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Author Topic: thinking of cancelling hip surgery any suggestions  (Read 5969 times)


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thinking of cancelling hip surgery any suggestions
« on: January 25, 2014, 11:01:31 AM »

 Hello ladies I am due to have my hip replacement revised in a few weeks can I ask you ladies for advice, I am having awful symptoms no periods for a number of months and to say I am terrified is an understatement. I know what this surgery entails because this will be the fourth time I have endured it so its not really that is the problem. Before Christmas I started with adrenaline rushes when I sleep, tremors and tingling through my body it seems to start  under the centre of my breastbone it wakes me up with a start and panic.
I was short of breath like air hunger all day so bloated I couldn't eat ,I have a swollen area where my liver is and my kidneys hurt, two weeks ago I went to see nurse practioner and she examined me and all areas were tender to touch she said she thought it was anxiety had liver and kidney function test which came back as ok. I started to take propranolol 80mg slow release and symptoms did ease I also am taking magnesium. in my other posts I told you that I have tried elleste duet but the estrogen made symptoms were far worse can only describe as hyper to the point I felt like I was going to die. Spoke to the hip surgeon explained what was going on and he said he thought it was acid to go back and get it sorted . I don't feel like I can go ahead with this surgery which is really urgent , in this state. Does anyone else have these symptoms when they sleep I am going to doctors on Wednesday


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Re: thinking of cancelling hip surgery any suggestions
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2014, 11:23:19 AM »

Oh jo61 - you poor thing.  What you describe sounds very typical meno symptoms - there have recently been quite a few threads about ladies with terrible palpitations etc. - they can make you feel really panicky.
If your surgery is urgent I wouldn't put it off - I expect you are in pain with your hip and possibly on strong pain killers and these could be the source of the acid and stomach problems - I think painkillers can really effect your kidneys as well - not sure about this though.
When you tried HRT before you were probably still peri meno and your own hormones were still kicking in or fluctuating and then the extra oestrogen can make you feel funny.  Now you are a stage further down the line with meno perhaps give HRT another try.  Perhaps go for Oestrogel which is transdermal and you can start very low with one pump per day and increase if you need to.  You could use Utrogestan as the progesterone part which brings fewer side effects as it is bio-identical to your own hormones.
Have you had a recent blood test to check your oestrogen and  FSH levels?  If I was you I would discuss this type of HRT with your GP and get that hip sorted.  Keep us posted about your progress. I'm not surprised you feel overwhelmed and frightened - we're here to support you. 
Good luck  DG xxxx :hug:


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Re: thinking of cancelling hip surgery any suggestions
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2014, 11:30:26 AM »

Its really hard to know what to advise jo61, but listening to your inner voice and instinct is the sensible way. People who go into a big  surgery with confidence and a feeling that it is the best thing for them I am sure have a better outcome.

You say this op is urgent, if you are confident in your surgeon then maybe you should be guided by him. 


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Re: thinking of cancelling hip surgery any suggestions
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2014, 12:22:47 PM »

 thankyou for your replies my surgery  is because implant that is in is metal on metal and my metal levels in my body are really high  and nobody knows how that will affect health which if I get it sorted will be one less thing to be so anxious about. Just to know that this is in my body is enough to worry about. Its the other symptoms that worry me it feels like my whole system is not working properly which obviously anxiety will stop me functioning properly. I am hoping that someone has had the symptoms of tremors and adrenaline rush when asleep that doesn't just happen on a night but if I have a nap, so I can reassure myself that these symptoms are meno related and not the metal because they are really frightening, Silverlady my head tells me to get rid of this metal implant but it is also asking what are these symptoms. Can someone with a big hammer just knock me out until its all over I didn't just have one implant but two, I don't do things by half . thankyou ladies


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Re: thinking of cancelling hip surgery any suggestions
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2014, 01:53:48 PM »

If you have a look at the palpitations topic then you will see how common it is to feel like this.
As for starting HRT before your operation....I think that's a non starter as you are generally advised/told to stop a good few weeks before surgery. You could just be settling on a new HRT when your operation date comes through.

I do feel for you as any operation is very daunting.

Get your GP to do a 24 hour trace on your heart if you can and when you see that all if fine that should help your anxiety. You would undergo a full check before any operation and that will reassure you even more.



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Re: thinking of cancelling hip surgery any suggestions
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2014, 02:04:01 PM »

I have had the adrenal surges and tremors, they are part of menopause for many, though I think my huge ones were caused by anxiety after an operation that did have complications, they were accompanied by panic attacks. They have gone now but for me took about five years, but once I knew what they were and that they would not harm me I was more able to live with them.

I think your para sympathetic nervous system is on high alert due to your many operations and  the prospect of another one. Having a metal implant is not causing your symptoms, they are lifesavers for many many people. As it was for me its your fear that is feeding the symptoms.

Talk this over with your surgeon if you can they want only the best for their patients.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 04:58:55 PM by silverlady »


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Re: thinking of cancelling hip surgery any suggestions
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2014, 04:52:32 PM »

Dear Jo61,
You said “Can someone with a big hammer just knock me out until its all over”  - well someone will (in a metaphorical sense) and that's the Anaesthetist.  ;D

I relate to your worry but all I can suggest is that you see if you can discuss your concerns with the Consultant and Anaesthesiologist at your pre op assessment. I am sure they will be able to put your mind at ease. If you know who is performing the op why not phone his/her secretary and say you want to have this discussion at the pre op appointment; or ask if you can make an appointment to do this. If you explain you are so concerned that you are thinking about not having the surgery (which you need if you have metal on metal) I am sure that some arrangements can be made for you to talk this through and put your mind at ease.

Good luck, don't forget these days it is routine surgery and the systems they have to monitor everything during any surgery are very sophisticated these days. You will be checked out to make sure everything is OK before you have the surgery.

Just a make sure you have a list of the questions and concerns you want to ask about. I make short bullet point lists as an aide memoir because I just turn into mush when I see Consultants. I even forget things when I see my GP so I often make a list and don't go until I have crossed everything off that list. Yes I am being serious!

Good luck. I am sure it will all be fine and you are worrying unnecessarily, but you can do something about this my raising you worries with the medical team who will be looking after you.


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Re: thinking of cancelling hip surgery any suggestions
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2014, 05:15:27 PM »

Sorry jo61 I missed this in your last post

"my surgery  is because implant that is in is metal on metal and my metal levels in my body are really high and nobody knows how they can affect health"

I understand your worries now, there has been some concerns and they do have to be checked and I am sure your surgeon will have explained all this.

It is much more difficult to give advise when you are only coming from a stand pony of your own experiences, and my situation was vastly different to yours.

Do hope you make the right decision.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 05:45:08 PM by silverlady »


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Re: thinking of cancelling hip surgery any suggestions
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2014, 04:16:22 PM »

The metal in a hip joint DOES NOT leak!  You need to discuss your concerns with the Consultant who is going to perform the operation, I would make another appt. by ringing his/her Secretary (we don't bite ;-)), explaining my worries and asking for either a face-to-face consult or for him/her to ring me at home. 

Have a list of queries ready so that you can discuss them with the Consultant.  In fact, when I was working in the Hospital, the ball joint was plastic so there was a barrier between the joint into the upper thigh bone and the replacement in the hip joint itself.

How do you know that your "metal levels in my body are really high" - who has told you this and how has that conclusion been reached?  Which metals in particular, remembering that the body is made up of various minerals etc..  Leaching of metals is rare, even the ones from teeth fillings!

However: if you are in any doubt about surgical intervention, you won't be in the 'right' frame of mind to make a good recovery.  The important issue here is to talk over your concerns as soon as possible so that you don't 'waste' a theatre spot - no good waiting until you get into Hospital for surgery only to say 'no' because you are hesitant!

Let us know how you get on!


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Re: thinking of cancelling hip surgery any suggestions
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2014, 04:48:01 PM »

CLKD you must read this

There are concerns, I didn't read jo41s posts properly and went back to do so and then googled metal on metal hip replacements.

Jo61 says the metal levels are really high and that is why she  is having the revise operation because of it, her surgeon will have discussed this with her.

 I can well understand why her stress levels are very high and why she is getting the symptoms she describes.

I don't think anyone can make the decision for her, but just be there to support her.



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Re: thinking of cancelling hip surgery any suggestions
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2014, 08:08:18 PM »

 :thankyou:  interesting.  Pity 'they' didn't keep to the plastic hip joints!


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Re: thinking of cancelling hip surgery any suggestions
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2014, 08:19:12 PM »

I thought they used titanium now.


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Re: thinking of cancelling hip surgery any suggestions
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2014, 08:26:37 PM »

Titanium is the safest metal in surgery.  My dental implants are titanium because of the lack of risk of allergic reaction.


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Re: thinking of cancelling hip surgery any suggestions
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2014, 12:07:12 AM »

What your experiencing are very typical meno symptoms to me.
Please don't put your surgery off, this may make you more anxious and exacerbate the palpitations etc
Explain all your fears to your surgeon,  I had a hip replacement 3 years ago, but I was lucky yo have titanium, please read a lot of the posts in the forum, they really help me, especially when I am anxious and having panic attacks and morbid thoughts
We are all in it together
Big hug x