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Author Topic: Think I am dying or have some terrible illlness  (Read 18601 times)


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Think I am dying or have some terrible illlness
« on: February 25, 2014, 09:42:21 AM »

Hi there,

Why is it that when peri I am convinced I have something awful. If you looked at my google history it literally shows a how list of things that I convince myself I have, then it makes me really anxious and the anxiety symptoms take over which then make me feel generally worse, which then in turn convince me I have something awful!

I am getting married in May and think to myself thoughts like I won't even make it that far and silly things like that. I have got to get a grip and pull myself together.

Its just the variety of symptoms I think, they can change daily!

Anyone else feel this way  ;D



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Re: Think I am dying or have some terrible illlness
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2014, 09:50:43 AM »

I get it occasionally, certain situations have me a state, but don't have it all the time like many others.

Congratulations on the upcoming nuptials! Hopefully you have everything organised for that, so less to worry about.  There are other ladies on here who can relate more to your situation & sure someone will pop by soon.

Do keep in touch though, we love a good wedding.


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Re: Think I am dying or have some terrible illlness
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2014, 09:54:32 AM »

aww thank you  ;D x


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Re: Think I am dying or have some terrible illlness
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2014, 09:59:18 AM »

Totally 100% there with you twinkle1066!
I've had full on anxiety attacks that left me with severe palpitations (thought I was having a heart attack!) jaw-clenching (no idea I was doing this) to the extent my jaw and neck muscles went into spasm, pinching the nerves making bits of my mouth and tongue feel cold (although if I touched them with a finger they were normal temp). I thought I was having a stroke.
I'm on Prempak-c 0.625mg and started it a month before all the above kicked off. I'm not sure if there's a connection but I was left feeling scared to death.
A short course of propranolol sorted the anxiety attacks and palpitations. I'm seeing an acupuncturist who specialises in womens healthcare and a psychologist (also specialising in womens healthcare). Between them, they are putting me back together one day at a time.
I wish I'd found this site sooner. Reading the posts from the other ladies here makes me feel much less afraid. At least I know I'm not going doolally - just peri!! :rofl:


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Re: Think I am dying or have some terrible illlness
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2014, 10:08:57 AM »

I even had a thermometer and everytime I had a hot flush I was taking it, I kept running back and forth to the kitchen convinced it was going to be high and that equalled something bad. I am not so bad now thank goodness, but like you say so glad i found this site as I was thinking I was going mad or similar - shame any of us have to go through it but at least we can chat via this site and console each other  :D


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Re: Think I am dying or have some terrible illlness
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2014, 10:17:57 AM »

Makes me so cross that my Mum's generation kept all this to themselves. If only we'd known in advance to expect the unexpected and that today's sore left shoulder will be tomorrow's right foot pins n needles.
I sometimes think the symptoms we get reflect our inner state of mind - mild chaos on a good day, all the way to feeling at deaths door in a split second.

Hey ho! Better get back to work  ::)


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Re: Think I am dying or have some terrible illlness
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2014, 10:28:37 AM »

haha me too  ;D


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Re: Think I am dying or have some terrible illlness
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2014, 10:41:44 AM »

It makes my mind absolutely boggle to think how anyone could possibly keep quiet about meno symptoms!!  How on earth do you disguise a hot flush?  What are you supposed to say when you're meant to be on top form but you get things all garbled?  Are people around you supposed to think this is the "real you" when you get snappy and tearful?  And what about all these wierd-and-wonderful symptoms we all get??  How do you hide them?? I suppose our equalities-driven generation has brought us into the workplace so we've had to - and have been able to - be much more out-in-the-open about it all.   But what really makes my mind boggle, though, is - how the Jimminy Cricket did Maggie T. manage to rule the country during what must have included her own menopausal years??   ???


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Re: Think I am dying or have some terrible illlness
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2014, 11:22:47 AM »

God.........I so know what you are talking about and going through. I have had many many moments of dark thoughts it seems every day there is a new pain, worry or anxiety to deal with, and I can't seem to think clearly as every problem seem to be life threating if I have pins and needles its MS and pains are Cancer or something sinister.I had a period of going to the Doctor constantly and it always surprises me how little they know about the/our condition and have been sent for numerous tests and procedures which have all been unnecessary and proved that I was ok.I am seriously thinking of approaching the BBC for them to do an exposay on " The Meoopause " as I really feel there should be so much more that medical profession could/can be done to help us watch this space.


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Re: Think I am dying or have some terrible illlness
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2014, 01:19:54 PM »


Been there done that and got the tee-shirt. Just recently I started to get physical feeling of overwhelming anxiety, never felt like it before and got myself into a state in a very short period of time.

I am now feeling a lot better by just recognising that dealing with the symptoms of menopause can be a very daunting thing because the symptoms can be scary, like feeling we have lost control over our own bodies.

My advice is to just try and roll with it, see your GP if you are really worried about a specific thing, but I stepped aside from my feelings and looked at things objectively. I came to the conclusion that I had been catastrophising everything and got things completely out of perspective. I still have a feeling like I am on an adrenaline intravenous drip and I am going to see my GP and ask if there is anything I can take to get on top of this (not benzodiazepines though) and get me back on an even keel again. But I actually feel "normal" again today - I took time out by myself and looked at how I could stop it i.e. :- "my thoughts going around and around in a loop of anxious thinking".

Try an focus on the details of your forthcoming wedding (congratulations by the way) or something else which forces your mind to think about something other than your fears. I know it is easier said than done but honestly it worked for me. Have a look at websites about mindfulness, some sites have downloads of meditation exercises which might help. The important thing is to get absorbed in something other than your anxious thoughts.

You will be fine but I completely understand how miserable it is, but it isn't forever and you can and I am sure will get out of the catastrophising thinking. You are missing all the fun of looking forward to your wedding day, it doesn't have to be this way does it? Its only thoughts and they can be changed.

You will get lots of understanding and support here and its always good to know there is a safe place to come and vent ;)

All the best.


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Re: Think I am dying or have some terrible illlness
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2014, 01:46:38 PM »

Thanks so much LL  :o
I am going to try and focus on the wedding - I should be all excited now - instead I am thinking I cant be bothered to do this or that - not exactly the run up to the big day that I had expected. I can either take things in hand and put them in perspective like you say, or ruin the build up and just feel run down on the big day. I have waited nearly 9 years for this day (!) - but isn't it typical how it happens now, with just a couple of months to go - great ! Well i intend to try and control it and not it me, I wonder what my fiance thinks, he's being very supportive but probably thinks I ought to be in the looney bin and that I am a raving hypocondraic. I hate this !!!! X


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Re: Think I am dying or have some terrible illlness
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2014, 02:29:41 PM »

Me too Twinkle! 

If I have a headache it's a brain tumour or stroke, pins and needles = MS, palpitations = heart attack! 

Have improved so much on hrt but I do still get like it from time to time.  You're definitely not on your own!  I reassure myself that nothing bad has happened so far and distract myself with something to take my mind of it. 

I hope you get some relief soon as it is a lovely time for you with your wedding approaching. 

Take care,

Sally x


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Re: Think I am dying or have some terrible illlness
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2014, 02:49:37 PM »

Thanks Sally  ;D

Glad i'm not on my own but sorry any of us has to suffer this. The HRT has improved the symptoms but they are still there niggling away. In my head, I have absolutely everything, I have never been to the Doctors so much !

I must shake it off and get on with life instead of worrying about stuff so much X


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Re: Think I am dying or have some terrible illlness
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2014, 02:53:35 PM »

You'll get there a Twinkle!  I have been to the drs so much in the past couple of years and looking back virtually all the symptoms were peri related.  Never thought it could mess us up so much.  I'm 50 next month so getting ever nearer to full blown menopause.  Not sure if this is good or bad!! ;D

All the best,

Sally x


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Re: Think I am dying or have some terrible illlness
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2014, 02:58:09 PM »

Me too  :'( I'm so tired of worrying all the time, about every niggle  :( It's very draining. I'm not on HRT and am not keen to try it so I'm just bumbling along in the hope that it will improve.

Good luck with the wedding preparations  ;)

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