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Author Topic: New member looking for support  (Read 7465 times)


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New member looking for support
« on: April 08, 2013, 01:45:54 PM »

Hi I am a new member who is currently going through all the symptons off premenopause apart from the flushes :) hoorah. My periods are getting closer together each month and emotionally I feel like I am a bit crazy at the moment.  I'm coming up to 45 in July and I think I have been increasingly getting worse over the last year.  Part of me is relieved after reading the symptons that I haven't got anything nasty (itching down below etc and waterwork problems!). I can't decide what I feel about HRT so I'm looking forward to reading everyones experience to maybes help guide my decision.  Advice and humour for a weepy woman would be appreciated  :)

Suzi Q

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Re: New member looking for support
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2013, 02:16:20 PM »

Sounds like you could have the start of Vaginal Atrophy the itch soreness?
Wanting to wee wee a lot
Get to GP asap dont leave it you need HRT cream Ovestin Ortho or Vagifem
It will only get worse and you dont want to end up in real pain I did I didnt kow what it was and was too scared
I didnt go on HRT I went on Ovestin HRT cream downsairs and mini pill as a ying and yang hormone wise
2010 after over 14 years on HRT creams and mini pill (went over at 37) I developed atrophy now Im on Vagifem
Not everyone needs HRT pills not everyone needs NOT to NOT take them its up to yourself
But me thinks the old fannys screaming gimmeee hormones down here nowwwwwwwwwww

Billie Blaster

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Re: New member looking for support
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2013, 07:25:03 AM »

I think Corrblimey might have meant that she's relieved not to have got any of those nasty symptoms?


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Re: New member looking for support
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2013, 08:13:03 AM »

Yes I think that she is relieved that she doesn't have the itchies or waterwork problems Suzi  :lol:

Welcome to the forum Corrblimey you will find lots of support and information on here. The "nasty" symptoms often don't really kick in until you stop your periods - or they get further apart anyway - as this is when your oestrogen levels have dropped far enough for your body to be missing it. If this happens to you at least you will know what to do and what treatments to try!  I think that the decision HRT will probably be based on how you are feeling - if you are anything like me anyway. I was really undecided about it but, in the end, it became very difficult to function properly so I started it at age 54. I am 59 now.

Taz x

Suzi Q

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Re: New member looking for support
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2013, 07:41:31 AM »

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH hehehe silly old me xxxxxxxxxxx


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Re: New member looking for support
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2013, 07:49:54 AM »

 ;D Suzy you daft girl!

Morning - its quite mysterious how we all have different symptoms and some of us can even be relieved by the end of our periods, especially if we have suffered during our 'reproductive' lives, with PMT, painful periods and pelvic pain. Some have the most dreadful menopause, some don't.

Theres lots of information on here. Several options, as I see it, if you can cope with it, and symptoms not too bad - wait and see if it does settle down and take supplements, excercise. change lifestyle e.g. alcohol, sugar, caffeine all make flushes worse. Once you recognise and accept what is going on, that is half of the battle.  Have a look at the forum and see if you can change anything that might help. Half of the worry also is wandering how bad it might get.  In my case I slept really badly for about 2 years, waking every hour.  I felt hot and still do, but didn't soak the bed.  I felt a certain amount of anxiety, but because I couldn't sleep it made me feel awful.  Stress at work and also worry about my mother, who was in hospital 5 times last year, made me feel worse. However, you do have to realise that you do get more stress at this time of life because your body is going through vast change, and you have to be kind to your self, by trying to keep calm, difficult, I know!
Sometimes it is worth going to see your GP, preferably a female one! or ask to be referred to your menopause clinic, if there is one in your area. Some male GPs  are really good,  but a some of them don't make much effort to understand womens problems.These days there is a lot of things you can try varying from suppliments, anti-depressants, HRT. Depending on your symptoms they will prescribe various, if you need it. 

I think that there is a lot of confusion about HRT.  When I got to peri-menopause, I thought everyone went HRT  However, this forum is great for informing women. If you do go on it, you can have trouble then getting off it because you are withdrawing from more hormones and the menopause!  My friend was on it for 7 years and didn't have problems comming off. She went on it at 45.  I think it is very good for women with bad menopausal symptoms.  However, if its vaginal dryness, you can take vaginal hormone cream without taking HRT if your other symptoms are in check. Then again if you sleep badly or suffer from anxiety you can take a short course of anti-depressants until you get over the 'hump'. I never took the birth control for long because it made me bleed in between periods, and also i have had laser treatment to the cervix at 25.

I have suffered all my life with painful periods, and all associate problems etc etc, so I was relieved not to have them, so didn't want to got down the HRT route and start having periods again.  I am now 15 months post meno, and my hormones have settled down.  The worst of it was two years.  According to my gynaecologist,  shrinkage of reproductive organs doesn't start straight away, so if it does, and you experience any dryness or itching, them vaginal oestrogen creams are the way to go in my opinion! ;) x
« Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 08:19:19 AM by pixie »


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Re: New member looking for support
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2013, 09:11:10 AM »

Just popping by to say Hi.

Suzi, don't worry I have moments like that too.  ;D

Suzi Q

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Re: New member looking for support
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2013, 10:36:37 AM »

Is there any body out there as daft as me
Is there any body out there who puts the iron in the frige
The washing in the chest freeezer
OH joyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hehehehehe


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Re: New member looking for support
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2013, 11:14:31 PM »

Is there any body out there as daft as me
Is there any body out there who puts the iron in the frige
The washing in the chest freeezer
OH joyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hehehehehe

yeeeees meeee!

i went in the chemists the other week and asked if i could have my husbands description!!!!  ;D ;D ;D

well. it was close!  ;)

Suzi Q

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Re: New member looking for support
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2013, 08:29:59 AM »

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

You made me laugh xxxxxxxxxxx