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Author Topic: Flushes and sweating  (Read 12899 times)


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Flushes and sweating
« on: September 21, 2013, 10:22:28 PM »

Am wondering why everyones' experiences of flushes and sweats are so different?  Do some of us have a hormone drop at a different rate do you think or is it just one of those things?
      I find I have flushes far more often in the evening and particularly if I actually think about having one, strange though it seems. They tend to be just a hot feeling over my shoulders and face and I only get about three or four a day (so far) 
     Could they actually change and feel more intense do you think?  I keep reading descriptions from other members who are having the most awful symptoms and wondering if this is just the start of things to come.
   I also sometimes get over heated and sweat, but more during the day than at night, so not sure if thats related or not.  Quite confused by it all really.


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2013, 10:49:07 PM »

Hi Evenstar - It is amazing how different everyone's experiences are as regards hot flushes and sweats. Some women, of course, don't get any at all.

Mine started off much as yours but after about a year they changed to dripping sweats every twenty minutes. This is why I started HRT. I see it that as the oestrogen levels continue to fall as we go further into meno then the body tries harder to get the ovaries to function properly again so the sweats increase. How long have you been having your hot flushes for?

Taz x


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2013, 04:02:59 PM »

Hi I get more hot flushes in the evenings than the mornings, well apart from when I'm working (which is cleaning people's houses) then I get quite a few hot flushes then

I've always suffered and still the drippings sweats which are horrible, the more physical work I do the more dripping sweats I get.  :(


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2013, 08:15:44 PM »

i've had flushes on and off for a few years now but usually they will stop and I'll have a few months respite before they start up again.
   The sweats  I see now are obviously part and parcel. Oh joy ::) Seem to get more of those than flushes and yes, definitely more likely when I'm doing housework or something physical.
     I will have to monitor it I guess and if it gets worse, take a trip to the DRs. Its only about 2 months from my last period at the mo so maybe too early to be thinking about HRT? 


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2013, 10:44:19 AM »

That's interesting what you say about having a flush when you're thinking about it because that appears to happen to me! (I had one within minutes of logging onto this forum!)  :-\
Like you, I'm in the early stages and trying to figure this all out.
Evenings are def worse for flushes, but how much is linked to eating a meal, having a hot drink, heating on too high, etc, etc gets me in a spin. I'm trying hard to keep things in perspective and not panic about what the future holds - no point is there? What will be, will be.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 10:46:10 AM by Gypsy »


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2013, 10:59:43 AM »

Gypsy and Evenstar - thank goodness you too can get a flush by thinking of it - I thought I was going crazy!! The thought of one sometimes sort of takes root and my shoulders and head beetroot up - I couldn't understand it at all.    It's good to know it's not just me!


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2013, 11:20:59 AM »

me too, before I started HRT!  ;D

evenstar, about being only 2 months from a period - I was still having my own periods when I started HRT, although they were getting irregular. think lots of ladies on here are the same, in perimenopause.
I just knew personally from a very early point that I wasn't able to/not prepared to suffer with the hot sweaty red faced times. I only suffered a very short time before I knew HRT was for me. Worse flushes for me were when I had to talk to someone, any slight anxiety and I would get a big one  :( Had a MASSIVE one while in a job interview! Still got offered the job though so can't have been as bad as id imagined though the panel WERE looking at me tentatively....

I'm very glad I started on the HRT, foe me - not 100% back to normal but much much better!  :)


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2013, 12:27:26 PM »

Hi there I am also bothered with flushes seems to be top part of my body get some sweats but flushes the worst and night time is worst for me but during the day rearing its head more and more ooh the joy.I am takind a multi vitamin and evening primrose capsules and fish oil as well seems to be helping a bit whether it the vitamins or all in my mind who knows but it cant hurt taking them so I will carry on .I am really dreading the flushes when I am out in public and pulling my fan out my bag {my mum even bought me a small pretty one in a silk bag bless her}I am sure people are going to look at me like I am a freak and also the people are gonna stare and know what's up and be nudging their pals with a :look at her expression: ,mind you if the fan did not give it away the red face and sweaty top lip would ! any advice on how to tackle this would be greatly received,ooh the joy of being a woman experiencing what the doctors say is just normal ,normal my **** I have not been normal since my hysterectomy four and a half months ago and menopause came running at me and if one more person says ooh I am lucky I had no symptoms at all  >:( I wont be responsible for yelling back well bully for you!!!!{not that I will I am a coward,but my mushy brain be thinking it },bit fed up of the flushes during the night and being soooo tired I have hit myself in the face with afore mentioned fan it a wonder I have not got two black eyes and other facial bruises.Well this post probably has you running for the hills so I apologise  :(


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2013, 12:52:28 PM »

My flushes and night sweats were just AWFUL......hrt took all that away, but what I cannot fathom is why I go the colour of a tomato, chest and face being the worst, yet my friend gets just as hot and uncomfortable, stripping off clothes etc and yet you would never knows anything is still pale, doesn't even go pink.....nothing.....why is that??  Oh, and yes before hrt I could flush just thinking about one....crazy


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2013, 03:47:15 PM »

My face goes very red every time I have a hot flush, I also get extremely embarrassed about this, my neck goes red also.  I carry a fan with me and have used it, especially if I'm out for lunch, hot food and any alcohol will set off a hot flush, in fact I hardly drink any alcohol now due to this face as as I know alcohol is one of the triggers.  :(


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2013, 09:05:47 PM »

Well at least I know now I'm not weird, being able to bring on a flush by thinking about one ;D    During the day  I'm generally fine. I'm really busy and just don't think about it. I don't actually go red either, just feel sweaty like I'm in a sauna.
      I also take Evening Primrose and starflower which I've heard can help. Whether they actually do remains to be seen but they do seem to help with the libido ;) so I'm sticking with them. ;)


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2013, 09:16:13 PM »

No redness just a delightful sweaty sheen and the sweat trickling between the shoulder blades and under the breasts and around the waist not to mention the steamed up reading glasses. I can set my watch by mine although they have been every twenty five minutes today instead of every twenty - progress!!

Taz  :hotflash:


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2013, 06:25:15 PM »

Not forgetting the smirk and the helpful comment  'Whats up with you? Hot flush?'    :sigh:


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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2013, 06:46:38 PM »

I just say "hot flush" nowadays while sort of fanning myself. It's impossible to just carry on with a conversation or whatever I'm doing. I find beer mats are great as fans!!



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Re: Flushes and sweating
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2013, 09:39:04 PM »

They don't generally have beer mats in the supermarket  ;D

My now recurrent flushes are worse when I am stressed. At night I drip, by day I glow, but not it a good way.


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