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Author Topic: What's the best thing your partner has done to help you through the menopause?  (Read 505012 times)


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 :'(my husband doesn't understand at all. I have suffered with migraines all my life (since I was 8) and finally after all this time (I'm 53), he gets it. Now he has to cope with the menopause (HE has to!?) and he finds my mood swings unbearable. I think HE thinks he is going through the menopause. I wonder how he would cope with the physical side too.


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The more I go through all these different symptoms of menopause - both physical and emotional - the more I think that I would prefer to go through this by myself, without a man's "help", and return when I have metamorphasised into the butterfly I am going to become  :ola:

Taz x  :)


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 :)The best thing my husband did for me was to leave ;)

sandie w

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wish mine would leave too


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Hi im 44 and peri-meno an its drivin me nuts but readin what all of you have put about how supportive n carein ur hubbys are ur all so lucky, my hubby is indiferant to me the menapause is causing problems along with his 3 kids and both theses factors are not helpin me i have seen 3 doctors all experts on menapause and i cant go near hrt and depression tablets cause to many side affects, i dont do well with medication ive tried alsorts over the past 3 yrs, but nothings wrked and my marrage is on the rocks coz my hubby cant cope with it (me realy)lol

im so enviouse of those who have supportive ,understandin hubbys n family xx

coffee mate

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  ;D ;D @ Rattymad & TM.


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I don't know how I would have coped without my Husband, he has been so supportive and kind during a very difficult year since my symptoms have started. When i feel like I can't cope he makes me realise I can.


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Mine keeps me sane, thats for sure.

Stumpy xx

anita vadhir

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My husband never judges me or my mood, I am having a bad spell at the mo and he just said, wake up tomorrow and just do what is good for you, slouch at home, coffee with friends whatever suits you...i'll take care of everything else.. god I love him. :hug:


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How lovely Neeta ..I must say my OH is never critical ..if I put myself down he will tell me off and give me a boost.. so unlike my ex husband who was very critical ..when he left with his younger "lady"(after 25 years) my self esteem had hit rock bottom ..but my gorgeous man now.. who Ive been with for 10 years in October is very special and I really appreciate him.


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My partner has done nothing to help me through the menopause. He tells me that the symptoms i get
are all in my head. I feel so alone sometimes, no one to talk to about it.


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Aw Trace - well, you've got us now so  :welcomemm:
Maybe try showing him the "Advice for Husbands" thread:-,2458.0.html
You'll find lots of support, info and understanding here. Maybe introduce yourself on "New Members" as newbies can get missed in the middle of existing threads and others will want to welcome you.
Bette x


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AwwTrace thats whats so good about being "here" we all know its not "in your head" and you can really express how you feel with such understanding from all the lovely ladies here.. there is always someone that has or is going through  the same as you ..  :hug:


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Yes you are right susan. I feel like i can't enjoy my life anymore. I just want to feel better.


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The best thing my partner has done to help me through this is marry me :) (we got married earlier this year).....he's nine years my junior too, bless him (he must need his head examining!!)..and I know Im only just at the beginning of the 'change' and yet he remains calm, loving and supportive......I know I'm very lucky......and just hope I don't drive him away with my mood swings!!!!!!!!!!!!  :o 8)
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