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Author Topic: Memory & Menopause  (Read 6168 times)

Milly Molly Mandy

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Memory & Menopause
« on: August 31, 2013, 08:23:39 PM »

Hi everyone, I honestly don't know what to do, I can't cope. I've tried everything I know but nothing helps. I can't think straight anymore. I can't read books or watch TV properly. I completely lose track mid-sentence. I keep repeating things to people. I forget things so often everyday I really think I'm losing my mind. The doctor isn't interested in my memory problems his focus is 100% on the stress I'm experiencing because of the memory problems. He wants me to take antidepressants which I took in the past when I had the same problems to a much lesser degree.  I'm menopausal. My thyroid is top end of normal. My coil needs to be removed, it was allowed to go over by 3 years. I suffer from insomnia. I'm tired all the time. Most of all I'm scared because I have no one to support me. People such as my ex (who I supported after our divorce) don't want to know. I feel so strongly things will never get better. As I said "I honestly don't know what to do"

Lucky Stone

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Re: Memory & Menopause
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2013, 08:47:49 PM »

Well, coming on here is a start. Always folk on here that will listen and do what they can.  :) Sorry to learn that you are feeling so rough - it is a difficult stage in our lives, this meno thing. I don't seem to suffer with the memory thing so much but I do find that I have to check and re check when I am at work that I am charging folk the right amount and today, I wrote one sale down in the book twice!  :-\ I'm also a bit useless with peoples' names although I have always been that way inclined. Your GP doesn't sound very supportive, could you maybe get referred on to someone you could talk to about your worries like a counsellor? Do you have a good friend who would listen? Like many on here, I am on an assortment of tablets including SSRIs for my anxiety and I have been referred to a psychologist who I hope will help me - she seems very nice. I'm sure someone else will be along soon with some helpful words so, don't despair, and take care. Be as kind to yourself as you can be. x

Milly Molly Mandy

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Re: Memory & Menopause
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2013, 09:03:47 PM »

A friend said perhaps I need to see an endocrinologist. When I took Prozac and the like I got lots of side effects. They made my tiredness worse and overeating becomes a problem. I lost 6 stone but I know I will put the weight on again if I start on antidepressants. Since staring the menopause my body really doesn't appreciate medication. I seem to have intolerances and side effects to most. I took a quarter of a tablet recently and started getting vision problems and couldn't stop eating. Thanks though for getting back to me. Milly Molly Mandy


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Re: Memory & Menopause
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2013, 09:29:52 PM »

I have the same problem with my memory but haven't spoken to my GP.
I forget the words for things. I always repeat stories and am slower at telling stories as I forget the words!
I have no idea if this is another meno symptom or something more serious.
You do have every right to ask your GP to refer you for further tests, so maybe try that?

Milly Molly Mandy

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Re: Memory & Menopause
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2013, 09:47:22 PM »

They did blood tests for vitamin b levels and they were normal. They check those for possible indicators of mental health deterioration that may come with age. As I mentioned before I'm menopausal, have the top end of acceptable thyroid levels, no longer getting any hormones from my coil, constantly tired and never sleeping properly. It must have some kind of effect on me. I saw a book online once called "Screaming to be Heard" I so know what that means. Thanks for getting back to me. Milly Molly Mandy


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Re: Memory & Menopause
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2013, 11:33:18 AM »

Oh you sound just like I did a few years ago.  :hug:

I was confused, could not hold a sensible conversation, I was always tired, miserable, crying, hot hot hot all the time & WORRIED SICK about everyone & everything.

I went to my lady doctor & told her I thought I was starting the menopause - she thought I was depressed & gave me a script for Anti Depressants  >:(. I told her that you do not get hot flushes if your depressed, but she would not listen.

I did not want to take AD's so went home, spoke to hubby & I decided that I would go & see a different doc. Now this one listened to me & agreed for me to try HRT for 3 months on the condition that if I was still depressed then I would re-consider AD's, & that was the turning point for me. I came away feeling like a new woman (& I hadn't even taking a pill yet).
Things improved dramatically after that.

I too had the Mirena Coil fitted. The hormone that it provides (Progesterone) is licensed in the UK for 4 years, & by that time the hormone is almost depleted so don't think you are not still getting some benefit after 3 years.

Are you taking any form of the hormone Estrogen to help with your menopausal symptoms? if not it might be worth thinking about. I use to have Climaval along side my coil - it worked very well for me.

I didn't have a close friend to talk to about what I was going through - well I had friends but they weren't having the symptoms as bad as I was having. My very closest friend said "don't let it rule your life" but it blooming well did. The best friend I had were the lovely woman I "met" on here. I did not feel so alone after that & knew that I was not the only poor sod going through this.

Go back & see another doctor, ask for HRT if it is what you feel you would benefit from& if the doc is ok for you to have it. And also remember you are not alone.

Let us know how you get on - & keep posting, & reading as much as you can on here, you will learn so much from it.

Cazi x

Milly Molly Mandy

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Re: Memory & Menopause
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2013, 01:11:13 PM »

Unfortunately I have problems with high blood pressure. A few years ago when the problems were less severe the doctor said HRT was not suitable for women with high blood pressure. I will try and see another doctor and as I've said and hopefully I'll get a referral to an endocrinologist. It's hard when things get worse and the doctor still does nothing. Surely normal blood tests can only be a guideline? Also if you don't have the right tests done how can you expect the right answers? Whenever I get 'normal' blood test results back the doctor doesn't discuss my problems again. I just seem to get more and more desperate but as I said it's anti-depressants or nothing. Thanks for getting back to me Milly Molly Mandy


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Re: Memory & Menopause
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2013, 03:50:02 PM »

If you are talking about hormone blood tests they are very unreliable. They can can fluctuate by the hour let alone the day. A lot of GPs go by symptoms alone.
With regard to your blood pressure. Are you one medication for this because you can take blood pressure pills and HRT. I think the preference is patches though.
Dr Currie has a help facility that costs £15 I think.
There are other woman on the forum with high blood pressure that use HRT

There are ways around this.

« Last Edit: September 01, 2013, 06:09:30 PM by honeybun »


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Re: Memory & Menopause
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2013, 04:51:24 PM »

I heard about those hormone blood tests being unreliable too.  Apparently the usually utilised one I believe (from looking online) is FSH which is not terribly reliable as results fluctuate. Another option is expensive and available online the anti Mullerian test which checks ovarian reserve.  I've been wondering about getting tested myself.  I only have one ovary.



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Re: Memory & Menopause
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2014, 07:56:39 PM »

Here's another  ::)