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Author Topic: Has anyones vaginal atrophy been cured by systemic hrt alone?  (Read 4768 times)


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Has anyones vaginal atrophy been cured by systemic hrt alone?
« on: October 15, 2013, 02:40:59 PM »

Just wondering as above really?
And if you take pregesterone did it irrittate the bladder?

Thanks to anyone who replies

Luv Tingly


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Re: Has anyones vaginal atrophy been cured by systemic hrt alone?
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2013, 03:04:07 PM »

Progesterone can irritate the bladder

I use a estrogen patch and have never experienced  VA, but I take it to mean if you have VA can taking systemic HRT cure it, I think for some ladies if they have VA it can help while they take it, others need local hormones too with or without HRT.

A percentage of women don't suffer with VA.



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Re: Has anyones vaginal atrophy been cured by systemic hrt alone?
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2013, 04:36:08 PM »

Im on Oestrogel and Utrogestan and thats it, no VA but then again, I have no other meno symptoms either, and my Oestrogen Blood count is very high, sometimes I wonder if I am post meno but I did have blood tests when I started with symptoms in my early 40's and they showed me to be post meno so I guess that I am and the Oestrogel is doing a great job. :)


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Re: Has anyones vaginal atrophy been cured by systemic hrt alone?
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2013, 06:37:04 PM »

Silverlady, thanks for the link...yes thats what i meant
One doc says systemic in the form of "oestrogel and 7 days of prog easily treats it" another says 'systemic wont make any difference '
So i thought id ask real people, as it were

Cassie, glad ur doing well on the hormones.
How long have u been on them for if you dont mind me asking, and how many and what strength utrogestan do u take?

Ting x


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Re: Has anyones vaginal atrophy been cured by systemic hrt alone?
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2013, 06:43:37 PM »

Forever and a day lol! At least 9 years and I use Utro 100mg was on 200mg but found it too strong, using it for 12 days per month and 1 and a half pumps of gel per day does it for me :)


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Re: Has anyones vaginal atrophy been cured by systemic hrt alone?
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2013, 09:13:22 AM »

I think that was my prob cassie
My doc said 200 mg utrogestan was required for 12 days and it made me feel lousy- perhaps 100 mg was the way to go

Without being too personal doyou still have a "monthly" on that?
Also, if your blood tests showed youto be post meno at the start, does this mean you hadnt had aperiod for a year then?
Sorry for all the questions, but i am earlymenopausal myself,,,raised fsh at age 43 with hot flushes etc, and just trying to look at other peoples experiences

Ting x


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Re: Has anyones vaginal atrophy been cured by systemic hrt alone?
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2013, 10:41:30 AM »

Yes you would get a monthly withdrawal bleed with as little as 7 days of 100mg per month, I used to be on that but had to up it a bit as there was a bit of thickening of the lining and breakthrough bleeding so have doubled the dose, but on the 100mg and get a bleed about 5 days after stopping the Utrogestan. I developed ovarian cysts late 30's had surgery to remove them and my periods just never returned, I then started getting flushes and had a test which showed my FSH to be very high. I then tried for about 2 years all sorts of natural rememdies which helped nothing and it was at this time that the bloods showed post meno. I went onto the pill for a year and then switched to HRT at around the age of 42 and have never looked back. My poor Dr would be very confused if he looked back at my blood tests which showed me to be post meno at the age of about 40 and here I am many years later due to the Oestrogel, my last blood test showed my levels to be very normal and healthy somewhere around the 400 mark lol. I had the test done at the GP just to see what my level was like and he told me all normal, I didnt even bother to mention that its due to HRT as my private Gynae handles that side of things :)


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Re: Has anyones vaginal atrophy been cured by systemic hrt alone?
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2013, 02:01:32 PM »

Thanks for the info Cassie