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Author Topic: help please VA has come back  (Read 7546 times)


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help please VA has come back
« on: September 15, 2013, 09:28:54 PM »

hi all

can anyone tell me if they used vagifem and  it did work but now in my 3rd month and the burning is bad again.
its not all the time but it happens all of a sudden to the point it goes on for hours and i need to pump myself with ibuprofen plus paracetamol,to help with the symptoms its so unfair and depressing, this is really the only symptom i have.  i recently moved house on the 13th of this month  and went back to work after the summer and I have managed but it is stressful I am 51 with 4 teenagers at homes ages12-19  plus moved.  GP suggested  i reduce my dose down to twice a week i am struggling with 3 times, cant face work i want to hide would the gp sign me off? 

im in so much pain

help please

Suzi Q

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Re: help please VA has come back
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2013, 06:51:35 AM »

Your lucky your in uk no such ting as being signed off in ozz no sick pay here for anyone except CServants
It could just be a blip I looked in my diary and I had one that lasted 3 weeks I went back to 3x25m a week for 2 weeks then it righted it self xxxxxxxxxxxx


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Re: help please VA has come back
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2013, 11:43:00 AM »

Hi chick1506 - sorry to hear about your VA symptoms coming back and the pain. Maybe you need to do another "re-load" ie every night for a fortnight and then back to 3 x a week?
Maybe your own oestrogen levels are falling too - are your periods still regular?
It may well be for you that the 10 mcg dose just isn't enough or are you still using double this each time?
If this doesn't work I would visit the doc and see what they say and maybe think about starting a low dose HRT as well?

Hurdity x



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Re: help please VA has come back
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2013, 01:27:19 PM »

thanks Suzi q and Hurdity

Suzi if I am signed off I don't  get paid either lol was feeling really low when i posted, but thanks for your support xx

Hurdity again thank you my periods are a little erratic not always on time but are there every month, having occasional hot flushes was wondering if i had a low dose HRT it would help, just feeling so low and facing work dealing with a new home because of this I have made an appointment with my GP 2/10/13 that's the best I can get but having to take pain killers is crazy.  My Gp has suggested I went down to one 3 times a week at the moment on 2x 10mg x3 per week so doing 2 days then 3 then 2 days but i could try going back to the re-load
thanks again xxx


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Re: help please VA has come back
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2013, 02:11:25 PM »

I really sympathise. I get horribl episodes of burning - really nasty - particularly at times of stress and when it is really hot.
I started using Multi-Gyn Actigel some time ago (which you can get in Boots) and use it regularly to keep my flora in balance. Relieves the burning, itching and treats/prevents BV and thrush. I'm on HRT which helps a bit but I never liked using the pessaries- messy!
Try cutting out as much sugary stuff as possible in your diet as well - sugar feeds the bad bacteria. We all tend to reach for sugary things when we are under stress.
I feel for you - that burning is miserable.


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Re: help please VA has come back
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2013, 03:59:54 PM »

Chick 1506 you have my every sympathy , va is murder and most depressing..hope the advice on here helps. Xxx

Dancinggirl...can you use multi gyn actigel with the vagifem?
Also if you use it and havent got bv or thrush and whatever, is it safe.
I might have a go at this if thats right


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Re: help please VA has come back
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2013, 05:07:49 PM »

Multi-gyn Actigel states in it's info leaflet that it is completely safe, even during pregnancy. It is simply about keeping your acidity levels correct so BV and thrush cannot thrive.
I'm sure it would be fine with HRT pessaries but you may not want to use it at the same time.
It's really helped me and I tend to use just a small amount each night before I go to bed.  If you use a HRT pessary at night you could use some Actigel in the morning.  I also find special intimate washing gels/creams reduce irritation as they are formulated to maintain correct ph levels.
Isn't being a women tough?  :

Suzi Q

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Re: help please VA has come back
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2013, 01:25:43 PM »

Dont give up OK I know its horrible ve had a blip for 2 weeks but touch wood OK
Just do what you feel is right xxxxxxxxxxxx


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Re: help please VA has come back
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2013, 08:57:41 PM »

Chick 1506
Hope ur feeling a bit better
Its a blooming hateful thing isnt it

Dancing girkThanks for the tip re multi gyn...have gor some on order



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Re: help please VA has come back
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2013, 08:34:41 PM »

Hi All

Thank you for your support much appreciated.  I have started back on 2x10mg x 14 days but its taking its time it seems to work but then stops I really don,t know what I am doing wrong need to post on private lives a few questions I need to ask.  :(

I am struggling a little with all of this try to be positive but its getting hard  :'(  and Ive got to wait until the 2nd Oct to see my GP that doesn't help.

Thanks Tingly


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Re: help please VA has come back
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2013, 10:28:25 PM »

Hi Chick - as we go further into meno vagifem (especially in the lower dose) is often not enough and you need full HRT to give proper relief. Obviously not everyone wants to go down this route and not everyone can have full HRT but, in my experience, it is the only way to get full relief.

Taz x

Suzi Q

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Re: help please VA has come back
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2013, 04:55:53 AM »

IM sure you kow taz but for me now at 59 even if i could take it 17yrs since last period NO Doctor would prescribe it


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Re: help please VA has come back
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2013, 07:09:48 AM »

Maybe not in Oz Suzi but here you could still get it as long as you are healthy and accept the risks. You should have been offered it in the beginning at least until you got to normal meno age - but I know we have talked about this in the past - and this may have saved you from being so badly affected later on. Big hug.

Taz x

Suzi Q

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Re: help please VA has come back
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2013, 07:22:41 AM »

I now and If I could go back in time and with hidsight I probably would have taken it asap
BUT it was 94/5 right in the middle of BAD HRT cancer scares heart attack and with my family hstory my GP said no
In fact his actual words were Suzanne it will be quicker if i just give you cyanide NOW how would you at 40
3 year in to men have doe especially as your GP was and still is the bestses chap youd do as he said
Taz I was OK really I got though it with the dizzies headaches dreadfull rages skippies feeling sick flushes
 they all more or less went over time tilll 2008 when the Atrophy stated by then I was 55 and for 2 years
I was told I had Thrush or nerves it wasnt till one locum said with out even examinig me you have Atrphy
Few weeks later I found this site and if yu remember it took me from Aug 2009 till Feb 13th 2010 to go
My blips anoying me started 2 weeks ago last Monday and put 2 extra ones in during that time
Last Monday and tuesday fine Wed and today sore bruised feeling and burning OUTSIDE genital area
Just rubbed nystatin around the area and put the Vagifem in its achimng to sit down and my bits are burning
Maybe the shaving had soething to dso with that i was OK till I did that yesterday with in hours BURNING itritated
Hope it eases Saturday we are riding over 5ooklm for the weekend with 6 other couples to a place xcalled Tin Can bay
You get to feed the Dolphins but with this burning sitting on a otor bike from 8am till 3pm is no joke panadols ready!


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Re: help please VA has come back
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2013, 08:19:51 PM »

Hi Ladies

interesting to know that others are experiencing the same or similar experiences not that we should have to put up with this as wondering about the hrt but having monthly periods okay gaps are around 30-35 days sometimes having problem with joint pain in my left hip and knee still able to do the splits and love wearing heels but pay for that afterwards whereas i'm taking pain killers but still feel like a sexy attractive woman and having a toy boy keeps you on your toes (not that I am doing the splits all the time ) men get away with it easy.

Suzi hope it sorts itself out for your road trip can imagine it would be uncomfortable for that length of time thank goodness for pain killers

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