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Author Topic: HRT-Bloating and IBS ?  (Read 17337 times)


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HRT-Bloating and IBS ?
« on: October 13, 2013, 09:28:47 PM »

I have been messing about a bit with HRT over recent months. I even stopped completely for about six weeks. I have returned to my original HRT about a month ago. I am using a half patch of Evoril Conti.
Since I re started I have had nothing but stomach issues. I have diverticular pain but also really painful bloating and upper stomach colicky pains. I was given Buscopan which has helped a bit. It feels like wind that just won't shift.
I have tried all my usual trusty herbal remedies but nothing is working.

I did not have this before my HRT break.
This is really getting me down. My appetite is fine and I feel well enough except for the stomach pain.

Anyone had anything similar or a suggestion for a solution. I am tempted to stop all the meds I am on to see if this helps. Something must be causing this, I just can't figure out what.



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Re: HRT-Bloating and IBS ?
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2013, 10:07:40 PM »

I think you should ask for some investigations Honeybun even though they are not that nice to think about. Any changes in the stomach or bowel do need to be looked at. I know it is tempting to blame it on going back onto HRT but you do really need to make sure that everything is ok.

Taz x  :)


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Re: HRT-Bloating and IBS ?
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2013, 10:16:26 PM »

Tempted to say...Don't want I won't.  ::)

But I know you are right. My surgery are not big on sending you for tests so no doubt they will want me to try pills first. My bowels have not changed at all, just this blessed colick type pain.


meno lesley

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Re: HRT-Bloating and IBS ?
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2013, 07:22:18 AM »


I have had wind issues since being on hrt, mainly trapped wind in my back and constant burping. Mentioned it to doc and she didn't seem bothered at all. I get very bloated and look like I'm pregnant.

Whether this is caused by the hrt or just me im not sure.

Lesley x


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Re: HRT-Bloating and IBS ?
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2013, 09:23:00 AM »

Hello Honeybun.
According to my trusty Menopause book bowel problems are commonly caused by hormonal changes and of course the meno just adds to it. I certainly noticed bloating and discomfort when taking HRT and when I was young and having a period I would have pain and diarrohoea.
Taz2 has given you some good advice but as you have only been back on HRT for a month I'd be inclined to wait a little longer and see if it settles. 
I'm sure you are aware of all the dietary advice for helping IBS including taking a good probiotic so maybe you could make sure you are doing all the right things to help the situation before you panic.
I know gut problems can make you feel miserable so sending you hugs.
Take care.


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Re: HRT-Bloating and IBS ?
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2013, 12:27:42 PM »


Pre-menstrually I would be bloated++ - felt sick, fat, nauseous, by mid-afternoon I couldn't do up the zip on my skirt  >:( and had to drive home (14 miles) with the skirt undone and tights off.

Once the bleed started the bloating went.


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Re: HRT-Bloating and IBS ?
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2013, 12:46:43 PM »

No cycle CLKD so no relief from that. As soon as I eat I get the colick pains and the bloating starts. I tried to make a GP appointment but was told to call back tomorrow for an on the day appointment.
Although I am going to the loo normally I feel as if my digestive system is on a go slow. Every thing feels sluggish and this is maybe what's gone wrong.

I normally have quite a gurgly tum and that has just stopped . If I could get things moving quicker I think I would feel better.



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Re: HRT-Bloating and IBS ?
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2013, 04:19:07 PM »

I think it's the fact that you are having colicky pains which made me suggest talking it over with the GP honeybun. Colicky pains after eating are sometimes the sign of an ulcer and you don't want to ignore that really.

Taz  :)


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Re: HRT-Bloating and IBS ?
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2013, 04:33:05 PM »

I am going to get an appointment this week Taz.

I have been tested for an ulcer in the past but I don't remember having the pains.
I feel as if I could pass wind, sorry if TMI, I would be so much better. I know they can do a breath test for H Pylori rather than sticking a tube down your throat which is much preferable. I have had that done and also a barium swallow. Did not like either of them.  ::). Hopefully easily sorted.



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Re: HRT-Bloating and IBS ?
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2013, 06:08:48 PM »

Hi honeybun

I am going through the very same things at moment I been to docs with abdominal pains and took bascopan  which had helped but now I'm getting stomach pains like you described burping a lot toilet area is fine no blood sorry Tmi  been on hrt for about 3 years evorel conti feel bloated and of course am thinking the worse been to docs today In fact as I was sick last night but that could have been I suffer from migraines and they can make me sick but today didn't go to work as stomach feels sore doc felt around and sending me for tests endoscope not looking forward to that I will have to be sedated I think I can't even swallow tablets always had this fear  of choking so I'm not going to be a good patient anyway trying to stay positive nut it did cros my mind about hrt I could come off it I guess but then I would get the hot flushes back during the night I still get the headaches whether I'm on or off hrt so I could try it I suppose but doc said to give gaviscon a go while I'm waiting for my appointment but I seem to afraid to eat in case I get the pains I thought it might reflux where the stomach makes too much acid as I have had what feels like a sore throat but nothing developes into a cold so could be acid coming back into the esophagus doc did say it could be that also but that's why he wants more tests I read that there is a test I could have which doesn't involve a tube down my throat can I have more info please

Hope you can find some relief soon



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Re: HRT-Bloating and IBS ?
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2013, 06:43:09 PM »

I have had an endoscope and had light sedation and I was fine. Honestly it's not as bad as you think. I also had a barium swallow and then they put me on a tilt table and took lots of x rays. It showed I had reflux. I was never really given any other information.
There is a bug that lives in the gut called H-pylori. It can be detected through a breath test I think. If it shows positive then they give you a specific antibiotic.
I am also on Evoril Conti but I have been on it for four years with no problems. In fact HRT really helped my IBS.
It's a bit of a mystery.
I was really uncomfortable after lunch but not so bad now and just had steak pie. No rhyme or reason at the moment.
I have just bought a much stronger probiotic which usually helps me.

It's miserable having stomach problems, as if we don't have enough problems.



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Re: HRT-Bloating and IBS ?
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2013, 06:55:03 PM »

I've had an endoscopy too js and it is really nothing to worry about. I didn't need any sedation. They numb the back of your throat with a spray so you can't feel it going down. You just have to listen to what the nurses tell you and swallow when they say. The spray tastes horrible though but it soon wears off.

Taz x


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Re: HRT-Bloating and IBS ?
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2013, 07:12:09 PM »

Hi taz and honeybun thanks for your replies and have been reading more about the endoscope and my symptoms I know it's not good  sometimes as you can end up thinking you have everything under the sun and makes anxiety worse I just keep trying to say well I haven't got this and haven't got that as a symptom  so it can't be the big C well hope not anyway I wonder if  it could be hernia  I have started to take gaviscon today to see if it helps with the reflux thing can it give you pains in the back around kidney area although had a wee sample taken and was fine. I might ask if I can be put out as I know that  my throat will reject the instrument  and make it harder for them anyway thanks again



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Re: HRT-Bloating and IBS ?
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2013, 08:14:09 PM »

I am terrible with ANYTHING hospital related.

I went in and they gave me an injection to make me sleepy and off I went to the endoscope room. That was it. I don't remember a thing. Half an hour later I was having a cup of tea and some toast. Really don't worry about the procedure. There are not there to inflict something terrible on you. They want you in and out with no fuss.
It's probably nothing but you are better to get checked out and then they can give you the correct medication.
I am so much better today. I decided to have one more go on helping myself so I started to take metroclopramide and woo hoo it's working. First bloat and pain free day for a week. Just hope it lasts.



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Re: HRT-Bloating and IBS ?
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2013, 08:38:31 PM »

I am finding the same thing, at the moment I look pregnant  :'(

I, like you, Honeybun, sort of chopped and changed, trial and error with HRT and the best for me was Femoston Conti, I was on it before and never got this intense bloating but it was giving me bleeds so I came off it, as with the bleeds I am getting severe PMT/depression and very low moods.

However, one month off HRT and the sweats were unbearable so back on Femoston Conti, now into Month 4 and the bloating is getting worse and worse however I do have omeprazole so may start taking that again. 

I am just loathe to take too many things. 

As if that wasn't bad enough, I have been getting very dry patches on my face (under my eyes ).  Last week eye lids were swollen so I was put on steroids, and I think they also contributed to the current bloating I have

No fun ladies, is it?

I was reading a good article last night about HRT and side effects and there was some link to gall bladder issues ?

Lord will it ever stop!

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