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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Acid reflux?  (Read 95202 times)

Suzi Q

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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2014, 07:07:55 AM »

I have  been suffering since March with a sore red throat, rough itchy tongue and roof of mouth. It's been so bad I have taken time off from work, don't socialise and generally feel miserable all the time . I have seen an ENT consultant and oral surgeon who both said my throat was fine. The ENT even said stop thinking of your throat ! Easier said than done when its on fire!  I have had countless antibiotics and thrush treatment but on one visit mentioned i had been having heartburn trouble as well and now I am having an endoscopy on Tuesday.  My female doctor said no way could this be related to the menopause but is she wrong ?  Is anyone out there having similar trouble . I am miserable and my life has stopped ! Now thinking of cancelling holidays! My bad throat just never goes away! I want my life back! I am 54 and although I had a few bouts of cystitis  at the beginning of the menopause 3years ago I thought that was it .!

Ive got and had sinvce I was just post meno Acid reflux it can be terribly painful almosT LIiuke Gall stones
Ive n ot had an edeoscopy a few years ago I had it for 8 m,nths daily and had scans and nothing
Though one GP said it could be Gall bladder this years not been too great either
Dont think of canning your holiday Ive had my acid reflux lmost daily since April and Im going to Paris Venice Rome etc sod that I take DONNETAB over the counter and Mylanta double strength it really help
What ever it is it will get sorted take panadols anything live your life
I know your thinkiing easy for her to say ITS NOT I HAVE VAGINAL ATROPHY and not gonna let the sod reuin m life xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx big huge hugs xxxxxxxxxx


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2014, 10:56:28 AM »

Thanks Suzi Q I am also on vagifem for Va too. I thought that was my only menopause symptom but sadly maybe not . It's not the heartburn thats stopping me living my life it's the constant red raw throat and hoarseness. I work mornings and this is  such a struggle at the moment. I can't imagine trailing round on hols with this throat. I am also very burpy while eating  huh is something that has started lately.. I have been taking a lot of  gaviscon and wondered if this was a side effect. Has anyone found this ? Big hugs back Suzii q


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2014, 02:46:13 PM »

sparkle - don't beat yourself up you are doing what suits you right now in order to cope.  We are not answerable to anyone else as to how we cope ………..  ;)

I get burning mouth with some types of preserve ……..  >:(


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2014, 05:10:04 PM »

Oh how we felt we had to justify ourselves to others  :-\ ………. no longer!

<wave> SuzyQ!


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2014, 08:44:06 PM »

Seen the doc today. Throats been so sore with itchy like back of tongue and mouth that I just burst into tears. I have to double up on the omprezanol to see if I get any relief but I am worried that will increase the windy burping thing I keep getting especially when eating. I have stopped gaviscon incase this is causing it. I know I have Been diagnosed with a hiatus hernia but does anyone get the itchy mouth and rough tongue with their reflux problems?  I just feel like I would like someone to swab my mouth and throat to see what's there.    It's making me feel very low as no one can help me and I can't get back on track with my life.     I only took the omprezanol for 1 week and then had to stop it for the endoscopy . Does it take a while to work. Will this throat ever go away ? Feeling very sorry for myself today I know! It's just my first visit to docs about this was February and I still have it.!!


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2014, 08:54:52 PM »

Is the itchiness related to the reflux?  I get this with allergic rhinitis which is a totally different condition.  Wake in the night with tongue scratching the roof of my mouth and behind my teeth  ::)

Have you tried raising the legs of the bed so that your legs hang down a little, therefore raising your head - I found sleeping up on pillows didn't work because I slumped over eventually and the heart-burn woke me  >:(

Also smaller, non spicy meals might help.  Keeping the stomach with something in it to soak up any excess acid.  When do you take the Omeprezanol?  DH used to take 2 tablets at breakfast and that helped reflux for him.  I don't think you need gaviscon as well as the above. 

I find that Milk of Magnesia is equally useful! especially the milk rather than the tablets.  Or Rennies ;-)

If your symptoms are keeping you awake you will be weepy from lack of sleep!


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2014, 09:22:28 PM »

Have they given you any advice at all. Diet, sleeping position.
You could Google treatment on the NHS site and perhaps research a diet that would suit you.
Definitely don't lie down. You need to prop yourself up and stay that way. It stops the acid travelling back up.

Have you looked at what you are eating, it would seem to me that's your starting point.
I always found Zantac very good. You can only get 75mg from the chemist but the doc prescribes 150 so you could double up.



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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #22 on: June 04, 2014, 10:14:14 PM »

Have you tried sleeping with a bed wedge?  I use these a lot.  I have a higher one that i used after surgery when i couldnt lie flat and also a lower incline one that i use every night.  Like them so much i take one when i travel.

Suzi Q

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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #23 on: June 05, 2014, 03:15:17 AM »


OH sweety I wonder if like me you get so stressed or what we used to call scared feelings
I never got a sore throat I do get a cough sometimes but (I smoke yess I know!!!)
But the gut rubbish is rotten I think for me as I have white coat syndrome unless I cant cope Im not going
I take Mylanta double strength and Donnetab I end up with the TROTS as a side to Donne is runs
So I get a sore bum chum stingy using new wipes now so as to not make it even more sore and no soap on bum
Then with the sore bum chum comes the sore bits u know the bit between the bottom and fanny  ahhhhhhhh
Then my back OHHH my back is unstable and one GP said u could have it pinned NOT A CHANCE MATE I said
PLUS THE GUT ACHE pain when it comes OH its not so bad today its almost 90% ok fingers crossed
Not forgetting the dreaded VA OH growing olds a bloody delight MIND the alternativer isnt an option no way
So smile chuck OK could be worse YES I know as my MUM used to say to my Dad when hed say that to her
Shed reply well I tell you what JACK go find the buggar bring them here and let me have a bloody good laugh xx



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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #24 on: June 05, 2014, 12:22:41 PM »

Hi Kelly - I've had acid reflux for years (with a hiatal hernia as a bonus).  I used omeprazole for a long time then switched to lansoprazole 30mg per day at the advice of my doctor, which seems to control it much better.  I was able to get lansoprazole over the counter in the US but need a prescription here, and the first locum I saw here hadn't heard of it.  Might be worth talking to your GP about it though. 

My gastroenterologist in the US also told me it's fine to use gaviscon or zantac for "breakthrough" acid reflux (although here in the UK I think they have stern warnings about using both a proton-pump inhibitor and zantac at the same time, so use your judgement -- I do it anyway).  When I get that sandpapery feeling at the back of my tongue and roof of my mouth, I usually take one or the other and it seems to do the trick. 

Good luck, I know it's frustrating!  :(



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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #25 on: June 05, 2014, 04:49:34 PM »

Thanks ladies for all your advice. Finding out what causes it all is tricky for me as I have the sore throat all the time with frequent windy burping( lovely i know) . If I could get rid of the sore throat I  feel could cope with anything else. It never goes away and therefore I can't pinpoint anything . I am off my food I have lost nine pounds so far so making myself eat small portions of whatever I am making for the family. I have a little bit of heartburn but if this is causing my sore throat the acid must be coming up at night time. My problems not simple is it! I am back at the ENT soon and I am going to ask him if he can cover every possibility that's causing it. Believe me I could fall on my knees begging him the way I have been the last two days! I can't believe I was so well at Xmas drinking wine, eating , socialising what happened !  You get so much conflicting advice. One of my doctors said tea is fine just keep away from coffee. Can you get Zantac in England my doc prescribed liquid gaviscon so thick and horrible.
Thankyou everyone and Susie Q I feel for you you have had so much to put up with bless you. Thankyou Sparkle and everyone else for find time to advise me especially when you are trying to cope yourselves.i am going to get a bed wedge right away any thing is worth a try .
Does anyone think stress can bring on a hiatus hernia I was very stressed before Xmas but in a great place when it struck boo hoo



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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #26 on: June 05, 2014, 04:56:35 PM »

Stress = excess acid ....... and hiatus hernia is common in ladies of a 'certain' age.  It's finding the triggers, it can be as simple as not eating spicey food, not eating after 8.30 p.m., eating little and often, having the head of the bed raised ..........

What's in your diet? 


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2014, 06:57:03 PM »

Yes all chemists will sell Zantac and your doctor will prescribe stronger ones.

I find them helpful but perhaps something stronger is required to start with.

Have you tried aloe Vera juice. It's really very soothing.

My step father had a hiatus hernia for many many years. He started every day with a plate of porridge. He said it soothed his stomach like nothing else could.



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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #28 on: June 05, 2014, 06:59:01 PM »

Porridge lines the gut  ;)

Aloe Vera is very good for lots of conditions. Has the flavour improved though  :-\
It's good for burns .........


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #29 on: June 06, 2014, 09:14:04 AM »

Kelly, I find the Gaviscon tablets better than the liquid.  And as for stress causing a hiatal hernia, I don't see why not.  Lots of stress=lots of acid so I expect there's quite a bit of damage it can cause. 

On the Zantac topic, I've gotten 75mg over here but since they sell it in 150mg tabs in the US I'll take two 75mg tabs if it's really bad.  As Honeybun pointed out sometimes you have to take more to begin with.  In my worst days, I've taken the lansaprazole, zantac and Gaviscon all in the same day.  You know that we Americans really don't like being uncomfortable :)
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