep open mouthed yep it will dry up
To all who dont want to try antis or mood enhansers give them a go cut them in half if u like
No Ive not had endoscopy and unless the knife pain comes and doesnt go Im not going too
I want  my trip to be over before I go to see get a scan etc BUT endoscopy is a last resort not 1st
From yesterday afternoon 100% everyhting went ache fullness belching? Just like a switch
This am no ache as such no burping much no tightness just achy and IM aware one false step?
I too ate carbs 2 Toasted ham butties and I sat up right for 2 hours pain had gone when I ate them
Thought OK see what happens thanks be to god AOK
HOPE the day is beter for all of us HUGE HUGS to us all LADIES xxxxxxxxxxxxx


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #50 on: June 11, 2014, 01:19:02 PM »

HA HA Sparkle yes I bet we are lovely! And throw in the burping with me too!!!! 
Is this your second endoscopy? If you have the sedation it's fine I was practically asleep and had half hour kip after it too. If you need one SusiQ you will be fine  I promise and I am a real baby! 
I had good day yesterday no sore throat after week on omprezanol but its back today unfortunately.    Maybe I need more time on it.  I am back at ENT next week as follow up to endoscopy and going to ask him if there is anything else it could possibly be. Hubby will come in with me.  Trying to be positive about things and keep busy but still getting shaky feelings some days.  Got no heartburn at all now just sore throat .

Love to all and have a lovely trip SusieQ . I haven't cancelled my holiday and still planning my rod stewrt outing next week. Can you drink on omezprazole .i usually have a wine spritzer but haven't been drinking for at two months since dreaded throat struck . Love to all xxxxxxxx


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #51 on: June 12, 2014, 01:36:15 PM »

Glad to hear things are getting  a bit better Sparkle.  Do you think it's better to take the omprezanol right after you have eaten or before bed. Also what did you find relieved the sore throat a bit.
  Please let me know how you get on at Ent


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #52 on: June 13, 2014, 07:44:19 AM »

I started having really bad heartburn before Xmas along with migraines which I had never had. I was also having a burning sensation in my mouth and lips. I suffered from nausea each day but didn't know if it was the acid or the migraines causing it  I put it down to stress as my cat had been hit by a car and we had to wait a few months to see what recovery she had with her bladder.

I went to the doctors after it didn't go away and he gave me lansoprazole 30mg. Now months on it has got worse. I feel like there is a lump in my throat and if I eat certain foods they seem to take a couple of swallows before going down. My tongue is sore everyday and feels like when you have burnt it on a hot drink as does my lips and the roof of my mouth andI get nausea on and off.
He referred me yesterday to have an endoscopy. I am so worried as my gran died from stomach cancer.

As anyone else had these symptoms and found it was due to the acid reflux.


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #53 on: June 13, 2014, 09:12:55 PM »

Hi Chloe I have similar symptoms but just one side of my throat and tongue its been going.  On since  march but like you I started with heartburn at Xmas. I had had a very stressful time before Xmas don't know if that had anything to do with it.
Don't worry about the endoscopy if you have the sedation you don't know whats going on and it's soon over. I promise you I wouldn't worry if I had to have it again. It will put your mind at rest. It found a hiatus hernia but I have  only been on the pills for 2 weeks and although the heartburn has gone my throat is terribly sore . It totally disrupts your life doesn't it ? Let me know how you get on with the endoscopy. I know how you feel!
Hi Sparkle I was told to double up my pills too by doctor but have only been taking one as I think they make you really tired and sometimes lightheaded. have you

found this? Mind you my throat is agony today and I have taken extra one in desperation.   Been really down about it. A lot of men seem to take two omezprazole that I have spoken to but i was hoping to take one and then gradually cut down. Don't you wonder what on earth is happening to us?   Hope you don't have to wait to long for the barium swallow.keep us posted . Xx

rosie c

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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #54 on: June 14, 2014, 03:28:46 PM »

Chloe... stress = produce more acid = heartburn= more mucus produced  =which sometimes can lead to sinus headaches (which can feel as bad as a migrine. ) I get this every month when i am due on. ( caused by hormones ) You may find omprezole suits you better, and you may find initially that you have to be on two a day. Its the acid coming up that it causing the burning sensation... my daughter gets really sore lips every time she gets her period with bad burping, nausea and  she is really really tired.


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #55 on: June 14, 2014, 08:19:53 PM »

Well after supermarket shopping replaxd with book in garden .still got sore throat but trying not to get low and tearful again.  It's strange I don't experience any heartburn but got this raging sore throat . 
Watch the gaviscon Sparkle The consultant told me to double up on everything including gaviscon and i could hardly eat for burping .  Have you tried a Zantac before bed   I know a lot of ladies on the forum take it but the docs warn you off taking it with our meds don't they. I haven't yet. I am like you I don't want to take the double dose ( the side effects sheet is frightening) but I am desperate this weekend so I am trying it.  At least you are getting your appointments now and hopefully can get sorted please God!  Are you on HRT at all.
Chloe when is your endoscopy.  Like you I am on the pills but still got a burning  throat. A lot of ladies on the forum complain of a lump in their throat. Have you thought about emailing dr currie at all ?




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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #56 on: June 14, 2014, 11:25:59 PM »

I am waiting for my appointment to come through for the endoscopy. The dr requested sedation as I told him I have panic attacks now and the camera down the throat is the one thing I really fear.

I did have the camera up the nose and down the throat 2 years ago  after a fishbone incident and whilst the spray up the nose was horrible I didn't know the camera was down there.

The only foods I seem to have trouble with is doughy bread like crumpets, pizza etc. I can swallow everything else ok and the Dr said it was good and probably meant it wasn't as bad than all foods getting stuck in my throat.

Had a better day today no nausea which is great. I will let you know what they say after I have had the endoscopy.


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #57 on: June 15, 2014, 10:11:16 AM »

Sparkle - I have cut down on chocolate and just have a couple of pieces and not after 9pm. I can't eat things that are good for you such as radish and have cut out tomatoes. I have bought some local honey as I have read that is good for you. I also drink ginger, camomile and lemon tea. Ginger biscuits are good for the nausea and chewing gum when the acid is bad helps it.



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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #58 on: June 15, 2014, 12:58:12 PM »

 Very down today with constant sore throat.  Just hoping Ent visit will help me but not holding out any more hope. I am not getting any heartburn  at all sleeping all night yet still have sore throat. I honestly don't think it's connected at this point in time. No wonder we are anxious Sparkle we have a lot to put up with ( especially you) . When you say choclate burns do you mean when it goes down or afterwards. Gaviscon feels like that to me when it is going down. It's the peppermint I think. It's really horrible isn't it?

My hubby had reflux ages ago and swears by chewing gum he doesn't even take hs tablets. He has a hiatus hernia and is always guzzling choclate.
Love to all fellow suffererers.


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #59 on: June 15, 2014, 01:16:59 PM »

Be wary about chewing gum.

A consultant told me not to do it at all. His reason was when you start to chew and produce saliva your stomach starts to prepare itself to receive food and therefore produces acid to digest the food that should be coming its way. No food means the acid just sits there and can cause problems.
Perhaps it's the minty flavour that helps for a short while.

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