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Author Topic: Flushes and sweating  (Read 12900 times)


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2013, 09:56:03 PM »

I keep a "borrowed" beer mat in my bag together with my mini fan.

Taz  :meltdown:


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2013, 07:26:17 AM »

It's the horrible feeling before it actually starts. You know it's coming but you can do nothing to stop it.
And why is there a pattern to them. I get into bed and then exactly 20 minutes later I get a huge sweat. It never varies. I wonder what is happening that triggers it at the same time...



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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2013, 07:45:50 AM »

I wonder that as well. I can set my watch by mine now - it's like contractions - and they are getting closer together. They started out maybe an hour apart a couple of weeks ago then they shifted to every half an hour and yesterday they were every twenty minutes. Not as often during the night though thankfully and I wake up with enough time to get out of bed before it hits. I always get one just when I wake up which seems to be normal then I have time to get showered. One hits as I am getting dressed (annoying to be sweaty again) and then I wash my hair ( have to do it separately from the shower ) and while I'm drying it the next one hits which leaves me with my fringe stuck to my forehead. Horrible things.

I saw a comment on the Dr's page in the Daily Express yesterday from a woman in her 70's. She had a good  menopause but was now suffering from hot sweats everytime she exerted herself. The reply was that after menopause women sweat more due to the internal thermostat being reset during menopause and not returning to the previous setting. She was also advised to check out her general health with the GP. Maybe this is why so many older women still get flushes and sweats?

Taz  x


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2013, 08:09:16 AM »

I am okay ish in the day. It's evening and night that are my problem. Stress also seems to do it. If I get worked up over anything then a sweat hits.
I try and get out of bed before I am dressed and walk around to dry off and cool down otherwise I would be changing the sheets every other day.

You would think Mother Nature could have sorted this better.  ::)



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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #19 on: September 25, 2013, 08:38:07 AM »

Hello ladies, just wanted to add my twopennuth ( is that how you spell it, who knows?)
My sweats have never involved my face, infact I'm like skkb's friend in that my face remains pale and dry. My sweats hit me under the arms and back especially if I'm stressed or moving around a lot. I'm now wondering if that is also the age thing that Taz2 said she read about in the Daily Express.
Had a truly terrible day yesterday but feeling a bit more positive today ( so far).
Oh well, I guess I'll be like everyone else and soldier on as best I can.
Best wishes to everyone who's on this journey.


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #20 on: September 25, 2013, 11:56:26 AM »

Me to, I say "having a hot one" whilst grabbing the menu off the table to use as a fan, works well !! Trying to conceal it is pointless and only makes it worse


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #21 on: September 25, 2013, 03:43:51 PM »

No one has been snarky with me yet, but quite honestly if anyone does ask me if I'm having a hot flush I intend to say 'YES!'
And why should we be embarrassed about a normal phase in our life?
If a pregnant woman complains about morning sickness, no one sniggers and treats her like she's suddenly turned weird.
So - I'm absolutely not going to act apologetic for anyone and the more we start proudly holding up our hot, red flushed (womanly) faces to the world, the better!


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2013, 03:31:31 PM »

Main problem I'm having at the moment, is catching a chill from continually stripping off because I'm so hot, but actually being freezing cold, if that makes sense.


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #23 on: September 29, 2013, 03:47:48 PM »

Yes evenstar that does make sense because getting the chills happens to me as well.  :(  I do now say I'm having a hot flush if anyone asks, which is rarely in fact the person that says it the most is my husband, and I really wish he wouldn't.  I have told him that I don't need telling when I'm bright red as I'm well aware but it still doesn't seem to make much difference.


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #24 on: September 30, 2013, 05:35:10 AM »

I am another one who can think about a flush and it happens! I also get them worse when stressed , have had a couple of drinks and mostly in the evenings although they appear to be quite mild compared to some of the ladies on here
Strange thing was mine all but disappeared about a year ago and then returned recently.....along with a large ovarian cyst.....not sure if there is a connection to hormones here. I am having my ovaries out next week so will see what happens then.
The smirking and "witty" comments really get to me, especially from men and  younger women , (you can tell a menopausal woman a mile off by the sympathetic glance).
As for the anxiety.......... :-\
Debs x


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #25 on: September 30, 2013, 07:49:22 AM »

Good luck with your op. Hope it goes well and you have a speedy recovery.
      I also have long periods of no flushes at all. I went 8 months this year with none after having six months with them.
       They are welcome to disappear again now anytime they like ;D


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #26 on: September 30, 2013, 10:20:33 PM »

Echo Evenstar's post, Debs - hope you have a short recovery time.


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #27 on: October 10, 2013, 01:37:36 PM »

Hi folks hope this post finds you all in good health and not flushing to badly I am  not having great success in getting on top of them some days are worth than others guess that pretty normal my sweats are getting bit worse but again nothing helping.I really on today just to say I have my first night out since my operation my daughter is taking part in a fashion show for charity and my mum ,husband and myself going and also people from her work that she wants to meet,  she has had this job since January this year she is a pupil support worker for special needs children at a local school{I know that irrelevant I just being a proud mummy haha } I am really dreading it in a way as I know the flushes and sweat is going to appear and my fan going to have to be used and I am so self conscious about it I can only hope that people more interested in the show and don't see me .I know no one can help with this I just wanted to speak about it to people who understand what it is like so thanks if you read this post and if I don't hibernate with embarrassment I will let you know how I get on. :-\


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #28 on: October 10, 2013, 06:58:26 PM »

I look forward to hearing how your evening went. Hope the flushes don't spoil the fun too much.
DG x


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #29 on: October 11, 2013, 05:52:58 PM »

Yes, sounds wonderful, so hope it all went well :)
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