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Author Topic: A few Questions about Estrogel ?? x  (Read 22262 times)


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A few Questions about Estrogel ?? x
« on: April 23, 2014, 02:56:33 PM »

Hi Ladies,
Ive tried every HRT under the sun and getting no where so decided to give Estrogel another go.
I used it for a couple of months last time but i seemed like it made me very tired, i have ME so last thing i wanted but thinking maybe it was not this just bad spell with the ME.
1.Would like to no should i get a period with the gel?
2.I do a pump on each inner thigh each night at the moment about the size of my whole hand, is this right?
3.I feel very bloated, has anyone else has this? will it go?
4.Can i bath a hour before/after the gel is applied?
Thank you in advance x x


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Re: A few Questions about Estrogel ?? x
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2014, 04:49:03 PM »

Hi lila22
I used Oestrogel throughout my peri and post meno stages - over 20 years in all.
If you read the instructions it does say not to bath for a couple of hours after applying - you should actually not get dressed for around 10 mins either - in other words, allow it to absorb properly. You can shower or bathe before applying - in fact this is a good idea.  Don't try to apply it over or after moisturiser or other creams as these will form a barrier to absorption.
I always applied it to my inner thighs - one pump for each leg.
If you still have a uterus then you should have some form of progesterone to prevent the lining from building up. The progesterone can be used for a few days each month which would induce a withdrawal bleed or you can take it continuously and then you will eventually not have bleeds.  What progesterone have you been given?  I found it was the progesterone stage that tended to make me tired or lacking energy.  Oestrogel should give you energy.  Bloating can settle down in time but some find a little bloating comes with every HRT.
Can you give us a little more about your menopause history - your age, are you peri or post meno etc. ? DG x


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Re: A few Questions about Estrogel ?? x
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2014, 05:42:30 PM »

Hi thank you so much for the reply, i don't actually  have the instructions as must have lost it ive had the gel in my cupboard for a while its a new tube and still in date so thought id give it another go, im off to Doctors next week to let her know but she will be fine as been suggested a couple of weeks ago.
Ive got the utrogestan 100 that ill start on may 1st for 14 days. Is this the least i can take?
I started the menopause when i was 25 and took nuvelle for ten years but could not get it anymore so been trying to find something last few years, I also have ME which makes me sensitive to chemicals so real nightmare.
I was just worried as the gel has alcohol in it and that can make me ill.


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Re: A few Questions about Estrogel ?? x
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2014, 06:18:20 PM »

Don't worry about the alcohol. I can't drink ( medical, not choice!) and so far I haven't noticed anything with the alcohol in gel. It evaporates very quickly and is really just a base- the same as you'd get in perfume or astringent toners for your face. I think you'll be okay.


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Re: A few Questions about Estrogel ?? x
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2014, 06:26:28 PM »

Fingers crossed as if this dose not work I'm giving up on HRT as can't take much more xx


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Re: A few Questions about Estrogel ?? x
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2014, 07:10:35 PM »

The gel is just great! Use it at night and don't bath after, I put mine on last thing in bed. Am currently using 100mg for 12 days per month. Good luck..hope you get on ok. I rotate legs, sometimes inner arms, but more often legs.


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Re: A few Questions about Estrogel ?? x
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2014, 07:12:24 PM »

The gel is just great! Use it at night and don't bath after, I put mine on last thing in bed. Am currently using 100mg for 12 days per month. Good luck..hope you get on ok. I rotate legs, sometimes inner arms, but more often legs.

All sounding great which is promising, i may ask doctor if 12 days ok for me to, thank you so much for reply's x x


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Re: A few Questions about Estrogel ?? x
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2014, 07:52:53 PM »

As you are post meno you could probably take the Utrogestan continuously e.g. 25 days a month or every day. You've got the 100mg dose which is usually taken continuously - taking 100mg for 14 days may be too small a dose to protect your uterus.  If you want to take Utrogestan for a shorter time each month you need 200mg which you can take for 12-14 days per month and you will then get a withdrawal bleed. 
If you are using 2 pumps per day of Oestrogel then you will probably need a higher dose of Utrogestan (either 12-14 days of 200mg or 100mg daily) because 100mg for only 14 days a month may result in a thickening of the uterus lining.  If you cut down the Oestrogel to one pump per day then the 100mg for 12-14 days will probably be fine.
The amount of Oestrogel you should use will depend on your age and the meno symptoms you are getting. The beauty of Oestrogel is the flexibility - you can start with one pump per day for the first 2-4 weeks and if your meno symptoms are reduced you may not need to increase the dose - if you still have flushes and night sweats you can increase to 2 pumps per day. Oestrogen delivered by the trans dermal route ( either Oestrogel or patches) is the most efficient way to take oestrogen as it doesn't need to go through the digestive system so causes fewer side effects. Using Oestrogen may well improve your ME. If you are still in your early 40s then it is essential you use oestrogen to protect your heart and bones.
Are you seeing a private gynae as they will offer regular checks of your uterus lining to see if there is a thickening? Unfortunately the NHS won't do regular checks.
Do read up the recommendations on the dosage for Utrogestan - look under the 'HRT Preparation' heading to the left of this screen and go to Progesterones - you will find the info there. Print off the details to show the doctor if necessary.  I'd write down all your questions to show the doctor when you see him/her - it's so easy to forget things when at the appointment.
DG x


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Re: A few Questions about Estrogel ?? x
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2014, 08:51:58 AM »

Wow thank you so much for taking the time to explain, i really appreciate it.
I don't see a gyno i was seeing one for last ten+ years in Newcastle but moved to North Yorkshire nearly two years ago and the doctor said no need to see one she can help.
She is really helpful and listens to me but I am getting nowhere.
I will get the info off here and explain i need a higher dose of ustrogen as i would quite like a bleed.
I feel like im constantly waiting to get a period with bloated tummy and cramp.
I did have endrometrosis before the menopause so feel like ive always had  womans problems.
I did go on diannttee last year as one of the HRT i was on brought me out in acne.
I had a glimpse of how life can be, i had energy, did not feel depressed (also suffer depression) skin cleared up and menopause symptoms went but each month (3 in total) i had a migraine so doctor said i had to come straight off it!
Im so fed up with the whole thing, if the gel dose not work i really dont think i can try anything else, ive just turned 40 and feel like my life is passing me by.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and reply ladies x x x


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Re: A few Questions about Estrogel ?? x
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2014, 11:04:51 AM »

The migraine would usually be caused by the fall in the levels of progestogens each month - once you stop taking that part of the HRT before a bleed. Were they happening at the same point each month?
It's a bit ironic that you were allowed to take Dianette which has a high risk of blood clots/stroke- far more than HRT- so the dr's opinion that your migraines were in some way dangerous was wrong.


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Re: A few Questions about Estrogel ?? x
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2014, 12:53:06 PM »

I agree with Sarah2 - Dianette is a strange choice to put you on.
At 40 you really need to be taking some oestrogen for the long term health of your bones and heart.  Like you, I used to get really bad period pains and when I took sequential HRT I found I got a headache and period pain just before the withdrawal bleed when I had finished the progesterone part of the cycle. As Sarah2 mentioned it is very common to get a headache just before you get the withdrawal bleed and is something one may need to just put up with - after all one headache a month is better than all the meno symptoms all the time.
Utrogestan can make you feel sleepy so do take it late evening so the effects can wear off through the night.
If you are unhappy with the Oestrogel with Utrogestan combination please don't give up. You could try Femoston which comes in sequential (gives a withdrawal bleed) or continuous forms and the progesterone in Femoston is very well tolerated by many women - I know a few women on this one and they are doing very well - I don't understand why it isn't the first one doctors try!!!!.
Keep us posted.  DG x


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Re: A few Questions about Estrogel ?? x
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2014, 01:49:53 PM »

Thanks ladies, i really appreciate  the help,not sure why she put me on dianttee but i guess as she is the doctor i just went with it.
Im really going to give the gel a good go, i read your stories and have hope so thank you x x
« Last Edit: April 24, 2014, 06:00:56 PM by lila22 »


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Re: A few Questions about Estrogel ?? x
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2014, 02:37:52 PM »

Dianette is the Pill of choice for women who have acne. However, it's been given a bad press lately due to the extra risk of blood clots compared to other Pills.

See this here from NetDoctor
What is it used for?
Severe acne in women that has not responded to treatment with oral antibiotics.
Abnormal hair growth in women as a result of excessive production of male sex hormones (hirsutism).
This medicine will also provide contraception for women taking it for acne or hirsutism, but it should not be used solely as a contraceptive.

Read more:

Were you given Dianette to clear your acne and not for your menopausal symptoms? That would make more sense.

I hope you get on okay with the new combination.

I have always had a slight migraine when taking the Pill, with my own natural cycles pre- period, and with HRT when a bleed is due. It's not such a big deal for me that I'd want to be off HRT and fortunately the migraine is slight and doesn't last too  long.

Fingers crossed for you.

« Last Edit: April 24, 2014, 02:47:16 PM by Sarah2 »


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Re: A few Questions about Estrogel ?? x
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2014, 06:04:55 PM »

I was taking livial hrt which brought me out in terrible acne that was scarring so i came off that and she said the pill dianette as will help symptoms and clear up skin.
You ladies are so helpful and supportive, thank you all for helping x x x
« Last Edit: April 24, 2014, 06:06:53 PM by lila22 »


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Re: A few Questions about Estrogel ?? x
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2014, 09:05:25 PM »

I had the same problem with Livial - gave me dreadful spots.  My skin was great on Oestrogel.
DG x
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