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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Decided to stop lurking....  (Read 4703 times)


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Decided to stop lurking....
« on: October 10, 2013, 11:54:16 AM »

... and join up and join in!

I've been reading the forum for a year or so now and have gained some great experience/advice, its so good to know that I'm very very normal  :)

I'm 50 years old, last period 9 months ago now, officially 'post-menopausal' according to blood tests taken by my GP and, judging by other peoples experience, getting away relatively lightly with this menopause lark.  I get hot flushes but, thankfully, mainly in the evening and short lived, sometimes they happen during the night too but throwing off the quilt for a few minutes usually sorts me out.  I do now have horrible 'old lady' skin which I always thought only affected really really old ladies (or maybe I just thought that at the age of 20 when 50 seemed ancient!) it's really dry and my thighs/arms have lost definition under the skin and are horribly wrinkly/dimply, but hey, I can keep them covered!  I've also had very strange urticara type problem which I've controlled using anti-histamines.

I am suffering from complete loss of sex drive and vaginal atrophy, using replens for the dryness but loss of libido is concerning - will post seperately about that to get specific advice.

So, all in all I do seem to be getting away lightly, just hope I'm not counting my chickens....

Great forum and  :thankyou:  to the long term regulars for contributions which make great reading and have helped me enormously when I've wondered 'is this down to the good ol'hormones' when I've had the odd peculiarity crop up.

Thanks all, looking forward to being part of this forum



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Re: Decided to stop lurking....
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2013, 12:41:30 PM »

Hi Sue


Glad you have decided to join in.


ancient runner

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Re: Decided to stop lurking....
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2013, 12:48:08 PM »

Look forward to seeing more of you!
There must be loads of lurkers, judging by the number of page views -- do come out of the shadows!


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Re: Decided to stop lurking....
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2013, 02:19:34 PM »

 :welcomemm:  there are several threads on vaginal atrophy ....... browse round, join in!


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Re: Decided to stop lurking....
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2013, 02:37:23 PM »

Hello Suziemc and welcome to the forum. Lots of support and information  available here to lurkers and non lurkers alike.
Take care.


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Re: Decided to stop lurking....
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2013, 02:58:57 PM »

Hi Sue

 :welcomemm: from me too!

Hurdity x


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Re: Decided to stop lurking....
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2013, 05:59:03 PM »

Hi Suzie and welcome :spin:


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Re: Decided to stop lurking....
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2013, 05:39:55 PM »

 :welcomemm: from me too suzie :)

Dyan x


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Re: Decided to stop lurking....
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2013, 08:59:29 PM »

Hello and welcome Suziemc
Sounds to me as though you are suffering quite a bit with symptoms and being rather brave ?
Have you considered HRT?  Just a local HRT like Vagifem used vaginally might help with atrophy?
You're still very young to be without oestrogen.
I can really relate to your issues about what happens to the skin - really ghastly.
Keep posting  DG x


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Re: Decided to stop lurking....
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2013, 09:11:06 AM »

hello not been on here for sum time,been sort of coping or as I say putting up with it,i am still getting periods not as regular as usual n when hey come they are light,getting lots of butterflie events an makes me a bit woosy headed for a couple of seconds but now I know why I get them I don't panic thought I was dying before,but I ave noticed my skin on my face becoming terrible I always had good skin but now its red n blotchy around the cheeks n nose area I look like a drinker  :)I look in the mirror and think yuk who is that looking back at me nearly 50 but feel like 70 help??x


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Re: Decided to stop lurking....
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2013, 10:42:30 AM »

Oh Lollipop -  you're another one stoically carrying on.
Sounds as though you need and want to get some help - do you have a good GP?
Is there a meno clinic near you? Even if you don't want or really need HRt, it's important to have some reasurence about whats going on.
I seem to be constantly red in the face these days - whether I'm on HRT or not.
There are some good concealers or tone correctors out there - some of them are a green colour - that you could just dab on and around the blotches.  I always use a bit here or there to make me look better.  I used to wear a lot of stage makeup and we used a green cream to tone down any redness if we needed to look pale and interesting :o You don't need to wear the full slap. I swear by Clinic - I know make-up departments can be scary but perhaps treat yourself to a visit to their counter - i find the girls are well trained and will often give you samples to try.
Good luck DG x


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Re: Decided to stop lurking....
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2013, 12:25:41 PM »

thankyou dancing girl for replying my I have been with my gp for 25years lovely man just tells me nufink too worry bout everytime I go ha,tbf I ave got gud support got a otherhalf who loves me for me not wot I look like [or so he says ;)] been together 32yrs think the fact that no one else will put up with him thats why he is still here sister lives next door to me and is going through the same thing so we do tend to compare notes,or complaints.and having 3 daughters tends to help,but I am sure off one thing I will talk to my girls bout it my mom god love her never told me and my sisters anything we just thought she was moody sometimes and red faced.i don't really fancy going down the medication road unless it gets too bad I am quite active I child mind n look after 8 little ones [not all at the same time thankgod] I go to wobble plate classes everyday only 30mins each class but find it helps with some of the signs e.g bp,weight,joint aches,and it is fun just meeting the other women for a gas,so has you can see I like to talk so feel free to chat to me anytime  :)x


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Re: Decided to stop lurking....
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2013, 02:39:21 AM »

I tried replens, but couldn't get past the white stuff! It didn't seem to help me much anyway, so I had to move on to the local vaginal hormones.  When that didn't work (after suffering much), I eventually found a doctor that added HRT and then upped it.  Still have VA symptoms though much better.  My skin was so dry that if I sweated at all with a hot flash, exercise, or just being in the hot sun, I itched all over immediately....even to the top of my head! A hot shower did the same thing.  HRT stopped that, but my skin doesn't look that great. One leg looks like the skin cracks if I don't put lotion on it daily.  My periods stopped 3 and 1/2 years ago and most of the worst symptoms started then, although I already had VA and didn't know it....thought it was constant infections or a UTI, but no bacteria ever grew. :o  I really tried to exist without hormones, but life was miserable.

I hope you have none of these things happen to you, but it never hurts to beware...I knew nothing about all these menopause symptoms and had no idea what was wrong with me.  My doctors didn't "seem" to know, which still amazes me. My mom and grandmom took hormones till they were in their 80's and didn't have these things happen to them.

Here's an article I found on the MM website that I think you may find interesting. It is about the harm done to some women when they aren't offered hormones and really need them.  I hope you are one of the lucky ones that can get by without them...I wasn't so lucky! show_comment_id=270875711

This website Menopause Matters and the ladies here are very helpful!



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Re: Decided to stop lurking....
« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2013, 10:17:29 AM »

Glad you find it helpful Andius.

I am a bit puzzled by the huge variation in the estimated amount of women who have died purely as not having oestrogen therapy? To estimate between 20,000 and 90,000 seems a really wide swing and it also doesn't seem to say what they actually died from due to not having oestrogen? Also, it is aimed at women who have had a hysterectomy and not the general population although I understand the overall theme of it being wrong to ban all hormones.  Have we abandoned all hormone treatment?

"We estimated that over the past decade, due to a wholesale abandonment of all forms of hormone replacement for all categories of women by both the women themselves and their doctors, minimally 20,000, and quite possibly more than 90,000 women have died prematurely"




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Re: Decided to stop lurking....
« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2013, 05:44:28 PM »

Well obviously the tide is turning NOW regarding use of hormones in menopause.  New studies/articles are posted on this website regularly showing changes in recommendations towards greater use. When the WHI study came out early this century, MANY women either stopped their hormones or were refused them by their doctors because of possible harm from cancer (and maybe fear of lawsuits here in US) yes, I think they were abandoned, for a while anyway. Older docs were willing to continue to prescribe due to vast experience and they are retiring or dying, but the younger ones still seem to be vary wary as just reading comments on this forum indicates. The warning leaflets now required on any hormone medication really exacerbated this also.

 Breast cancer is such a "hot button" issue, but 3/4 of cases occur without family history and estrogen alone DOES seem to be protective.  Colon cancer is clearly decreased by use of hormones, but no one seems to care about that. I also keep in mind that the interpreted results back then have been reexamined and some considered false.  The statistic experts helped in forming those results back then and again have come out with this study, so I assume they could be over-reaching some with this study also. We need some "balance" which is never found on all these studies.  If you get breast CA or endo CA, was it really caused by hormones? and if you get Colon CA or osteoporosis, was it really caused by NOT having hormones? What about the fact that some women's bodies make more estrogen naturally in menopause and some women's bodies don't make much. Blame is easy to throw around and the fear mongers (including some doctors) love to throw it.

However, estrogen is used by the body in many other places besides the reproductive tract as you know and deficiency or occurrence at menopause has been implicated in association with many diseases.  I think the wide range of symptoms merely reflects how many parts of the body use estrogen.  As the deficiency is felt differently amongst women, I think it stands to reason that some women could suffer unnecessarily or have died early due to refusal of hormones....the number is not something I could even guess, but somehow they scientifically? came up with a range.  Osteoporosis is a well known problem and falls/hip fractures in menopausal women have a pretty impressive mortality rate, but I don't know the exact cause. Clearly suffering/death occurs due to osteoporosis and estrogen can prevent or lessen it!  Heart disease occurs later in women than men, thought to be due to the protective effect of estrogen before menopause.  Now they say you must take it early in menopause to get benefit, as starting later is associated with problems after the damage to the blood vessels has already occurred.  Blood vessel damage (aging) occurs everywhere too, not just in the heart although this is not much talked about. Heart disease and strokes are related to blood vessel damage.

 Clearly surgical menopause with hysterectomy done before natural menopause is the most severe situation so I guess that is why they used those women in analysis.  But doesn't that mean that the number is even greater ( a wide range ) when you count those in natural menopause who didn't receive hormones and who have the more severe deficiencies?  Women who were 48- 50 in 2002 are now 59- 61 and by standards in UK could not start HRT now...isn't that correct?  Were those women who were afraid of HRT or whose doctors refused RX  "robbed" of the opportunity to protect their heart and their bones?  I am 57 and have had to really fight here in the US to get hormones in 2013 once I  researched, quit listening to  my own fear, and found different doctors.  I had to pay out of pocket about 2K$ to get bloodwork and a hormone balancing doctor to work with won't cover.  These docs and clinics are springing up all over the US in the last 5 years which is opposing the "herd mentality" against hormone use and only using very low doses (possibly underdosing?).

I don't know the answers to these questions and obviously the whole subject is very confusing.  All I know is that I will die someday no matter what, and I feel my life with hormones is better with them than without. The hot flashes were manageable, the rest of my body-wide symptoms are not.  I can't live my life anymore due to risk of dying based on statistics. :)  By the way, my estradiol blood level after 3 yrs of only vagifem was 5 pg/ml which seems to explain my symptoms and lessened my fear of taking hormones. Even with patches, my levels never peak to the level of the manufacturer's studies for a given dose.

Sorry this was so long....just some of my thoughts on the matter!  It would be interesting to hear what you and others think.  I joined this forum because it is very difficult to discuss these matters anywhere is such a taboo subject and most women aren't nearly as informed as you gals on menopause matters!
