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Author Topic: This is my first posting!! fatigue, flushes and night sweats -  (Read 5672 times)


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Hi everyone,

I've been looking at this forum for a few weeks now and have finally built up the courage to write a post. 

I'm 52 and have been suffering miserably with flushes, diabolical night sweats, fatigue and terrible melancholy for the last 3 years.  I haven't been to my GP because I don't want to take HRT.

The flushes and night sweats are awful but i'm living with them but the fatigue and melancholy is getting worse - I can't watch TV programmes if there is a death, old sad movies, difficult documentaries etc  because I just cry and cry - ridiculous. 

Is the tiredness and fatigue normal?  I used to have bags of energy but now find i'm closing my eyes watching the 1 o'cloak midday news or have to take 40 winks at around 5pm - is this normal?

Would be grateful for any input or advice

Thanks in advance



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Re: This is my first posting!! fatigue, flushes and night sweats -
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2013, 08:51:00 PM »

All sounds normal!!! I am 53 and have been on HRT patches for a few months and vaginal oestrogen for 4 years. My quality of life is 100 times better! No more flushes, no anxiety. Still have forgetfulness and some fatigue but I work/drive a lot.
I think quality of life is important so I opt to take meds.
Maybe a trip to your GP to discuss would do you good?
There may natural options that someone can suggest, I never got on with any I tried, but we are all different!!
Welcome and you will find a lot of help here


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Re: This is my first posting!! fatigue, flushes and night sweats -
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2013, 08:51:45 PM »

Hi Cringlo and welcome,

I'm in perimeno and find the fatigue quite debilitating too. I'm not on hrt but I went to my gp and asked for blood tests just to make sure there wasn't anything else going on. Bloods came back fine and I did get peace of mind from this.

I find myself nodding off during the day too. I'm sorry I'm not much help. Just wanted you to know you're not alone.

Claire x


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Re: This is my first posting!! fatigue, flushes and night sweats -
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2013, 08:57:44 PM »

Thanks claireyou, its sooooooooooooo reassuring to know you're not alone!!

I just feel so depressed at the woman I was and the woman i have become - its hard to get my head around.  I just think will it ever end and sometimes looking at this forum it seems it can go on for 10-15 years - don't know if I could cope with that. 

Thanks for taking the time to talk to me.



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Re: This is my first posting!! fatigue, flushes and night sweats -
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2013, 09:03:05 PM »

You're welcome,

I get days when I can't even look in the mirror cos of the old lady looking back at me. Put washing on the line today and hoovered and then needed a sit down cos I was aching  :(

Have a chat with go just to discuss hrt maybe ? At the end of the day you don't have to take it if you don't want to. It's your body. Do what feels right.

Claire x


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Re: This is my first posting!! fatigue, flushes and night sweats -
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2013, 09:15:30 PM »

Many thanks Claireylou,

I know I should go for a 'chat' but just feel they will push me into HRT because my symptons are so awful. I truly don't want to take it and if I could go down any other route I would!!

I'm going through a lot at the moment and I need my old strength back - i'm not working on all four cylinders and I have to  because people are relying on me - how do you cope? Any tips would be gratefully received!




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Re: This is my first posting!! fatigue, flushes and night sweats -
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2013, 09:18:28 PM »

Pace yourself. If you feel tired stop and rest. Be kind to yourself. Try and allow for some "me" time. Go for a gentle stroll, have a nice soak in a hot bath. Just know your limits and listen to your body x


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Re: This is my first posting!! fatigue, flushes and night sweats -
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2013, 09:21:41 PM »

Thank you claireylou, much appreciated for you time and I rather think I must start taking some 'me time'.


Cringlo x


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Re: This is my first posting!! fatigue, flushes and night sweats -
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2013, 09:23:00 PM »

Welcome to the forum.

Could I ask why you are so against HRT?

If you have a look at the green menu on the left there is advice on alternative remedies. Some of our members are using these methods with varying degrees of success.

You should at least discuss your options with your GP. It's very easy to blame everything on meno. Perhaps blood tests to make sure everything is working as it should.

Really the only sure way of getting rid of flushes is HRT. Are you still getting periods or have they stopped.

There is help but sometimes it does come in the form of replacing hormones.



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Re: This is my first posting!! fatigue, flushes and night sweats -
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2013, 09:33:19 PM »

Hi  Honeybun,

Thanks for posting, much appreciated.  I don't want to take HRT because of the obvious increased cancer concerns and probably my biggest concern (so vain, I know) i'm terrified of gaining weight.  I have friends who are taking HRT and all of them have gained weight.  I'm depressed enough already and gaining weight naturally with the menopause so I really can't cope with the thought of gaining MORE weight with HRT. 

I'd like to try and get through the menopause without HRT but, I have to admit that the depressive thoughts, uncontrollable crying and fatigue is becoming intolerable.

I went 11 months without a period last year but then on New Year's Day had a show so I feel i'm back to square one on that score!!

Thanks for caring xx


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Re: This is my first posting!! fatigue, flushes and night sweats -
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2013, 09:40:16 PM »

Many women don't put on any weight with HRT.

I guess it's all down to quality of life. HRT will help with your aches and pains, improve your mood and help with the flushes.

There are other options though. Have you tried St John's Wort for your mood. It can really help. There also is anti depressants which can also help with the flushes.

I really do think you should speak to your GP. There is no need to suffer when there are options.

The forum is here for support because it really does help to know you are not suffering alone.



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Re: This is my first posting!! fatigue, flushes and night sweats -
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2013, 09:47:45 PM »

Hi Honeybun,

I think i'll try the St. John's Wort - it had some bad publicity in the past and I think thats why I didn't pursue it - but I think I will give it a go now.

I hear what you're saying about a quality of life but having struggled with my weight all my life and gaining weight naturally with the menopause and watching my friends gaining weight with HRT its hard to believe that I will be lucky enough for it not to affect me!! and therefore add to my bad frame of mind.

Thanks for your suggestion and I will follow it up.

Best wishes.

Cringlo xx


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Re: This is my first posting!! fatigue, flushes and night sweats -
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2013, 09:53:56 PM »

Have a look at other alternatives listed.

I have a friend who is doing very well on sage. It helps with the flushes.

Keep posting, lots of support here.



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Re: This is my first posting!! fatigue, flushes and night sweats -
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2013, 07:43:15 AM »

Hi & welcome.

I'm on HRT, but did have a break a few years back. It was hell! Flushes, sweats, fatigue, blubbing over slightest thing. Whilst on the break I tried alternatives, some prescribed. Nothing worked. I decided on life quality. I'm on oestrogen only and meno consultant had said I can stay on it until I'm 60, so 3 years to go. Though I believe those ladies on combined HRT should stop earlier.


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Re: This is my first posting!! fatigue, flushes and night sweats -
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2013, 07:48:41 AM »

I'm on combined HRT CG. Sixty is still considered the time to come off it. I have six months left....  :o

Taz x
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