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Author Topic: Why do we let GP's boss us about?  (Read 41638 times)


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Why do we let GP's boss us about?
« on: May 06, 2014, 05:35:03 PM »

First of all, I am SO pleased to have found this site and am looking forward to receiving (and hopefully at times also offering) advice from all he lovely people on here.

I have to say though, that after a couple of days of trawling through various topics and posts, it dismays  (and alarms) me! to see how many women meekly 'accept' it when their GP:-  Tells them they '' Can't have HRT''   
Also:-  I have read lots of posts where women recount how their GP has ''Told me I musn't take it any longer.......''
What the heck''?   :-\

Why are we, as women, so accepting of what is told us?   Why is nobody challenging their GP, when they are told this utter tosh?
When did we become such pushovers?

Is it because we think that GPs 'know it all''?    They don't!!!   We are probably better informed than they are when it comes to the Menopause!

NEW Guidelines suggest that: -  If the woman is otherwise healthy and she is prepared to take the 'risk', and if her quality of life is VASTLY improved by taking HRT, then the GP has NO RIGHT to refuse it!
Also, there is no reason why she can't take it for as long as she wants (once again, HER choice).
The GP should give guidance, but at the end of the day, it should be up to the woman to make an informed choice.

It shouldn't be about them:  'TELLING US WHAT TO DO'

Come on:-  Ladies who want (and want to stay on) HRT, Lets stand up for ourselves a bit more!!!  I know its not easy - some of these GP's are downright bossy and pig-ignorant, (although I have a good one at the moment - they do exist but are few and far between) when it comes to women's health -As far as they are concerned, we are getting old and should just 'accept it as being natural'
Well I say B....IT

We have to try a bit harder!
Already, a whole generation of women have had to suffer a poor quality of life because of mis-guided Scaremongering -when it comes to HRT.

If we don't start being a bit more pushy about what we do and do not want, then even more women will suffer. :(

I have friends in the States (and some in Australia), and when they want HRT -  they GET HRT! 
They don't have to jump through burning hoops like we do, to get it (and stay on it for a decent length of time)!   
In fact,  one of the ladies in the States, on HRT, is in her 70's and as fit as a fiddle.

It makes me mad that the care that middle-aged women in this country are currently  receiving is on a par with a third world country!

(hope GP'S come on these boards, to see what the current thinking is - but I wouldn't hold my breath)

Sorry for the rant, but it makes me so mad that medication has been invented to help us through the misery of menopause, and many times it is being withheld! :-\  -  It's downright Wicked - not to mention Cruel.

Rant over.
Thanks for listening.

« Last Edit: May 10, 2014, 08:50:05 AM by coolatlast »


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Re: Why do we let GP's boss us about?
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2014, 06:29:36 PM »

My GP is lovely he is a colleague so it changes the balance somewhat. However yes I horrified too by women being refused Utrageston and HRT generally it is appalling. We do need to stand up and fight more.

Bracken willowshimmer

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Re: Why do we let GP's boss us about?
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2014, 06:31:14 PM »

Hi Coolatlast

Do you know where I can find the new guidelines for hrt, am going to drs soon and would like to have info to hand.  Thanks xx



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Re: Why do we let GP's boss us about?
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2014, 06:42:05 PM »

I'm sure I came across it on an actual NHS website!  But can't remember where exactly.

My GP at the moment is GREAT (and pro-HRT), but I live in fear that she will leave the practice and I will have to put up with the moronic ''HRT is Evil''  :P  brigade again.

I just hope that by the time I reach 60 and will have to do 'battle' to stay on it - they will have educated themselves a bit more.

Strangely enough, all the research I have done (don't we all do a lot of that :-\!) - I have read of many Gynecologists extolling the virtues of HRT!    Now, I would rather believe them as they are specialists in their field (or should that be garden? ;D).

NHS GPs, on the other hand have been brainwashed over the last 10 years into following 'guidelines' - which point out  the horrors of HRT and the 'dangers' of staying on it after the age of 60.

Are they worried about cost to the NHS? (funny how the 'cut off age' for HRT, which is 60, nicely and conveniently coincides with the age that a woman starts getting 'free' prescriptions >:() - anybody else wondered about that? 

............or are they worried about being sued?  What?

(I would gladly sign a disclaimer if it would mean being able to stay on it for as long as it suits ME).
« Last Edit: May 06, 2014, 07:45:00 PM by coolatlast »


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Re: Why do we let GP's boss us about?
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2014, 07:15:23 PM »

There is information on the British Menopause Society website - under updates on HRT

here is a link to one page

On the topic of free prescriptions- you can always offer to pay for your HRT if that is the deciding factor. I'm not saying that anyone should have to- I don't agree with that if you are entitled to treatment on the NHS, but as a last resort then it's possible for any dr to give anyone a private prescription where you pay the retail price for the drugs- which is sometimes not much more than the £8 -ish for a prescription.

Most GPs know very little about HRT and the BMS runs courses for them on it- but wonder how many actually attend?



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Re: Why do we let GP's boss us about?
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2014, 07:18:10 PM »

My GP is really funny about HRT and you can tell the irritation in her voice.
My Femoston is working as it should at the moment, which is good because I was scared to try the only other option my doctor said there was, oestrogen and norethisterone, because I had heard so many women have emotional problems on norethisterone.

When I mentioned utrgoestan and BHRT my doctor got even more annoyed and twice said she had never heard of it.

I am wondering, if taking women who need HRT off it, is some form of social engineering.
Imagine, loads of women not on HRT who should be, and imagine all that negative energy coming from them, the fear, the anger, etc due to hormonal bad moods.
Well, emotional negativity is contageous and for instance, a few of these women in a workplace would make it a really bad atmosphere (not the fault of the women themselves)
The government seems to want as much fear, anger and hate in the world as possible, cos we are easier to control when we are fearful.
Just a thought.


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Re: Why do we let GP's boss us about?
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2014, 07:30:26 PM »

I wonder if men get given the 3rd degree when they go for their Viagra?

I wonder if they get told by their GP:-

''Well, Mr So and So, It's like this:-   I am reluctant to prescribe this drug for you because, even though you are in good health and don't smoke and only drink moderately and this drug could improve your marriage and quality of  life significantly,  there is a small risk OF HEART ATTACK!..... in some men..................So, with this in  mind,
Please go away and just accept that impotence is a natural part of the ageing process..............and as such, you must accept it.''

Do they hell get told that.

Bet it gets doled out like smarties lol.

In my next life I'm coming back as a man.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2014, 10:01:44 AM by coolatlast »


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Re: Why do we let GP's boss us about?
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2014, 07:42:14 PM »

There is information on the British Menopause Society website - under updates on HRT

here is a link to one page

On the topic of free prescriptions- you can always offer to pay for your HRT if that is the deciding factor. I'm not saying that anyone should have to- I don't agree with that if you are entitled to treatment on the NHS, but as a last resort then it's possible for any dr to give anyone a private prescription where you pay the retail price for the drugs- which is sometimes not much more than the £8 -ish for a prescription.

Most GPs know very little about HRT and the BMS runs courses for them on it- but wonder how many actually attend?
wow!  thanks for that link Sarah!
I am printing it off this minute and putting it in a safe place (for when I might need it in the future)


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Re: Why do we let GP's boss us about?
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2014, 07:46:20 PM »

Just a thought.
It's because we can't write our own prescriptions and have to keep them (GPs) sweet.
We can be as right as we like, but if we p--- people off they will do nothing.
In areas where there are no private docs or meno clinics there aren't that many options.
We have to go gently and talk them around.


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Re: Why do we let GP's boss us about?
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2014, 07:53:45 PM »

True, Limpy - They have us over a barrel! :-\

I will still kick up a stink if they try refusing me!   They will give me the prescription just to get rid of me.... ;D
Hell hath no fury like a woman refused HRT!


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Re: Why do we let GP's boss us about?
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2014, 08:11:01 PM »

No point in getting paranoid about it. I certainly don't think they are out to get us in any way at all. Uninformed yes, deliberately definitely not.

As Limpy says if we put our cases in an informed and reasoned manner then more than likely they listen.
If you approach things in an argumentative way you are less likely to be listened to.



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Re: Why do we let GP's boss us about?
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2014, 08:14:14 PM »

How old are you Coolatlast - have you got long to go before you have to fight to keep your HRT?



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Re: Why do we let GP's boss us about?
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2014, 08:35:49 PM »

Honeybun & Taz,
I am 54 - so a way to go yet (hopefully), before they try to stop me taking it - (but those years will go by so fast) ???

Yes I agree that the best way is to put your case across rationally and calmly.  Which I have done.

My current GP, luckily, responded in a calm, cool, rational manner.  So all was good.

I mainly started this topic, because I was dismayed to read of the numerous women on here, who upon reaching 60, requested  in a cool, rational manner to stay on HRT - and were point blank denied it.
When that happens, then I'm sorry to say - if the nice way aint gonna work - then you need to be a bit more assertive, otherwise you will get walked  over.

I would also always advise trying the calm approach to begin with.

Also, I don't think anybody's really getting paranoid lol.   I think that, although (in my book) this is a very serious matter - sometimes it helps to have a joke and a bit of a banter.......... :)
« Last Edit: May 07, 2014, 10:04:24 AM by coolatlast »


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Re: Why do we let GP's boss us about?
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2014, 08:41:00 PM »

Good to hear your HRT experience has been a positive one so far. Attitudes I think will change albeit slowly as people like Dr Currie are making sure that the message is getting across.



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Re: Why do we let GP's boss us about?
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2014, 08:54:46 PM »

Honeybun, I have only just started on HRT, but always knew that when the time came, I would be willing to give it a go.

My mother was on it for 30 years! :D  People now would be horrified.  But she only had GOOD things to say about it.

She says it was one of the best things that happened to her - it kept her young and feminine for years (in body and in mind)   Also, she has been married to the same man all her life - (so I expect HRT kept things 'alive' in that department as well - it helped keep a marriage together, when so many fail nowadays)

She cried for weeks when they eventually took her off it. 
It was sad to see.
She turned (almost overnight),  from being a vibrant lady with a huge zest for life, with bright eyes, and soft skin into a weepy, slightly haggard, angst -ridden shadow of her former self when they took her off it.  She seemed to age drastically.
My father ended up suffering as well, because her mood changed and she became very naggy and picky (hadn't been presviously), so theirs was not a happy household!

(nobody can convince me that these hormones aren't important to our Continued Quality of Life, as Females) whatever age we are at.

She spent a large part of her life living in another country - where they had less qualms about people taking it (and for how long) -
Unfortunately, as soon as she set foot back on British soil and registered with the local practice and requested an HRT prescription- They refused - saying she had been on it too long (as they had just started the new  (hopefully soon to be old) guidelines.

She is 80 now, and, other than the drastic aging, which happened as soon as she stopped her HRT- she is in very good health otherwise. Has had no cancers .......
So, so much for their 'guidelines'.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2014, 10:07:31 AM by coolatlast »
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