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Author Topic: Is it worth trying the patches  (Read 16401 times)


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Is it worth trying the patches
« on: May 27, 2014, 04:10:18 PM »


I'm still using Femoston, as per my signature line.
It is working to take away the flushes during the day, my periods are alright, but it's the anxiety and depression, I can't handle it.

I also still need a fan on when in bed, and I still wake up very warm and slightly sweaty.

I tried to ask my doctor for bio-identicals but she got angry with me, and said she had never heard of it.
In fact, every time the subject of HRT comes up, she gets really arsey with me, so much so, that I have not gone back to her as I am put off, because when someone like a doctor gets arsey with me,  it just makes me worse.

The thing is, the anxiety and depression are so bad that I am wondering if I am not absorbing enough of the oestrogen in the pills.
There are patches available but they have norethisterone in.
I might tolerate it ok, because some women do, and I have never had pmt before in my life.
My anxiety and depression have always fallen at random times of the month, not just before my period.
I'm just worried that if the norethisterone does badly affect me, as I have pre-existing mental health problems, it may make it worse.
I am wondering whether to just take the risk and try the patches, as my doctor did offer me them when I first went for hrt.

What do you think ladies?



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Re: Is it worth trying the patches
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2014, 04:23:29 PM »

I think that when we have suffered mental health problems, we are finely tuned to any alteration in the brain chemistry.  If you have been offered the patches, give them a go.  You could also send a PM to Dr Currie here for advice?  My moods were certainly different during the month to how I felt immediately before the bleed began.  At least I can up my medication as necessary if my brain feels 'low' …….


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Re: Is it worth trying the patches
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2014, 07:11:12 PM »

I've tried different HRT's but none of them really lifted anxiety or helped with my (admittedly mild) depression. It could be that you will suffer this whichever HRT you are on. Although we hope it will make us feel totally our old selves it's not always a cure all and you may wish to add an anti depressant into the mix to get yourself feeling better. I would think that if your anxiety and depression have happened at different times during your cycle then it's unlikely to be hormone related. Not sure what others think? How long have you been on Femoston for?

There is a patch without norethisterone - it's called Femseven.

Taz x


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Re: Is it worth trying the patches
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2014, 07:14:18 PM »

Hi Dandelion
If you are getting, at least some, relief from your daytime flushes and no negative reactions to the progesterone then the Femoston is probably still your best option.   I have to say I would worry about you using other progesterones and even if you were to try Utrogestan (the bio identical progesterone) I would be worried that the sedative effect it can have could be a problem for you.  Also, you have mentioned in other threads that you sometimes forget to take your pills and Utrogesten requires a very strict routine.
You mention that you still get very hot at night - what strategies do you use to keep cool, apart from using a fan? I have to say it's been very humid lately and I've been getting very hot legs and found it very difficult to sleep. If you aren't sleeping well this can really effect your mood and energy - so maybe it's your lack of sleep that is the problem. It can be a viscous circle with insomnia - the less sleep you get, the less energy you have, which results in a lack of desire to exercise so when you try to sleep at night you can't sleep because you are not tired enough.
I think you need to remember that HRT is not an antidepressant - it will only help if anxiety emerges due to the menopause. You describe your mental health problems as "random" which indicates to me that it is not hormonally based.
You sound as though you need to have an assessment of your depression. Maybe ask for a referral to a Psychiatrist for a proper look at how you can be helped.
I have to say I am appalled to hear your GP is not more responsive to your needs.  I'd write down all your concerns about your mental health and the fact you are struggling to sleep because you get so hot and sweaty; take this to an appointment and see what the GP suggests - perhaps if you take a different approach with the GP he/she will be more receptive - they are only human and I find they need to be 'handled' carefully to get the best from them. I wrote all my questions and concerns down and handed this to the GP last time I saw her and it worked a treat - you see they can't ignore or misinterpret things if it's written down. 
Depression is a debilitating illness so don't underestimate it's impact.
DG xxxx


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Re: Is it worth trying the patches
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2014, 07:48:23 PM »

Hi Dandelion

I'm on evorel 50 patches and utrogestan and it's the best regime I've tried so far (it's my 4th regime).  My gp didn't know what biodentical was initially but I asked for it after reading about it from others on here, at first she gave me the sequi (with noresthisterone in it) which I tried for 3 months but didn't like so I went back and requested the utrogestan and she obliged.  Re anxiety and depression I had it and believe mine was due to falling hormones, I feel more settled than i have done for a few years on this combination, not perfect but about 90% there. I also eat well, exercise, try to avoid unnecessary stress, take borage oil and a vitamin b supplement so I am giving myself the best possible support. I still get night sweats and a little bit of vertigo but to answer your question on balance I feel patches have helped me as I feel the best I have done in the last 4/5 years.

Hope this helps, please feel free to ask any questions x


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Re: Is it worth trying the patches
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2014, 09:18:29 PM »

I have been on Evoril patches for nearly five years now and my anxiety started two years ago. I tried different types of HRT including utrogestan which irritated my bladder and gave me horrendous bleeds.
HRT does nothing for me anxiety wise.

I think you should address your anxiety and depression as a separate issue and see your GP about that. You sound as if you have your meno symptoms pretty well under control except for being a bit warm at night.

As Dancing girl suggested write down your concerns and give the letter to your GP.



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Re: Is it worth trying the patches
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2014, 11:01:52 PM »

Hi everyone

I'm not so sure, now, what to do.

I've had anxiety for years before perimenopause, but it was different.
It would happen any time of day, and I could always calm it down.

It is only since the perimenopause started that I am getting morning dread as part of my anxiety.
Mornings and afternoons are murder.
My anxiety is really bad on a morning and during the day, but seems always to calm down on an evening.

I asked about the patches cos I had a feeling I was not absorbing all of the oestrogen in the pills, but am not sure.

I don't want more antidepressants, I've had problems with those for several years.
I think psych drugs are not about getting people better, but are about making lots of money for the big pharmecutical companies.


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Re: Is it worth trying the patches
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2014, 02:57:25 AM »

I found my anxiety coming back after a few months on hrt and it was not lack of estrogen, but lack of progesterone! To risk switching from a regime that is serving you pretty well, seems unwise! Any change will bring a period of disruption and you seem pretty stable. Too much estrogen causes anxiety so don't assume you have a problem with low estrogen - I initially thought this, but my levels were 677 and my progesterone still near zero. Since going to daily progesterone I feel much better!! As others have said, hrt will not make everything fab it just relieves the symptoms which make it hard to survive every day. Try to look on the positive side - I do- I can get out and live every day which I couldn't do 1 year ago - I have learnt to deal with occasional flushes, headaches, anxiety, panic and dizzyness and no longer stress about them! Perhaps consider cbt and ask for a referral


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Re: Is it worth trying the patches
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2014, 09:14:37 AM »

Hi Dandelion
You say you used to be able to control your anxiety better before you were  peri meno -  having followed your threads since you started here on MM you have been so stressed and anxious about HRT and it's effects I think this is adding to your anxiety. I think suzyq is right about some CBT as it sounds as though you need strategies to deal with the anxiety you are getting.
Keep a diary if you can to help identify you feelings.  Have you tried Mindful Meditation? My GP recommended I read up about this and I have made a real effort to practise the meditation exercises and have to say it has helped quite a bit.  Those anxious feelings creep up on me and I find myself dwelling on them and before I know it I'm feeling dreadful - the meditation exercises can really help. This 'mindfulness' is a type of CBT but it does require some discipline at first to get into the habit of doing it. Do you think this is worth trying?  DG x

p.s. The book I read:


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Re: Is it worth trying the patches
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2014, 10:04:58 AM »

The Pharamcueticl industry makes huge amounts of profits but mostly the drugs designed do help conditions and some have been found to be beneficial in other illnesses too.

In 1999 I had to try several ADs before one 'suited' me, it wasn't perfect but kept me more stable for 10 years.  Then I had to change to a newer medication (2003).

Hormonal upheaval and variations can cause other parts of the body to react including the brain.  Eating correctly can help ease the sudden surge of anxiety.  I remember well the DREAD and deep fear I would wake with, anytime after 4.30 a.m.  :'( ……… the nightmares, the nausea in the early hours which would last until mid-afternoon.  As my daily commitments got done, I would relax more and by evening, was a different person ……..

Although you were able to control the anxiety in the past, that was then; you are dealing with 'now'.  Your body is different to how it was then, as we age we have different challenges.  HRT won't 'cure' anxiety but by helping other aspects of the symptoms you are suffering, may well lift those enough for your to relax more.

Nothing works overnight!  Our bodies didn't get to where they are suddenly so it takes a while before we notice that we need support and a little longer before that support 'kicks in'.


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Re: Is it worth trying the patches
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2014, 04:24:35 PM »


I'll stick with the femoston cos it stops flushes during the day.
I hate that morning dread, what a horrible way to wake up to a new day.

thanks all


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Re: Is it worth trying the patches
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2014, 05:41:18 PM »

Make sure that you eat correctly - it can  ease anxiety surges  ;)


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Re: Is it worth trying the patches
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2014, 08:41:03 PM »

I've just been reading about bio-identicals as I thought about trying HRT in July when I will be post menopausal but the article was from 2009. Does anybody know what the latest info about them is -ie long term risk etc


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Re: Is it worth trying the patches
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2014, 04:06:35 PM »

I've found a thread about bio-identicals which may be of interest,22407.msg339028.html#msg339028

Taz x


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Re: Is it worth trying the patches
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2014, 11:13:34 PM »

I've found a thread about bio-identicals which may be of interest,22407.msg339028.html#msg339028

Taz x
I just started reading the first few posts of that thread and I now feel well depressed.
Someone saying they feel really happy for the first time in a year because they are on utrogestan.

Is everybody really happy on utrogestan?

Why are women being treated unequally, some are getting their lives back yet others have to suffer needlessly.

I don't wanna read the rest of the thread cos it reminds me of what I haven't got.

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